The following provides a guide on the workflow of performing an adaptive landscape analysis, from the philosophies of morphospaces, and types of data required, to the details of how to use the functions in this “Morphoscape” package. This guide will cover the following topics:
1. Defining a Morphospace
- Phenotype
- Performance data: Specimens or Warps
2. Using Morphoscape
- Creating Performance Surfaces
- Calculate Landscapes
Adaptive landscape analyses require two types of data to be married together: phenotypic data and performance data. Phenotype data can take many forms, and the only requirement of phenotype data to the construction of adaptive landscapes is the definition of a morphospace. The simplest type of morphospace can be a 2D plot with the axes defined by two numeric measurements of phenotype, such as the length and width of a skull, though any quantification of phenotype is valid.
Geometric morphometrics has become the quintessential method for quantifying detailed shape variation in bony structures, and the final outcome in many studies is the visualization of a PCA of shape variation - which is a morphospace. However, how one defines the morphospace can drastically impact the outcomes of these adaptive landscape analyses. A PCA and between-group PCA are both valid methods to ordinate morphological data, yet will produce dramatically different morphospaces depending on the goals of the analysis. PCA will produce a (largely) unbiased ordination of the major axes of variation, while bgPCA will find axes of variation that maximize differences in groups. Caution should be applied when using constrained ordination like bgPCA, as they can create ecological patterns where none may actually exist (see Bookstein 2019, Cardini et al 2019 and Cardini & Polly 2020 for the cautionary debate). However, in many ways bgPCA, or other constrained ordinations are ideal for questions regarding functional and adaptive differences between ecological groups when actual morphological differences are present.
For now the adaptive landscape methods in this package are limited to 2D morphospaces, with two axes of phenotypic variation. This largely done out of the complexities involved in analyzing and visualizing multivariate covariance in more than 3 dimensions. However, if more than two axes of phenotypic variation are desired to be analyzed, these can be done in separate analyses.
Once an ordination and 2D morphospace of the phenotypic data is defined, one must then collect data on performance of these phenotypes. There are two approaches one can take to collecting performance data: collect data directly from specimens, or collect data from phenotypic warps in morphospace. The former is the simplest and most direct as long as your dataset is not too large, and allows you to to know actual performance of actual specimens. However, error can creep in if the performance traits do not strongly covary with the axes of your morphospace, and can produce uneven and inconsistent surfaces. In addition, specimens may not evenly occupy morphospace resulting in regions of morphospace not defined by existing phenotypes, and thus will not have measured performance data and may produce erroneous interpolations or extrapolations of performance. Finally, collecting performance data can be time consuming, and may be impractical for extremely large datasets.
The alternative is to collect performance data from hypothetical
warps across morphospace, which eliminates these issues. As long as the
method used to define your morphospace is reversible (such as
, geomorph::gm.prcomp
, Morpho::groupPCA
), it is possible to extract the phenotype at
any location in morphospace. In fact many of these ordination functions
come with predict
methods for this very task. As such,
using prediction, it is possible to define phenotypes evenly across all
of morphospace called warps. These warps are also useful in they can be
defined to represent phenotypic variation for ONLY the axes of the
morphospace, and ignore variation in other axes. These warps can however
form biologically impossible phenotypes (such as the walls of a bone
crossing over one another), which may or may not help your
interpretations of why regions of morphospace might be occupied or
Both these approaches are valid as long as morphospace is reasonably well covered. For an in-depth analysis of morphospace sampling see Smith et al (2021).
This package comes with the turtle humerus dataset from Dickson and Pierce (2019), which uses performance data collected from warps.
#> 'data.frame': 40 obs. of 4 variables:
#> $ x : num 0.03486 -0.07419 -0.07846 0.00972 -0.00997 ...
#> $ y : num -0.019928 -0.015796 -0.010289 -0.000904 -0.029465 ...
#> $ Group : chr "freshwater" "softshell" "softshell" "freshwater" ...
#> $ Ecology: chr "S" "S" "S" "S" ...
#> 'data.frame': 24 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ x : num -0.189 -0.189 -0.189 -0.189 -0.134 ...
#> $ y : num -0.05161 -0.00363 0.04435 0.09233 -0.05161 ...
