MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object - Bibliographic Wikidata object defined
    by MARC record.

     use MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object;

     my $obj = MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object->new(%params);
     my $authors_ar = $obj->authors;
     my $authors_of_afterword_ar = $obj->authors_of_afterword;
     my $authors_of_introduction_ar = $obj->authors_of_introduction;
     my $compilers = $obj->compilers;
     my $cover = $obj->cover;
     my $cycles_ar = $obj->cycles;
     my $directors_ar = $obj->directors;
     my $dml = $obj->dml;
     my $edition_number = $obj->edition_number;
     my $editors_ar = $obj->editors;
     my $end_time = $obj->end_time;
     my $external_ids_ar = $obj->external_ids;
     my $full_name = $obj->full_name;
     my $illustrators_ar = $obj->illustrators;
     my $isbns_ar = $obj->isbns;
     my $issn = $obj->issn;
     my $kramerius_ar = $obj->krameriuses;
     my $languages_ar = $obj->languages;
     my $narrators_ar = $obj->narrators;
     my $number_of_pages = $obj->number_of_pages;
     my $photographers_ar = $obj->photographers;
     my $publication_date = $obj->publication_date;
     my $publishers_ar = $obj->publishers;
     my $series_ar = $obj->series;
     my $start_time = $obj->start_time;
     my $subtitles_ar = $obj->subtitles;
     my $title = $obj->title;
     my $translators_ar = $obj->translators;

     my $obj = MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object->new(%params);


    Returns instance of object.

    *       "authors"

            List of authors. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "authors_of_afterword"

            List of authors of afterword. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "authors_of_introduction"

            List of authors of introduction. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "compilers"

            List of compilers. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "cover"

            Book cover. Possible values: * hardback * paperback

            Default value is undef.

    *       "cycles"

            List of book cycles. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Series instances.

            Default value is [].

    *       "directors"

            List of directors. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "dml"

            DML id.

            Default value is undef.

    *       "edition_number"

            Edition number.

            Default value is undef.

    *       "editors"

            List of editors. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "end_time"

            End time.

            Default value is undef.

    *       "external_ids"

            External ids.

            Need to be a reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ExternalId instances.

            Default value is [].

    *       "illustrators"

            List of illustrators. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "isbns"

            List of ISBNs. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "issn"

            ISSN number.

            Default value is undef.

    *       "krameriuses"

            List of Kramerius systems with digitized scan. Reference to
            array with MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Kramerius instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "languages"

            List of languages of book edition (TODO Format)

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "narrators"

            List of narrators. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "number_of_pages"

            Number of pages.

            Default value is undef.

    *       "photographers"

            List of photographers. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

    *       "publication_date"

            Publication date.

            Default value is undef.

    *       "publishers"

            List of Publishers. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher instances.

            Default value is [].

    *       "series"

            List of book series. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Series instances.

            Default value is [].

    *       "start_time"

            Start time.

            Default value is undef.

    *       "subtitles"

            List of subtitles. Reference to array with strings.

            Default value is [].

    *       "title"

            Title of book edition.

            Default value is undef.

    *       "translators"

            List of translators. Reference to array with
            MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People instances.

            Default value is reference to blank array.

     my $authors_ar = $obj->authors;

    Get reference to array with author objects.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

     my $authors_of_afterword_ar = $obj->authors_of_afterword;

    Get reference to array with author of afterword objects.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

     my $authors_of_introduction_ar = $obj->authors_of_introduction;

    Get reference to array with author of introduction objects.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

     my $compilers_ar = $obj->compilers;

    Get list of compilers.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

     my $cover = $obj->cover;

    Get book cover.

    Returns string (hardback or paperback).

     my $cycles_ar = $obj->cycles;

    Get reference to array with Serie item objects.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Series

     my $directors_ar = $obj->directors;

    Get list of directors.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

     my $dml = $obj->dml;

    Get DML id.

    Returns number.

     my $edition_number = $obj->edition_number;

    Get edition number.

    Returns number.

     my $editors_ar = $obj->editors;

    Get list of editors.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

     my $end_time = $obj->end_time;

    Get end time.

    Returns number.

     my $external_ids_ar = $obj->external_ids;

    Get list of external ids.

    Returns reference to array with
    MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ExternalId instances.

     my $full_name = $obj->full_name;

    Get full name of edition in format '__TITLE__: __SUBTITLE__'.

