version 1.0 (2012-10-01) It starts as a copy of BLR version 1.3 Major changes, new list interface, models added for continuous, discrete and censored traits For continuous traits: -BayesA -BayesB -BayesC-pi -RKHS(reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces) For discrete traits -Binary responses -Ordinal responses New functions to read and write plink files in binary format version 1.0.1 Initial release version 1.0.2 Some documentation fixes, some comments added to the code version 1.0.3 Some methods added: summary, residuals, predict, effects version 1.0.4 Methods added to deal with heterogeneous variances Bug fixes for BayesB and BayesC-pi. There was a bug that included markers that should not appear in the model version 1.0.5 Using BRR_sets (BRR_windows removed) Saving effects in binary files & computing windows version 1.0.6 Never released, problems with reverse depencies version 1.0.7 Removing OpenMP Flags, C code for registring routines added Update urls version 1.0.8 Bayesian Ridge Regression now supports (square) triangular matrices and samples effects efficiently Sampling from truncated normal distribution is performed using the truncnorm library Fixes in C code for avoiding integer overflow in sampling functions with large datasets CITATION added Several fixes for displaying messages when using stop(), cat(), etc. version 1.0.9 Saving effects in binary files now supports two storage modes: 8 bits (double, default) and 4 bits (single). Added several functions, i)BLRCross and ii)BLRXy which implements efficient fitting of models based on summary statistics X'X and X'y, which is faster when number of individuals (n) is bigger than the number of markers(p). Added functions to fit multitrait models with arbitrary number of random effects. version 1.1.0 Added Biochemistry information in data.frame mice.pheno. Added genetic map for mice dataset. Added support for saving fixed effects. Added new routines to speed up computations in Multitrait models. version 1.1.1 Small bug fix when printing error information from dgesv routine in file sampler_multitrait.c version 1.1.2 Added support for common and specific fixed effects for multitrait models. Added support for summary statistics for phenotypes in BLRCross (sample mean, sample variance, number of records), bug fixes. version 1.1.3 Improving computational routines for sampling regression coefficients for models based on summary statistics (C routine sampler_DiracSS_v2).