#> $ hydro: num -1839 -1962 -2089 -2371 -1754 ...
#> $ curve: num 8.07 6.3 9.7 15.44 10.21 ...
#> $ mech : num 0.185 0.193 0.191 0.161 0.171 ...
#> $ fea : num -0.15516 -0.06215 -0.00435 0.14399 0.28171 ...
is a dataset of coordinate data for 40 turtle
humerus specimens that have been ordinated in a bgPCA morphospace, the
first two axes maximizing the differences between three ecological
groups: Marine, Freshwater and Terrestrial turtles. This dataset also
includes these and other ecological groupings.
is a dataset of 4x6 evenly spaced warps predicted
from this morphospace and 4 performance metrics.
Once a morphospace is defined and performance data collected, the
workflow of using Morphoscape is fairly straightforward. Using the
and turtles
datasets the first step is to
make a functional dataframe using as_fnc_df()
. The input to
this function is a dataframe containing both coordinate data and
performance data (and also grouping factors if desired). The first two
columns must be coordinates, while the other columns can be defined as
performance data, or as grouping factors. It is best to have your
performance data named at this point to keep track.
#> 'data.frame': 40 obs. of 4 variables:
#> $ x : num 0.03486 -0.07419 -0.07846 0.00972 -0.00997 ...
#> $ y : num -0.019928 -0.015796 -0.010289 -0.000904 -0.029465 ...
#> $ Group : chr "freshwater" "softshell" "softshell" "freshwater" ...
#> $ Ecology: chr "S" "S" "S" "S" ...
#> 'data.frame': 24 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ x : num -0.189 -0.189 -0.189 -0.189 -0.134 ...
#> $ y : num -0.05161 -0.00363 0.04435 0.09233 -0.05161 ...
#> $ hydro: num -1839 -1962 -2089 -2371 -1754 ...
#> $ curve: num 8.07 6.3 9.7 15.44 10.21 ...
#> $ mech : num 0.185 0.193 0.191 0.161 0.171 ...
#> $ fea : num -0.15516 -0.06215 -0.00435 0.14399 0.28171 ...
# Create an fnc_df object for downstream use
<- as_fnc_df(warps, func.names = c("hydro", "curve", "mech", "fea"))
warps_fnc str(warps_fnc)
#> Classes 'fnc_df' and 'data.frame': 24 obs. of 6 variables:
#> $ x : num -0.189 -0.189 -0.189 -0.189 -0.134 ...
#> $ y : num -0.05161 -0.00363 0.04435 0.09233 -0.05161 ...
#> $ hydro: num 0.763 0.627 0.487 0.174 0.858 ...
#> $ curve: num 0.0544 0 0.1045 0.281 0.1202 ...
#> $ mech : num 0.359 0.473 0.446 0 0.149 ...
#> $ fea : num 0.372 0.458 0.512 0.65 0.777 ...
#> - attr(*, "func.names")= chr [1:4] "hydro" "curve" "mech" "fea"
It is then a simple process to perform surface interpolation by
automatic Kriging using the krige_surf()
function. This
will autofit a kriging function to the data. This is performed by the
function. For details on the fitting
of variograms you should read the documentation of automap
All the autoKrige
fitting data is kept in the
object along with the output surface.
By default the krige_surf()
function will interpolate
within an alpha hull wrapped around the inputted datapoints. This is to
avoid extrapolation beyond measured datapoints. This can be defined
using the resample_grid()
function, which will supply a
grid object defining the points to interpolate, and optionally plot the
area to be reconstructed. The strength of wrapping can be controlled
using the alpha
argument, with smaller values producing a
stronger wrapping.
# Create alpha-hulled grid for kriging
<- resample_grid(warps, hull = "concaveman", alpha = 3, plot = TRUE) grid
<- krige_surf(warps_fnc, grid = grid)
kr_surf #> [using ordinary kriging]
#> [using ordinary kriging]
#> [using ordinary kriging]
#> [using ordinary kriging]
kr_surf#> A kriged_surfaces object
#> - functional characteristics:
#> hydro, curve, mech, fea
#> - surface size:
#> 70 by 70
#> α-hull applied (α = 3)
#> - original data:
#> 24 rows