%\VignetteIndexEntry{Modeler} %\VignetteKeywords{Classification,Prediction,Class Prediction} %\VignetteDepends{Modeler} %\VignettePackage{Modeler} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \setlength{\topmargin}{0in} \setlength{\textheight}{8in} \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0in} \newcommand{\Rfunction}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Robject}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rclass}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rpackage}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \title{Learning and predicting with statistical models} \author{Kevin R. Coombes} \begin{document} \setkeys{Gin}{width=6.5in} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Introduction} We start, as usual, by loading the appropriate package: <<lib>>= library(Modeler) @ \section{Simulated DataSet} In order to have something to test our models against, we simulate a dataset that has enough underlying structure to make it interesting. First, we set the random seed so that the results will be reproducible. <<seed>>= set.seed(234843) @ Next, we define the simulation parameters. We will simulate a dataset with \texttt{nFeatures} rows representing genes, only \texttt{nSignif} of which are significantly associated with the outcome of interest. We assume that both the training set and test set come from the same population, which is actually a mixture of two types, $A$ and $B$, where the probability of belonging to type $B$ is given by \texttt{pB}. The significant genes are assumed to be differentially expressed between the two types, with the difference in means following a normal distribution ($\Delta \sim \textrm{Norm}(\delta, \sigma)$). <<params>>= nFeatures <- 10000 nSignif <- 100 pB <- 0.4 delta <- 1 sigma <- 0.3 nTrain <- 100 nTest <- 100 @ For cleanup purposes, we specify the names of things we can safely remove later. <<paramlist>>= paramlist <- c("nFeatures", "nSignif", "pB", "delta", "sigma", "nTrain", "nTest") @ In addition to simulating the class assignment ($A$ or $B$), we will also simulate a continuous outcome that represents a probability of belonging to class $B$. The continuous outcome (Figure~\ref{betadist}) will follow a beta distribution with parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$. <<alpha.beta>>= alpha <- 0.75 beta <- 0.95 round(100*pbeta(seq(0.1, 0.9, 0.1), alpha, beta), 1) xx <- seq(0, 1, length=300) yy <- dbeta(xx, alpha, beta) @ \begin{figure} <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= plot(xx, yy, type='l') @ \caption{Probability of belonging to class B is simulated from this distribution, Beta(0.75, 0.95).} \label{betadist} \end{figure} Now we can actually start the simulation. For the differentially expressed genes, we make it equally likely that they are higher in $A$ or higher in $B$. <<signed>>= signed <- -1 + 2*rbinom(nSignif, 1, 0.5) @ As noted above, the magnitude of the difference follows a normal distibution. <<offsets>>= offsets <- c(signed*rnorm(nSignif, delta, sigma), # can change in either direction rep(0, nFeatures - nSignif)) # but most don't change at all @ \subsection{Training Data} To simulate the training dataset, we first simulate the continuous outcomes (interpreted as the probability of belonging to class $B$). These are transformed using a logit function so they lie on the entire real line. <<out>>= lp <- function(p) log(p/(1-p)) ea <- function(a) 1/(1+exp(-a)) pOut <- rbeta(nTrain, alpha, beta) trainOutcome <- lp(pOut) @ The binary classes for the simulated samples are obtained by dichotomizing the probabilities. <<class>>= # TODO: Fix this so it looks at correlation with the continuous outcome # instead of just diferential expression between classes trainClass <- factor(c("cyan", "magenta")[1 + 1*(pOut > 0.5)]) summary(trainClass) isB <- trainClass=="magenta" summary(isB) @ Now we put together the training dataset. <<train>>= trainData <- matrix(rnorm(nFeatures*nTrain), ncol=nTrain) # pure noise trainData[,isB] <- sweep(trainData[,isB], 1, offsets, "+") trainData <- t(scale(t(trainData))) dimnames(trainData) <- list(paste("gene", 1:nFeatures, sep=''), paste("trainsamp", 1:nTrain, sep='')) @ <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= K <- 3 truncData <- trainData[1:500,] truncData[truncData < -K] <- -K truncData[truncData > K] <- K heatmap(truncData, col=redgreen(64), ColSideColors=as.character(trainClass), scale='none', zlim=c(-K, K), main="Training Data") @ \subsection{Test Data} We use the same procedure to simulate the test dataset, starting with continuous outcomes. <<test.out>>= pOut <- rbeta(nTest, alpha, beta) testOutcome <- lp(pOut) @ We convert the continuous outcomes to binary class assignments. <<test.class>>= testClass <- factor(c("cyan", "magenta")[1 + 1*(pOut > 0.5)]) summary(testClass) isB <- testClass=="magenta" summary(isB) @ And we then generate the simulated microarray data. <<testData>>= testData <- matrix(rnorm(nFeatures*nTest), ncol=nTest) # pure noise testData[,isB] <- sweep(testData[,isB], 1, offsets, "+") testData <- t(scale(t(testData))) dimnames(testData) <- list(paste("gene", 