%\VignetteKeywords{Classification,Prediction,Class Prediction}




\title{Learning and predicting with statistical models}
\author{Kevin R. Coombes}




We start, as usual, by loading the appropriate package:

\section{Simulated DataSet}
In order to have something to test our models against, we simulate a
dataset that has enough underlying structure to make it interesting.
First, we set the random seed so that the results will be reproducible.
Next, we define the simulation parameters.  We will simulate a dataset
with \texttt{nFeatures} rows representing genes, only \texttt{nSignif} of
which are significantly associated with the outcome of interest.  We
assume that both the training set and test set come from the same
population, which is actually a mixture of two types, $A$ and $B$,
where the probability of belonging to type $B$ is given by
\texttt{pB}.  The significant genes are assumed to be differentially
expressed between the two types, with the difference in means
following a normal distribution ($\Delta \sim \textrm{Norm}(\delta,
nFeatures <- 10000
nSignif <- 100
pB <- 0.4
delta <- 1
sigma <- 0.3
nTrain <- 100
nTest <- 100
For cleanup purposes, we specify the names of things we can safely remove later.
paramlist <- c("nFeatures", "nSignif", "pB",
               "delta", "sigma", "nTrain", "nTest")

In addition to simulating the class assignment ($A$ or $B$), we will
also simulate a continuous outcome that represents a probability of
belonging to class $B$.  The continuous outcome
(Figure~\ref{betadist}) will follow a beta distribution with
parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$.
alpha <- 0.75
beta <- 0.95
round(100*pbeta(seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1), alpha, beta), 1)
xx <- seq(0, 1, length=300)
yy <- dbeta(xx, alpha, beta)
plot(xx, yy, type='l')
\caption{Probability of belonging to class B is simulated from this
  distribution, Beta(0.75, 0.95).}

Now we can actually start the simulation.  For the differentially
expressed genes, we make it equally likely that they are higher in $A$
or higher in $B$. 
signed <- -1 + 2*rbinom(nSignif, 1, 0.5)
As noted above, the magnitude of the difference follows a normal
offsets <- c(signed*rnorm(nSignif, delta, sigma), # can change in either direction
             rep(0, nFeatures - nSignif))         # but most don't change at all

\subsection{Training Data}
To simulate the training dataset, we first simulate the continuous
outcomes (interpreted as the probability of belonging to class $B$).
These are transformed using a logit function so they lie on the
entire real line.
lp <- function(p) log(p/(1-p))
ea <- function(a) 1/(1+exp(-a))
pOut <- rbeta(nTrain, alpha, beta)
trainOutcome <- lp(pOut)
The binary classes for the simulated samples are obtained by
dichotomizing the probabilities.
# TODO: Fix this so it looks at correlation with the continuous outcome
# instead of just diferential expression between classes
trainClass <- factor(c("cyan", "magenta")[1 + 1*(pOut > 0.5)])
isB <- trainClass=="magenta"
Now we put together the training dataset.
trainData <- matrix(rnorm(nFeatures*nTrain), ncol=nTrain) # pure noise
trainData[,isB] <- sweep(trainData[,isB], 1, offsets, "+")
trainData <- t(scale(t(trainData)))
dimnames(trainData) <- list(paste("gene", 1:nFeatures, sep=''),
                            paste("trainsamp", 1:nTrain, sep=''))


K <- 3
truncData <- trainData[1:500,]
truncData[truncData < -K] <- -K
truncData[truncData > K] <- K
heatmap(truncData, col=redgreen(64),
        scale='none', zlim=c(-K, K), main="Training Data")


\subsection{Test Data}
We use the same procedure to simulate the test dataset, starting with
continuous outcomes.
pOut <- rbeta(nTest, alpha, beta)
testOutcome <- lp(pOut)
We convert the continuous outcomes to binary class assignments.
testClass <- factor(c("cyan", "magenta")[1 + 1*(pOut > 0.5)])
isB <- testClass=="magenta"
And we then generate the simulated microarray data.
testData <- matrix(rnorm(nFeatures*nTest), ncol=nTest) # pure noise
testData[,isB] <- sweep(testData[,isB], 1, offsets, "+")
testData <- t(scale(t(testData)))
dimnames(testData) <- list(paste("gene", 1:nFeatures, sep=''),
                            paste("testsamp", 1:nTest, sep=''))

