## ----echo=FALSE,message=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------- # library(OlinkAnalyze) ## ----echo=FALSE,message=FALSE------------------------------------------------- library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) ## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, fig.height=3, fig.width=6, message = FALSE) ## ----Outlier_data, include=FALSE---------------------------------------------- library(OlinkAnalyze) data(manifest) ## ----manifest, echo = F, message=FALSE---------------------------------------- manifest %>% head(10) %>% knitr::kable(format = "html", booktabs = T, linesep = "", digits = 4, longtable = T, row.names = F, caption = "Table 1. Example of Sample manifest", label = "manifest") ## ----complete_randomization, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE,results='hide'------ randomized.manifest <- olink_plate_randomizer(manifest, seed=123456) ## ----subjects_randomization, message=FALSE,results='hide'--------------------- randomized.manifest <- olink_plate_randomizer(manifest, SubjectColumn="SubjectID", available.spots=c(48,48,42), iterations = 500, seed=123456) ## ----randomize_controls, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE------------------------ # randomized_manifest <- olink_plate_randomizer(manifest, # Product = "Explore HT", # SubjectColumn = "SampleID", # num_ctrl = 10, # rand_ctrl = TRUE) ## ----rand_ctrl_code, echo=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---- randomized_manifest <- olink_plate_randomizer(manifest, Product = "Explore HT", SubjectColumn = "SampleID", num_ctrl = 10, rand_ctrl = TRUE) ## ----randomized_controls_table, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------ randomized_manifest %>% head(10) %>% knitr::kable(format = "html", booktabs = T, linesep = "", digits = 4, longtable = T, row.names = F, caption = "Table 2. Example of Randomized Sample manifest", label = "manifest") ## ----figure_captions, message=FALSE, echo=FALSE------------------------------- fcap1 <- "Figure 1. Randomized samples in 96 well plate format, colored by Subject ID." fcap2 <- "Figure 2. Randomized samples in 96 well plate format with labeled wells." fcap3 <- "Figure 3. Distribution of Subject ID across randomized plates." fcap4 <- "Figure 4. Distribution of Site across randomized plates." ## ----fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7.5, fig.align = "center", fig.cap= fcap1---- olink_displayPlateLayout(randomized.manifest, fill.color = 'SubjectID', include.label = FALSE) ## ----fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7.5, fig.align = "center", fig.cap= fcap2---- olink_displayPlateLayout(randomized.manifest, fill.color = 'SubjectID', include.label = TRUE) ## ----fig.align = "center", fig.cap=fcap3-------------------------------------- olink_displayPlateDistributions(randomized.manifest, fill.color = 'SubjectID') ## ----fig.align = "center", fig.cap= fcap4------------------------------------- olink_displayPlateDistributions(randomized.manifest, fill.color = 'Site') ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # library(writexl) # write_xlsx(randomized.manifest,"randomized.manifest.xlsx")