Changes in GET 1.0-4

- Reference updates

Changes in GET 1.0-3

- Update GET.distrequal by adding methods of Konstantinou et al. (

Changes in GET 1.0-2

- Citation updates required by CRAN (refer to arXiv e-prints via their arXiv DOI)

Changes in GET 1.0-1

- Add function global_rq.
- Add vignette QuantileRegression

Changes in GET 1.0

- Add argument 'typeone' to global_envelope_test: the default 'fwer' corresponds to the previously available global envelope tests,
as specified by the argument 'type', while 'fdr' allows computation of FDR envelopes
- The argument 'typeone' was removed from graph.flm and frank.flm; it should be now passed to global_envelope_test in GET.args.
- Add curve_set function, with functionality similar to create_curve_set
- Add geom_central_region
- Add as.curve_set
- Rename GET.necdf -> GET.distrequal

Changes in GET 0.5

- Faster versions of graph.flm and frank.flm.
- Added new option contrasts = NULL to graph.flm.
- New vignette on HotSpots added.
- Add argument triangineq for fclustering (to allow faster computation, when it is fine not to check the triangineq condition).
- Other minor changes