    Returns string.

     my $illustrators_ar = $obj->illustrators;

    Get list of illustrators.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

     my $isbns_ar = $obj->isbns;

    Get list of ISBNs.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN

     my $issn = $obj->issn;

    Get ISSN number.

    Returns string.

     my $kramerius_ar = $obj->krameriuses;

    Get reference to array with Kramerius item objects.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Kramerius

     my $languages_ar = $obj->languages;


     my $narrators_ar = $obj->narrators;

    Get list of narrators.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

     my $number_of_pages = $obj->number_of_pages;


     my $photographers_ar = $obj->photographers;

    Get reference to array with photographers objects.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

     my $publication_date = $obj->publication_date;


     my $publishers_ar = $obj->publishers;

    Get list of publishing houses.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher

     my $series_ar = $obj->series;

    Get reference to array with Serie item objects.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Series

     my $start_time = $obj->start_time;

    Get start time.

    Returns number.

     my $subtitles_ar = $obj->subtitles;

    Get reference to array with subtitles.

    Returns reference to array of strings.

     my $title = $obj->title;

    Get title.

    Returns string.

     my $translators_ar = $obj->translators;

    Get list of translators.

    Returns reference to array of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People

             From Mo::utils::check_array_object():
                     Author isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People' object.
                     Author of afterword isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People' object.
                     Author of introduction isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People' object.
                     Book series isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Series' object.
                     Book cover '%s' doesn't exist.
                     Book cycle isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Series' object.
                     Compiler isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People' object.
                     Director isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People' object.
                     Editor isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People' object.
                     External id isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ExternalId' object.
                     Illustrator isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People' object.
                     Narrator isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People' object.
                     Parameter 'authors' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'authors_of_afterword' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'authors_of_introduction' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'compilers' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'cycles' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'directors' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'editors' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'end_time' must be a number.
                     Parameter 'external_ids' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'illustrators' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'languages' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'narrators' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'publishers' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'series' must be a array.
                     Parameter 'start_time' must be a number.
                     Parameter 'translators' must be a array.
                     Publisher isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher' object.
                     Translator isn't 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People' object.
             From Mo::utils::check_number():
                     Parameter '%s' must a number.
                             Value: %s

     use strict;
     use warnings;

     use Data::Printer;
     use MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object;
     use MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ExternalId;
     use MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN;
     use MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People;
     use MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher;
     use Unicode::UTF8 qw(decode_utf8);
     my $aut = MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People->new(
             'date_of_birth' => '1952-12-08',
             'external_ids' => [
                             'name' => 'nkcr_aut',
                             'value' => 'jn20000401266',
             'name' => decode_utf8('Jiří'),
             'surname' => 'Jurok',

     my $publisher = MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher->new(
             'name' => decode_utf8('Město Příbor'),
             'place' => decode_utf8('Příbor'),

     my $isbn = MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN->new(
             'isbn' => '80-238-9541-9',
             'publisher' => $publisher,

     my $obj = MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object->new(
             'authors' => [$aut],
             'date_of_publication' => 2002,
             'edition_number' => 2,
             'external_ids' => [
                             'name' => 'cnb',
                             'value' => 'cnb001188266',
                             'name' => 'lccn',
                             'value' => '53860313',
             'isbns' => [$isbn],
             'number_of_pages' => 414,
             'publishers' => [$publisher],
     p $obj;

     # Output:
     # MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object  {
     #     parents: Mo::Object
     #     public methods (8):
     #         BUILD, full_name
     #         Error::Pure:
     #             err
     #         List::MoreUtils::XS:
     #             none
     #         Mo::utils:
     #             check_array, check_array_object, check_number
     #         Readonly:
     #             Readonly
     #     private methods (0)
     #     internals: {
     #         authors               [
     #             [0] MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::People
     #         ],
     #         date_of_publication   2002,
     #         edition_number        2,
     #         external_ids          [
     #             [0] MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ExternalId,
     #             [1] MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ExternalId
     #         ],
     #         isbns                 [
     #             [0] MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN
     #         ],
     #         number_of_pages       414,
     #         publishers            [
     #             [0] MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher
     #         ]
     #     }
     # }

    Error::Pure, List::MoreUtils, Mo, Mo::utils, Readonly.

        Conversion class between MARC record and Wikidata object.


    Michal Josef Špaček <>


    © Michal Josef Špaček 2021-2024

    BSD 2-Clause License
