# Synopsis [Sparrowdo](https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo) provision for [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io) backed instances.  # Install $ zef install Sparrowform # Limitations Currently only ***ssh instances with public IPs are supported*** ( usually is what one has when deploy aws ec2 instances with public IPs ). Ping me if you need more flavors/ways support. # Usage ## Write some Terraform scenarios and deploy some instances $ terraform apply ## Create Sparrowodo scenarios, one per instance Scenarios should be named as `$terrafrom-instance-type.$terraform-instance-ID.sparrowfile` $ nano aws_instance.example.sparrowfile $ nano aws_instance.example2.sparrowfile $ nano aws_instance.example3.sparrowfile # ... See also [Sparrowdo one liners option](#using-sparrowdo-one-liners-instead-of-scenarios) on how to run sparrowdo tasks/modules not scenarios. ## Run Sparrowdo provision This command will run Sparrowdo scenarios for all instances for which files `$terrafrom-instance-ID.sparrowfile` exist: $ sparrowform ## Handling ssh connections You may pass ssh connection parameters by specifying [sparrowdo cli](https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo#sparrowdo-client-command-line-parameters) parameters: $ sparrowform --ssh_user=ec2-user --ssh_private_key=/path/to/ssh.key ## Using [sparrowdo one liners](https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo#--module_run) instead of scenarios: # install Nginx on all instances: $ sparrowform --module_run=Nginx # check if Nginx alive on all instances: $ sparrowform --task_run=bash@command='"ps uax|grep nginx"' # install packages $ sparrowform --task_run=package-generic@list="'nano mc'" ## Default Sparrowdo scenario If you don't want bother with creating scenarios for every instance, you may choose to defined _default_ scenario. Create scenario named `sparrowfile`: $ nano sparrowfile bash "apt-get update"; So, these instances which do not have a related Sparrowdo scenarios files will use this _default_ scenario. ## Debugging If something goes awry ... Enable SPF_DEBUG variable to see internal output: $ SPF_DEBUG=1 sparrowform ## Dry run If you only want to see which instances would be deployed, run with SPG_DRYRUN enabled: $ SPF_DRYRUN=1 sparrowform # Author Alexey Melezhik # See also * [Sparrowdo](https://github.com/melezhik/sparrowdo) * [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io)