// Amelia II - User visible changes

== 1.7.6 (24 Nov 2019) ==
  * Added "x.las" and "gap.xaxis" arguments to missmap() to allow for more
  control over the axis.
  * Added xlim/ylim arguments to disperse()
  * Moved documentation to roxygen
  * Fixed bug in compare.density() when only 1 missing value. 
  * Minor bug fixes

== 1.7.5 (07 May 2018) ==
  * Fixed bug with factor names under perfect collinearity
  * Added "draws" argument to overimp to control number of overimputation draws
  * Fix issue with tibbles and tscsPlot()
  * Fix issues with missmap()
  * Fixed issue with iterHist indicators being reversed

== 1.7.4 (21 Nov 2015) ==
   * Fixed issue with log axes in overimpute
   * Allow for vector in 'main' argument in tscsPlot()
   * Moved a collinearity check from error to warning.
   * Handle subsets better in moPrep()
   * tscsPlot() won't throw an error when cs is unspecified and plotall=TRUE
   * Fixed other small bugs and issues
== 1.7.3 (14 Nov 2014) ==
   * Fixed bug with overimp not being respected
   * Added an argument boot.type='none' to amelia() to allow it to run on the original, non-bootstrapped data
   * Fixed bug in plot.amelia() with matrix inputs
   * Fixed bug with lower bounds not being respected
   * Made compatible with most recent versions of Rcpp and RcppArmadillo

== 1.7.2 (08 Jun 2013) == 
   * Bug fixes to priors (especially important for multiple overimputation).
   * Fixed issue with names of imputations for integration with Zelig.

== 1.7.1 (24 Mar 2013) == 
   * Speed improvement (thanks to Paul Johnson).
   * Amelia now requires R>=2.13.5
   * missmap() now displays correctly when data is completely observed. 
   * An error is now called when users try to use overimpute() on a variable marked as nominal. 
   * Fixed a bug when all imputations resulted in uninvertible covariance matrices. 
   * Fixed a bug where incorrectly setting the emburn argument could cause a segfault. 
   * Various package cleanups for CRAN compatibility.

== 1.7 (10 Feb 2013) ==
   * Ported core EM algorithm to C++. Speed should increase. 
   * Plots in AmeliaView should now use Quartz on Mac OS X instead of X11.
   * Amelia now requires R >=2.14.0.
   * Amelia now can run its imputations in parallel using infrastructure from R's parallel package. Note that R < 2.15.3 will crash if parallel is used while tcltk is loaded (or has been loaded and then unloaded). This will be fixed in R 2.15.3 (the patched version of 2.15.2) and we will require R>=2.15.3 when that version is released. 
   * Fixed bug with priors not working correctly. 
   * Fixed bug with character variables set to nominal. 

== 1.6 (22 Feb 2012) ==
   * Added a transform function to create transformed variables 
   in the imputed datasets.
   * Added a mi.meld() function that can combine quantities of 
   interest using the Rubin rules.
   * Added a subset arugment to overimpute. 
   * write.amelia() can now create a stacked/long imputed 
   datatset (also updated to AmeliaView)
   * Fixed a bug in moPrep (Thanks to Jeff Arnold for the patch)
   * missmap() has an arugment to not re-order the variables.

== 1.5-4 ==
   * Fixed a bug with error messages.

== 1.5-3 ==
   * Fixed a bug with completely missing rows in the tscsPlot().

== 1.5-2 (26 Apr 2011) ==
   * Fixed a bug in the handling of priors.

== 1.5-1 (23 Nov 2010) ==
   * Fixed a bug in the new GUI where it didn't respect the "intercs" option.

== 1.5-0 (23 Nov 2010) ==
   * Major changes to the AmeliaView GUI. 

== 1.2-18 (4 Nov 2010) ==
   * Fixed a bug when all variables are set to nominal or ordinal.

== 1.2-17 (10 May 2010) ==
   * Fixed a bug with the 'ask' argument when using "plot" on an
   'amelia' object. 

== 1.2-16 (20 Mar 2010)  ==
   * Fixed a bug when priors specified. 
   * When priors are used, Amelia now tries to use starting values 
   with the prior-filled data. 

== 1.2-15 (20 Feb 2010)  ==
   * Fixed a bug when only 1 variable is not an ID variable or a
   nominal/ordinal variable. 
   * Fixed a bug with the naming of columns in the imputation

== 1.2-14 (16 Nov 2009)  == 

   *  Fixed a bug that "ords" variables would return multiple copies
      of the same level.  

== 1.2-13 (09 Aug 2009)  == 

   *  Fixed a small bug in the error checking routines that handled
      nominal variables. 

== 1.2-12 (11 Jul 2009)  == 

   *  Fixed a bug in AmeliaView that caused it to crash.

== 1.2-11 (10 Jul 2009)  == 

   * Minor bugfixes in removing test code from AmeliaView() and
     handling of the priors.

== 1.2-10 (07 Jul 2009)  == 

   * Fixed a bug in the error checking routine that occurred when
     users put all of their variables into one of (idvars, noms,
     ords, ts, cs).

== 1.2-9 (02 Jul 2009) ==

   * Fixed typos in the manual with regard to ridge priors and
     clarified the advice about them.

=== 1.2-8 (01 Jul 2009) ==

    * Major update to the Amelia manual (now compiled as a vignette 
      using Sweave).
    * Changed a typo that stated values were the "percent missing" 
      when they should have been "fraction missing." This is fixed. 

=== 1.2-7 (29 Jul 2009) ==

    * In the amelia output, mu and covMatrices now have relevant
      dimension names to be able to tell which column which.

    * Fixed a bug in the handling of priors that may have affected
      answers, but not significantly.

    * The missmap() function can now accept any matrix or data.frame,
      not just Amelia output. This allows for drawing a missingness
      map before running amelia().

== 1.2-0 (09 Apr 2009) == 

    * Amelia output is now an instance of the S3 class 'amelia'. 

    * Imputations are now stored in a list of length 'm' (the number
      of imputations) in output$imputations, which is of the class
      'mi', making it simple to pass to Zelig. 

    * Amelia output contains a matrix of means (one column for each
      imputation) and an array of covariance matrices. These are the
      posterior modes found by the EM algorithm in each imputation.