# Azure Update Cert Create SSL certificate and bind domain for Azure web application: 1. Create web SSL certificate for certificate taken from key vault SSL certificate ( `kv-id`, `kv-secret-name` ) 2. Create domain (`domain`) for app service (`app-service-name`) and certificate ( `thumbprint` ). Thumbprint should be the thumbprint of the certificate created by first step. # Build Status [](https://travis-ci.org/melezhik/sparrowdo-azure-web-cert-module) # Prerequisites * Az cli # Usage $ nano sparrowfile module_run "Azure::Web::Cert", %( domain => "app.domain.foo", thumbprint => "ABC010101H0A....", az-res-group => "my-az-grp", kv-id => "my-kv-storage", kv-secret-name => "production-cert", app-service => "app" ) $ sparrowdo --no_sudo --local_mode # Parameters ## az-res-group Azure resource group ## thumbprint SSL certificate thumbprint ## domain Domain name ## kv-id Key vault identification ## kv-secret-name Key vault secret name ## app-service Azure application service name # Modes ## Default This mode is applied by default. ARM templates are generated, validated and executed. You can choose options, read next two sections. ## Dry run mode In this mode ARM templates are generated, but not executed. Set config<mode> to `dry-run`: %( mode => 'dry-run', # Other params ) ## Validate mode In this mode ARM templates are generated, validated but not executed. Set config<mode> to `validate`: %( mode => 'validate', # Other params ) # Skip certificate creation stage $ cat config.pl %( skip-cert-crt => True # Other params ) # Check ssl cert ( check-ssl => True # Other params ) # Author Alexey Melezhik