## NEWS to package MKclass

## Version 0.5
- renamed return values of AUC.test from variable to model
- added further explanations in the documentation of decision stump as 
  suggested by Ondrej Such
- removed DESCRIPTION table in package Rd-file

## Version 0.4
- added na.rm argument to function AUC.
- adapted links (http -> https).
- added BSS
- changed package link to github repository 

## Version 0.3
- New function decisionStump to compute 1-level decision trees (1-rules).
- Added print and predict method for object of class decisionStump
- Changed return value of perfMeasures and perfScores to object of respective
- Introduced print methods for class perfMeasure and perfScore.
- Added new argument transform to function perfScores.

## Version 0.2
- Added several performance measures to function perfMeasures
- Changed the structure of functions perfMeasures and perfScores
- New function confMatrix, to compute confusion matrix including 
  a print method.

## Version 0.1
- Start of development
- Copied functions AUC, AUC.test, HLgof.test, optCutoff, 
  or2rr, pairwise.auc, perfMeasures, perfScores, predValues,
  risks, rrCI from package MKmisc