## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library("GGIR") # GGIR(datadir = "/your/data/directory", # outputdir = "/your/output/directory", # mode = 1:5, # <= run GGIR parts 1 to 5 # do.report = c(2, 5), # <= generate csv-report for GGIR part 2 and part 5 # qwindow = c(0, 6, 12, 18, 24), # timewindow = "MM") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library("GGIR") # GGIR(datadir = "/your/data/directory", # outputdir = "/your/output/directory", # mode = 1:5, # <= run GGIR parts 1 to 5 # do.report = c(2, 5), # <= generate csv-report for GGIR part 2 and part 5 # qwindow = "/path/to/your/activity/log.csv", # timewindow = "MM") ## ----echo=FALSE, out.width = "60%", out.extra='style="border: 0; padding:20px"', fig.alt="GGIR logo"---- knitr::include_graphics("GGIR-MASTERLOGO-RGB.png")