‘FAIRmaterials’ is a bilingual package in R and Python that translates several CSV files from the template (described below) with ontological terms and corresponding data into RDF triples. These RDF triples are then stored in OWL and JSON-LD files, facilitating data accessibility, interoperability, and knowledge unification. The triples are also visualized in a graph saved as an SVG or as a PNG with the Python package. The Python package has a fourth output too. It generates documentation for the output ontology as an HTML.
Put the sheets, created from the template (described below), for one or more ontologies in a folder and the ‘FAIRmaterials’ ‘process_ontology_files’ or ‘FAIRSheetParser’ function will output a JSON-LD, turtle/OWL, SVG/PNG visualization, and HTML documentation into the input folder for all the input ontologies merged. Note that a folder containing only files for one ontology will give results for just that ontology and specifying a base uri is required for merging ontologies. The package can handle subdirectories by producing separate unmerged outputs for each subdirectory and a merged output from all files in the input path. This tool, developed for use by the SDLE Research Center at Case Western Reserve University, facilitates the creation and visualization of material science ontologies.
To Prepare your CSV files, ensure your CSV files contains the appropriate ontological terms and corresponding data using this template: FAIR CSV Template
The XLSX versions of the templates can be found in the package using this code:
# Load the necessary library
# Specifying the path to the Zip file
zip_file <- system.file("extdata", "FAIRSheetTemplatesZIP.zip", package = "FAIRmaterials")
# Extract files from the Zip
unzip(zip_file, exdir = "path/to/destination/for/templates")
Example Name Space Sheet:
Ontology Information Sheet:
Example Variable
Definitions Sheet: