## ----setup, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = FALSE, comment = "#>", prompt = FALSE, tidy = FALSE, echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, # Default figure options: dpi = 100, fig.align = 'center', fig.height = 6.0, fig.width = 6.5, out.width = "580px") ## ----pkgs, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, results = 'hide'-------------------- library(FFTrees) ## ----titanic-image, fig.align = "center", out.width="50%", echo = FALSE------- knitr::include_graphics("../inst/titanic.jpg") ## ----titanic-data-head-------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(12) # reproducible randomness rcases <- sort(sample(1:nrow(titanic), 10)) # Sample of data: knitr::kable(titanic[rcases, ], caption = "A sample of 10 observations from the `titanic` data.") ## ----titanic-fft, message = FALSE, results = 'hide'--------------------------- # Create FFTs for the titanic data: titanic.fft <- FFTrees(formula = survived ~., data = titanic, main = "Surviving the Titanic", decision.labels = c("Died", "Survived")) ## ----titanic-cues, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6, out.width = "500px", fig.cap = "**Figure 1**: Cue accuracies of FFTs predicting survival in the `titanic` dataset."---- plot(titanic.fft, what = "cues", main = "Cues predicting Titanic survival") ## ----titanic-plot, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 7, fig.align = 'center', out.width = "75%", fig.cap="**Figure 2**: Plotting the best FFT of an `FFTrees` object."---- plot(titanic.fft, tree = 1) ## ----titanic-what-tree, fig.align = 'center', fig.height = 6, fig.width = 9, out.width = "550px", fig.cap = "**Figure 3**: An FFT diagram with icon arrays on exit nodes."---- # Plot tree diagram with icon arrays: plot(titanic.fft, what = "icontree", n.per.icon = 50, show.iconguide = TRUE) ## ----titanic-what-roc, fig.align = 'center', fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7, out.width = "550px", fig.cap = "**Figure 4**: Performance comparison of FFTs in ROC space."---- # Plot only the performance comparison in ROC space: plot(titanic.fft, what = "roc") ## ----titanic-args, fig.align = 'center', fig.height = 7, fig.width = 9, out.width = "550px", fig.cap = "**Figure 5**: Plotting selected elements."---- # Hide some elements of the FFT plot: plot(titanic.fft, show.icons = FALSE, # hide icons show.iconguide = FALSE, # hide icon guide show.header = FALSE # hide header ) ## ----titanic-data-tree-best-train, eval = FALSE------------------------------- # plot(titanic.fft, tree = "best.train") ## ----titanic-data-tree-best-test, eval = FALSE-------------------------------- # plot(titanic.fft, tree = "best.test") ## ----titanic-pred, message = FALSE, results = 'hide'-------------------------- set.seed(100) # for replicability of the training/test split titanic.pred.fft <- FFTrees(formula = survived ~., data = titanic, train.p = .50, # use 50% to train, 50% to test main = "Titanic", decision.labels = c("Died", "Survived") ) ## ----titanic-train, fig.cap = "**Figure 6**: Plotting the best FFT on _training_ data."---- # print(titanic.pred.fft, tree = 1) plot(titanic.pred.fft, tree = 1) ## ----titanic-test, fig.cap = "**Figure 7**: Plotting the best FFT on _test_ data."---- # print(titanic.pred.fft, data = "test", tree = 1) plot(titanic.pred.fft, data = "test", tree = 1) ## ----titanic-viz-2, fig.cap = "**Figure 8**: Plotting Tree\ #2."-------------- plot(titanic.pred.fft, data = "test", tree = 2)