K <- 3
truncData <- testData[1:500,]
truncData[truncData < -K] <- -K
truncData[truncData > K] <- K
heatmap(truncData, col=redgreen(64),
        scale='none', zlim=c(-K, K), main="Test Data")

At this point, we can clean up the work space.
rm(pOut, isB, signed, offsets)
rm(xx, yy, alpha, beta)

\section{Feature Selection}
Here we implement a simple feature selection scheme. We first perform
gene-by-gene t-tests on the training data to identify genes that are
differentially exeprssed between the two classes. 
mtt <- MultiTtest(trainData, trainClass)
opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,1))

We then use a beta-uniform-mixture (BUM) model to estimate the false
discover rate (FDR).
bum <- Bum(mtt@p.values)
countSignificant(bum, alpha=0.01, by="FDR")
countSignificant(bum, alpha=0.05, by="FDR")


geneset <- rownames(trainData)[selectSignificant(bum, alpha=0.05, by="FDR")]
trainSubset <- trainData[geneset,]
testSubset  <- testData[geneset,]

\section{Fitting Models and Making Predictions}

\subsection{K Nearest Neighbors}
Note that the KNN method works for binary class prediction, but does
not work for regression.
knnFitted <- learn(modeler3NN, trainSubset, trainClass)
knnPredictions <- predict(knnFitted, testSubset)
table(knnPredictions, testClass)


knnFitted <- learn(modeler5NN, trainSubset, trainClass)
knnPredictions <- predict(knnFitted, testSubset)
table(knnPredictions, testClass)

\subsection{Classification and regression trees}

rpartFitted <- learn(modelerRPART, trainSubset, trainClass)
rpartPredictions <- predict(rpartFitted, testSubset, type='class')
table(rpartPredictions, testClass)

rpartFitted <- learn(modelerRPART, trainSubset, trainOutcome)
rpartPredictions <- predict(rpartFitted, testSubset)
table(rpartPredictions > 0, testClass)
cor(rpartPredictions, testOutcome)
temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ rpartPredictions)

plot(rpartPredictions, testOutcome)

\subsection{Linear/Logistic Regression}

# takes too long for the vignette, because of the "step"
# across glm fits.
lrFitted <- learn(modelerLR, trainSubset, trainClass)
lrPredictions <- predict(lrFitted, testSubset)
table(lrPredictions, testClass)

lrFitted <- learn(modelerLR, trainSubset, trainOutcome)
lrPredictions <- predict(lrFitted, testSubset)
table(lrPredictions > 0, testClass)
cor(lrPredictions, testOutcome)
temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ lrPredictions)

plot(lrPredictions, testOutcome)

\subsection{Compound Covariate Prediction}
Classification only
ccpFitted <- learn(modelerCCP, trainSubset, trainClass)
ccpPredictions <- predict(ccpFitted, testSubset)
table(ccpPredictions, testClass)

\subsection{Support Vector Machines}

# takes too long for the vignette, because of the "step"
# across glm fits.
svmFitted <- learn(modelerSVM, trainSubset, trainClass)
svmPredictions <- predict(svmFitted, testSubset)
table(svmPredictions, testClass)

svmFitted <- learn(modelerSVM, trainSubset, trainOutcome)
svmPredictions <- predict(svmFitted, testSubset)
table(svmPredictions > 0, testClass)
cor(svmPredictions, testOutcome)
temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ svmPredictions)

plot(svmPredictions, testOutcome)

\subsection{Neural Networks}

nnetFitted <- learn(modelerNNET, trainSubset, trainClass)
nnetPredictions <- predict(nnetFitted, testSubset)
table(nnetPredictions, testClass)

nnetFitted <- learn(modelerNNET, trainSubset, trainOutcome)
nnetPredictions <- predict(nnetFitted, testSubset)
table(nnetPredictions > 0, testClass)
cor(nnetPredictions, testOutcome)
temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ nnetPredictions)

plot(nnetPredictions, testOutcome)

\subsection{Random Forests}

rfFitted <- learn(modelerRF, trainSubset, trainClass)
rfPredictions <- predict(rfFitted, testSubset)
table(rfPredictions, testClass)

rfFitted <- learn(modelerRF, trainSubset, trainOutcome)
rfPredictions <- predict(rfFitted, testSubset)
table(rfPredictions > 0, testClass)
cor(rfPredictions, testOutcome)
temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ rfPredictions)

plot(rfPredictions, testOutcome)
