2020-13-11 Anton Gagin <av.gagin@gmail.com> * Version 0.1-8 * R/interface.R: fixed bug in set.sigma() when providing more than one noise estimation level leads to crashing. 2020-25-10 Anton Gagin <av.gagin@gmail.com> * Version 0.1-7 * R/interface.R: function set.sigma() now uses `aws` package for signal denoising 2016-03-09 Anton Gagin <av.gagin@gmail.com> * Version 0.1-6 * inst/gui/server.R: added possibility to download PDF with corresponding uncertainty intervals prior to background estimation * revised help file 2015-09-03 Anton Gagin <anton.gagin@nist.gov> * Version 0.1-4 * R/interface.R: function set.sigma() now uses `wmtsa` package for signal denoising functions read.sqa(), read.sqb(), and read.data() now deal with NaN data * inst/gui/server.R: added possibility to calculate and plot PDF with corresponding uncertainty intervals prior to background estimation added possibility to rescale y-scale sliders solved truncate-input problem added possibility to download split PDFGetN .sqa-files 2015-09-03 Anton Gagin <anton.gagin@nist.gov> * Version 0.1-3 * R/interface.R: added function fix.merge() to merge PDFGetN .fix-files * R/interface.R: added function sqa.split() to split PDFGetN .sqa-file into individual files for each databank * inst/gui/server.R: "Download .fix file" now fills with zeroes truncated regions