1:nFeatures, sep=''), paste("testsamp", 1:nTest, sep='')) @ <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= K <- 3 truncData <- testData[1:500,] truncData[truncData < -K] <- -K truncData[truncData > K] <- K heatmap(truncData, col=redgreen(64), ColSideColors=as.character(testClass), scale='none', zlim=c(-K, K), main="Test Data") @ At this point, we can clean up the work space. <<clean>>= rm(list=paramlist) rm(pOut, isB, signed, offsets) rm(xx, yy, alpha, beta) rm(paramlist) @ \section{Feature Selection} Here we implement a simple feature selection scheme. We first perform gene-by-gene t-tests on the training data to identify genes that are differentially exeprssed between the two classes. <<t.tests>>= library(ClassComparison) mtt <- MultiTtest(trainData, trainClass) @ <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= opar <- par(mfrow=c(2,1)) plot(mtt) hist(mtt) par(opar) @ We then use a beta-uniform-mixture (BUM) model to estimate the false discover rate (FDR). <<bum>>= bum <- Bum(mtt@p.values) countSignificant(bum, alpha=0.01, by="FDR") countSignificant(bum, alpha=0.05, by="FDR") @ <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= hist(bum) @ <<geneset>>= geneset <- rownames(trainData)[selectSignificant(bum, alpha=0.05, by="FDR")] length(geneset) trainSubset <- trainData[geneset,] testSubset <- testData[geneset,] @ \section{Fitting Models and Making Predictions} \subsection{K Nearest Neighbors} Note that the KNN method works for binary class prediction, but does not work for regression. <<3nn>>= knnFitted <- learn(modeler3NN, trainSubset, trainClass) knnPredictions <- predict(knnFitted, testSubset) table(knnPredictions, testClass) @ <<5nn>>= knnFitted <- learn(modeler5NN, trainSubset, trainClass) knnPredictions <- predict(knnFitted, testSubset) table(knnPredictions, testClass) @ \subsection{Classification and regression trees} Classification <<cart>>= rpartFitted <- learn(modelerRPART, trainSubset, trainClass) rpartPredictions <- predict(rpartFitted, testSubset, type='class') table(rpartPredictions, testClass) @ Regression <<cart.reg>>= rpartFitted <- learn(modelerRPART, trainSubset, trainOutcome) rpartPredictions <- predict(rpartFitted, testSubset) table(rpartPredictions > 0, testClass) cor(rpartPredictions, testOutcome) temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ rpartPredictions) @ <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= plot(rpartPredictions, testOutcome) abline(coef(temp)) @ \subsection{Linear/Logistic Regression} Classification <<lr,eval=FALSE>>= # takes too long for the vignette, because of the "step" # across glm fits. lrFitted <- learn(modelerLR, trainSubset, trainClass) lrPredictions <- predict(lrFitted, testSubset) table(lrPredictions, testClass) @ Regression <<lr.reg>>= lrFitted <- learn(modelerLR, trainSubset, trainOutcome) lrPredictions <- predict(lrFitted, testSubset) table(lrPredictions > 0, testClass) cor(lrPredictions, testOutcome) temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ lrPredictions) @ <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= plot(lrPredictions, testOutcome) abline(coef(temp)) @ \subsection{Compound Covariate Prediction} Classification only <<ccp>>= ccpFitted <- learn(modelerCCP, trainSubset, trainClass) ccpPredictions <- predict(ccpFitted, testSubset) table(ccpPredictions, testClass) @ \subsection{Support Vector Machines} Classification <<svm>>= # takes too long for the vignette, because of the "step" # across glm fits. svmFitted <- learn(modelerSVM, trainSubset, trainClass) svmPredictions <- predict(svmFitted, testSubset) table(svmPredictions, testClass) @ Regression <<svm.reg>>= svmFitted <- learn(modelerSVM, trainSubset, trainOutcome) svmPredictions <- predict(svmFitted, testSubset) table(svmPredictions > 0, testClass) cor(svmPredictions, testOutcome) temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ svmPredictions) @ <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= plot(svmPredictions, testOutcome) abline(coef(temp)) @ \subsection{Neural Networks} Classification <<nnet>>= nnetFitted <- learn(modelerNNET, trainSubset, trainClass) nnetPredictions <- predict(nnetFitted, testSubset) table(nnetPredictions, testClass) @ Regression <<nnet.reg>>= nnetFitted <- learn(modelerNNET, trainSubset, trainOutcome) nnetPredictions <- predict(nnetFitted, testSubset) table(nnetPredictions > 0, testClass) cor(nnetPredictions, testOutcome) temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ nnetPredictions) @ <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= plot(nnetPredictions, testOutcome) #abline(coef(temp)) @ \subsection{Random Forests} Classification <<rf>>= rfFitted <- learn(modelerRF, trainSubset, trainClass) rfPredictions <- predict(rfFitted, testSubset) table(rfPredictions, testClass) @ Regression <<rf.reg>>= rfFitted <- learn(modelerRF, trainSubset, trainOutcome) rfPredictions <- predict(rfFitted, testSubset) table(rfPredictions > 0, testClass) cor(rfPredictions, testOutcome) temp <- lm(testOutcome ~ rfPredictions) @ <<fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= plot(rfPredictions, testOutcome) abline(coef(temp)) @ \end{document}