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Everitt} \maketitle %%\VignetteIndexEntry{Chapter Multidimensional Scaling} %%\VignetteDepends{ape,wordcloud,MASS} \setcounter{chapter}{19} \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=figures/HSAUR,eps=FALSE,keep.source=TRUE} <<setup, echo = FALSE, results = hide>>= rm(list = ls()) s <- search()[-1] s <- s[-match(c("package:base", "package:stats", "package:graphics", "package:grDevices", "package:utils", "package:datasets", "package:methods", "Autoloads"), s)] if (length(s) > 0) sapply(s, detach, character.only = TRUE) if (!file.exists("tables")) dir.create("tables") if (!file.exists("figures")) dir.create("figures") set.seed(290875) options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+ ", width = 63, # digits = 4, show.signif.stars = FALSE, SweaveHooks = list(leftpar = function() par(mai = par("mai") * c(1, 1.05, 1, 1)), bigleftpar = function() par(mai = par("mai") * c(1, 1.7, 1, 1)))) HSAURpkg <- require("HSAUR3") if (!HSAURpkg) stop("cannot load package ", sQuote("HSAUR3")) rm(HSAURpkg) ### </FIXME> hm, R-2.4.0 --vanilla seems to need this a <- Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "C") ### </FIXME> book <- TRUE refs <- cbind(c("AItR", "DAGD", "SI", "CI", "ANOVA", "MLR", "GLM", "DE", "RP", "GAM", "SA", "ALDI", "ALDII", "SIMC", "MA", "PCA", "MDS", "CA"), 1:18) ch <- function(x) { ch <- refs[which(refs[,1] == x),] if (book) { return(paste("Chapter~\\\\ref{", ch[1], "}", sep = "")) } else { return(paste("Chapter~", ch[2], sep = "")) } } if (file.exists("deparse.R")) source("deparse.R") setHook(packageEvent("lattice", "attach"), function(...) { lattice.options(default.theme = function() standard.theme("pdf", color = FALSE)) }) @ \pagestyle{headings} <<singlebook, echo = FALSE>>= book <- FALSE @ <<MDS-setup, echo = FALSE, results = hide>>= x <- library("ape") library("wordcloud") @ \chapter[Multidimensional Scaling]{Multidimensional Scaling: British Water Voles and Voting in US Congress \label{MDS}} \section{Introduction} \section{Multidimensional Scaling} \section{Analysis Using \R{}} We can apply classical scaling to the distance matrix for populations of water voles using the \R{} function \Rcmd{cmdscale}. The following code finds the classical scaling solution and computes the two criteria for assessing the required number of dimensions as described above. <<MDS-voles-cmdscale, echo = TRUE>>= data("watervoles", package = "HSAUR3") voles_mds <- cmdscale(watervoles, k = 13, eig = TRUE) voles_mds$eig @ Note that some of the eigenvalues are negative. The criterion $P_2$ can be computed by <<MDS-voles-criterion1, echo = TRUE>>= sum(abs(voles_mds$eig[1:2]))/sum(abs(voles_mds$eig)) @ and the criterion suggested by \cite{HSAUR:Mardiaetal1979} is <<MDS-voles-criterion2, echo = TRUE>>= sum((voles_mds$eig[1:2])^2)/sum((voles_mds$eig)^2) @ The two criteria for judging number of dimensions differ considerably, but both values are reasonably large, suggesting that the original distances between the water vole populations can be represented adequately in two dimensions. The two-dimensional solution can be plotted by extracting the coordinates from the \Robject{points} element of the \Robject{voles\_mds} object; the plot is shown in Figure~\ref{MDS-watervoles-plot}. The \Rcmd{textplot} function from package \Rpackage{wordcloud} can be used to annotate the plot with non-overlapping text. \begin{figure} \begin{center} <<MDS-watervoles-plot, echo = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>= x <- voles_mds$points[,1] y <- voles_mds$points[,2] plot(x, y, xlab = "Coordinate 1", ylab = "Coordinate 2", xlim = range(x)*1.2, type = "n") textplot(x, y, words = colnames(watervoles), new = FALSE) @ \caption{Two-dimensional solution from classical multidimensional scaling of distance matrix for water vole populations. \label{MDS-watervoles-plot}} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <<MDS-watervoles-mst, echo = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>= library("ape") st <- mst(watervoles) plot(x, y, xlab = "Coordinate 1", ylab = "Coordinate 2", xlim = range(x)*1.2, type = "n") for (i in 1:nrow(watervoles)) { w1 <- which(st[i, ] == 1) segments(x[i], y[i], x[w1], y[w1]) } textplot(x, y, words = colnames(watervoles), new = FALSE) @ \caption{Minimum spanning tree for the \Robject{watervoles} data. \label{MDS-watervoles-mst}} \end{center} \end{figure} We shall now apply non-metric scaling to the voting behavior shown in Table~\ref{MDS-voting-tab}. Non-metric scaling is available with function \Rcmd{isoMDS} from package \Rpackage{MASS} \citep{HSAUR:VenablesRipley2002}: <<MDS-voting, echo = TRUE, results = hide>>= library("MASS") data("voting", package = "HSAUR3") voting_mds <- isoMDS(voting) @ and we again depict the two-dimensional solution (Figure~\ref{MDS-voting-plot}). The Figure suggests that voting behavior is essentially along party lines, although there is more variation among Republicans. The voting behavior of one of the Republicans (Rinaldo) seems to be closer to his democratic colleagues rather than to the voting behavior of other Republicans. \begin{figure} \begin{center} <<MDS-voting-plot, echo = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>= x <- voting_mds$points[,1] y <- voting_mds$points[,2] plot(x, y, xlab = "Coordinate 1", ylab = "Coordinate 2", xlim = range(voting_mds$points[,1])*1.2, type = "n") textplot(x, y, words = colnames(voting), new = FALSE) voting_sh <- Shepard(voting[lower.tri(voting)], voting_mds$points) @ \caption{Two-dimensional solution from non-metric multidimensional scaling of distance matrix for voting matrix. \label{MDS-voting-plot}} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure} \begin{center} <<MDS-voting-Shepard, echo = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>= plot(voting_sh, pch = ".", xlab = "Dissimilarity", ylab = "Distance", xlim = range(voting_sh$x), ylim = range(voting_sh$x)) lines(voting_sh$x, voting_sh$yf, type = "S") @ \caption{The Shepard diagram for the \Robject{voting} data shows some discrepancies between the original dissimilarities and the multidimensional scaling solution. \label{MDS-voting-shepard}} \end{center} \end{figure} \bibliographystyle{LaTeXBibTeX/refstyle} \bibliography{LaTeXBibTeX/HSAUR} \end{document}