package FastGlob; =head1 NAME FastGlob - A faster glob() implementation =head1 SYNOPSIS use FastGlob qw(glob); @list = &glob('*.c'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements globbing in perl, rather than forking a csh. This is faster than the built-in glob() call, and more robust (on many platforms, csh chokes on C<echo *> if too many files are in the directory.) There are several module-local variables that can be set for alternate environments, they are listed below with their (UNIX-ish) defaults. $FastGlob::dirsep = '/'; # directory path separator $FastGlob::rootpat = '\A\Z'; # root directory prefix pattern $FastGlob::curdir = '.'; # name of current directory in dir $FastGlob::parentdir = '..'; # name of parent directory in dir $FastGlob::hidedotfiles = 1; # hide filenames starting with . So for MS-DOS for example, you could set these to: $FastGlob::dirsep = '\\'; # directory path separator $FastGlob::rootpat = '[A-Z]:'; # <Drive letter><colon> pattern $FastGlob::curdir = '.'; # name of current directory in dir $FastGlob::parentdir = '..'; # name of parent directory in dir $FastGlob::hidedotfiles = 0; # hide filenames starting with . And for MacOS to: $FastGlob::dirsep = ':'; # directory path separator $FastGlob::rootpat = '\A\Z'; # root directory prefix pattern $FastGlob::curdir = '.'; # name of current directory in dir $FastGlob::parentdir = '..'; # name of parent directory in dir $FastGlob::hidedotfiles = 0; # hide filenames starting with . =head1 INSTALLATION Copy this module to the Perl 5 Library directory. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1997 Marc Mengel. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR Marc Mengel E<lt>F<>E<gt> =cut use Exporter (); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw(&glob); @EXPORT_OK = qw(dirsep rootpat curdir parentidr hidedotfiles); use strict; # be good no strict 'vars'; # ... but not *that* good # # recursively wildcard expand a list of strings # # platform specifics $dirsep = '/'; $rootpat= '\A\Z'; $curdir = '.'; $parentdir = '..'; $hidedotfiles = 1; $verbose = 0; sub glob { my($string) = $_[0]; my(@comps,@res,@list,$re); # check for and do tilde expansion if ( $string =~ /^\~([^${dirsep}]*)/ ) { if ( $1 eq "" ) { @list = getpwuid($<); } else { @list = getpwnam($1); } $string =~ s/^\~([^${dirsep}]*)/$list[7]/; } # if there's no wildcards, just return it if ( ! $string =~ /(^|[^\\])[*?\[\]{}]/ ) { return ($string); } # Make the glob into a regexp # escape + , and | $re = $string; $re =~ s/[+.|]/\\$&/go; # handle * and ? $re =~ s/(\A|[^\\])\*/$1.*/go; $re =~ s/(\A|[^\\])\?/$1./go; # deal with {xxx,yyy,zzz} -> (xxx|yyy|zzz) (while works for nested...) while ( $re =~ /\{([^\{\}]*)\}/) { @altlist = split(',',$1); $re =~ s/\{([^\{\}]*)\}/"(" . join("|", @altlist) . ")"/e; } # deal with dot files if ( $hidedotfiles ) { $re =~ s%(\A|${dirsep})\.\*%${1}([^.].*)?%go; $re =~ s%(\A|${dirsep})\.%${1}[^.]?%go; } # debugging print "regexp is $re\n" if ($verbose); # now split it into directory components @comps = split( ${dirsep}, ${re} ); if ( $comps[0] =~ /${rootpat}/ ) { shift(@comps); @res = &recurseglob( "$&$dirsep", "$&$dirsep" , @comps ); } else { @res = &recurseglob( $curdir, '' , @comps ); } return sort(@res); } sub recurseglob { my($dir, $dirname, @comps) = @_; my(@res) = (); my($re, $anymatches, @names, $string); if ( $#comps == -1 ) { # boottom of recursion, just return the path chop($dirname); # always has gratiutous trailning slash @res = ($dirname); } else { $re = '\A' . shift(@comps) . '\Z'; # slurp in the directory opendir(HANDLE, $dir); @names = readdir(HANDLE); closedir(HANDLE); # look for matches, and if you find one, glob the rest of the # components. We eval the loop so the regexp gets compiled in, # making searches on large directories faster. $anymatches = 0; $string = <<EOF; foreach \$name (\@names) { if ( \$name =~ /$re/o ) { if ( \$name ne "$curdir" && \$name ne "$parentdir") { unshift(\@res, &recurseglob( "$dir$dirsep\$name", "$dirname\$name$dirsep", \@comps )); } elsif ( $#comps == -1 ) { unshift(\@res, "$dirname\$name" ); } \$anymatches = 1; } } EOF print "evaling: $string\n" if ($verbose); eval $string; } return @res; } sub globtest { my(@t0, @t1, $udiffm, $sdiffm, $udiffg, $sdiffg, @list); local($,); $, = " "; while (<>) { chomp; @t0 = times(); @list = &glob($_); @t1 = times(); $udiffm = ($t1[0] + $t1[2]) - ($t0[0] + $t0[2]); $sdiffm = ($t1[1] + $t1[3]) - ($t0[1] + $t0[3]); print "@list\n"; @t0 = times(); @list = glob($_); @t1 = times(); $udiffg = ($t1[0] + $t1[2]) - ($t0[0] + $t0[2]); $sdiffg = ($t1[1] + $t1[3]) - ($t0[1] + $t0[3]); print "@list\n"; print "mine: [${udiffm}u\t${sdiffm}s]\n"; print "glob: [${udiffg}u\t${sdiffg}s]\n"; } } 1; __END__