Changes to package DoE.MIParray

Version 1.0-1, August 2023
- added an alias DoE.MIParray-package, as requested by CRAN team
- removed unnecessary arguments from internal function documentation
- added error message for the unlikely case that a user calls the internal 
  function with the intention of calling base::levels 
  on an object of class no

Version 1.0, September 2021
- added an argument find.only (default FALSE for backward compatibility) to
  mosek_MIParray and gurobi_MIParray; find.only=TRUE permits to search
  for an array with the requested resolution only, without attempting
  to improve A_R; thus, difficult cases can be handled without being forced
  to spend "maxtime" a second time on a doomed attempt at improvement
- suppressed warnings (because of too many levels) of GWLP for calls from within package functions
- prevented optimization attempts of A_nfac,
  because A_nfac is a consequence of the earlier A_j values
- mosek_MIParray and gurobi_MIParray:
  fixed early stop in case an optimal array (confirmed by overall bound
  from lowerbounds()) is found while enforcing the resolution
- gurobi_MIPcontinue and mosek_MIPcontinue: fixed early stop
  (was implemented for mosek_MIPcontinue only,
  where it did not adjust the status indicator)
- mosek_MIPsearch and gurobi_MIPsearch:
  - improved automatic stop,
  - properly implemented forced runs,
  - added the find.only argument (with default TRUE)
  - and removed start values (because they do not make sense).
- added function create_ILPlist
for creating a list of integer linear problems
  in Mosek format (mainly for use in a write function, see next bullet)
- added functions write_MPSILP (internal, used in write_MPSILPlist) and write_MPSILPlist for writing a single linear problem
  or a list of linear problems in the universal MPS format,
- added functions create_MIQP (internal, used in write_MPSMIQP) and write_MPSMIQP for exporting a quadratic optimization problem
  in MPS format (using the section QUADOBJ that is supported at least by Mosek,
  Gurobi and IBM CPLEX)
- added references to the documentation
- functions ff, dToCount and countToDmixed are now exported and thus documented,
  and dToCount gained a new argument nlevels
- documentation for oa_feasible adapted to change in DoE.base
- fixed print.oa versus the version from DoE.base, because the latter
  prints "\n" instead of breaking the line for oa objects produced by
- added test cases for the new functionality

Version 0.13, July 2019
- edited several documentation files to include references to the search functionality
- added information regarding the new Mosek parameter MSK_IPAR_MIO_SEED (from Mosek version 9),
  which allows to modify the search path by different random number initializations
  (default 42)
- documented class qco and linked to the documentation for class oa
- added more detail on Rmosek package versions to the installation instructions
  for Rmosek, and updated Description to reflect availability of Rmosek on CRAN
- moved the print.oa function to package DoE.base
  (but kept a duplicate of the documentation, because of error otherwise)
- removed obsolete internal functions gurobi_rsave, mosek_rsave, and countToD

Version 0.12, March 2019
- added search functions for searching over factor orders (performance may
  strongly depend on the factor order)
- added print.oa to remove all attributes except a few specific ones
- added contr.XuWu to exports
- updated literature references
- updated information on availability of Rmosek

Version 0.11, March 2018
- modified gurobi_MIPcontinue and mosek_MIPcontinue to use the lower bounds for A_R,
  where possible
- removed lowerbound_AR and relatives, because these are now in DoE.base 0.32
- export a few central quality criteria / equivalence checking functions from DoE.base
- changed wording in Description so that a CRAN version of Rmosek is no longer implied
  (since Rmosek will be removed from CRAN according to its maintainer)

Version 0.10, September 26 2017
- single-quoted software names for avoiding "potentially mis-spelled" note
- added URLs for installation instructions for packages gurobi and Rmosek to the Description file
- added key words to lowerbound_AR documentation

Version 0.9, September 22 2017
- sharpened the lower bound for AR for resolution II
  based on Liu and Lin 2009

Version 0.8, September 04 2017
- incorporated bound for A_R from Gr?mping and Xu (2014) Theorem 5
  into gurobi_MIParray and mosek_MIParray; this allows to avoid potentially
  lengthy confirmations of optimality, where all R factor projections have weak strength R.
  Initially, the functions lowerbounds and lowerbound_AR are included here;
  eventually, they will be moved to package DoE.base.
- made sure to export a reduced MIPinfo attribute if only an early phase in a multiphase optimization
  did not achieve optimality (nothing was output for mosek_MIParray and gurobi_MIParray before)
- changed the order of the list elements in the MIPinfo attribute for gurobi_ functions to match that of
  mosek_ functions, and placed info element last in MIPinfo also for gurobi
- switched to Mosek version, which implies a change in the presolve option
- added check for generated integer variables to mosek_MIParray and mosek_MIPcontinue
  (through utility mosek_modelAddConeQobj),
  since starting values for integer variables (even derived ones from presolve) need to be integer;
  this improves the situation, but does not cover all situations for which implicit integers
  cause trouble --> wait for Mosek version 9 to hopefully resolve the problem
- made the MIPcontinue functions use upper bounds from previous runs for improve=TRUE cases
- exported print.oa function from DoE.base
  (had to define it within DoE.MIParray for that purpose, since DoE.base does not export it)
- added tests to the inst directory
- fixed a bug in gurobi_MIParray and mosek_MIParray regarding feasibility checks for resolution I designs
- fixed a bug in mosek_MIPcontinue

Version 0.7, August 17 2017
- added option for a start array to gurobi_MIParray
  and mosek_MIParray
- added option for forced elements to gurobi_MIParray
  and mosek_MIParray
- cleaned up unnecessary defaults from gurobi.params
  and mosek.params in all functions
- added overall package documentation file
- combined documentation of gurobi_MIParray and mosek_MIParray
  into one file

Version 0.6, August 15 2017
- added NEWS file
- MIQCPMethod gets default 0
- MIPFocus added as a parameter with default 1 for gurobi_MIParray
  and default 0 for gurobi_MIPcontinue
- heurist and MIPFocus are deactivated for initial linear problem
  in gurobi_MIParray
- store time used for initial linear problem in the info attribute

Version 0.5
- moved functions oa_feasible and print.oa to package DoE.base
- checking feasibility with that function
- MIQCPMethod had default -1
- only heurist was deactivated for initial linear problem
  in gurobi_MIParray

Version 0.4.0
- checking feasibility with function oa_feasible
- fixed a bug which implied that setting MIQCPMethod
  did not work in case of also setting gurobi.params