\documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage{Rd} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Portfolio Returns} %\VignetteDepends{PerformanceAnalytics} %\VignetteKeywords{returns, performance, portfolio} %\VignettePackage{PerformanceAnalytics} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \begin{abstract} This vignette provides an overview of calculating portfolio returns through time with an emphasis on the math used to develop the \verb"Return.portfolio" function in \pkg{PerformanceAnalytics}. We first introduce some basic definitions, then give simple examples of computing portfolio returns in a prices and shares framework as well as a returns and weights framework. We then introduce \verb"Return.portfolio" and demonstrate the function with a few examples. \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \section{Basic definitions} Suppose we have a portfolio of $N$ assets. The value of asset $i$, $V_i$, in the portfolio is defined as \begin{eqnarray*} V_i = \lambda_i * P_i \end{eqnarray*} where: \begin{eqnarray*} \lambda_i \text{ is the number of shares of asset $i$}\\ P_i \text{ is the price of asset $i$}\\ \end{eqnarray*} The total portfolio value, $V_p$, is defined as \begin{eqnarray*} V_P = \sum_{i=1}^N V_i \end{eqnarray*} The weight of asset $i$, $w_i$, in the portfolio is defined as \begin{eqnarray*} w_i = V_i / V_P \end{eqnarray*} where: \begin{eqnarray*} V_i \text{ is the value of asset $i$}\\ V_P \text{ is the total value of the portfolio}\\ \end{eqnarray*} The portfolio return at time $t$, $R_t$, is defined as \begin{eqnarray*} R_t = \frac{V_{p_{t}} - V_{p_{{t-1}}}}{V_{p_{{t-1}}}} \end{eqnarray*} \begin{eqnarray*} V_{p_{t}} \text{ is the portfolio value at time $t$}\\ \end{eqnarray*} \section{Simple Example: Prices and Shares Framework} Suppose we have a portfolio of $N = 2$ assets, asset A and asset B. The prices for assets A and B are given as <<>>= prices = cbind(c(5, 7, 6, 7), c(10, 11, 12, 8)) dimnames(prices) = list(paste0("t",0:3), c("A", "B")) prices @ We wish to form an equal weight portfolio, that is, form a portfolio where \begin{equation*} w_i = \frac{1}{N} \text{ for } i \in 1, \hdots, N. \end{equation*} Let $V_{P0} = 1000$ be the portfolio value at $t_0$. Step 1: Compute the number of shares of each asset to purchase. \begin{eqnarray*} w_i &=& \frac{V_i}{V_P}\\ &=& \frac{\lambda_i * P_i}{V_P}\\ \end{eqnarray*} Solve for $\lambda_i$. \begin{eqnarray*} \lambda_i &=& \frac{w_i * V_P}{P_i} \end{eqnarray*} \begin{eqnarray*} \lambda_A &=& \frac{w_A * V_P0}{P_A} = \frac{0.5 * \$1000}{\$5} = 100\\ \lambda_B &=& \frac{w_B * V_P0}{P_B} = \frac{0.5 * \$1000}{\$10} = 50\\ \end{eqnarray*} <<>>= V_P0 = 1000 N = ncol(prices) w = rep(1 / N, N) lambda = w * V_P0 / prices["t0",] lambda @ Step 2: Compute the asset value and portfolio value for $t \in 0, \hdots, 3$. <<>>= # Compute the value of the assets V_assets <- matrix(0, nrow(prices), ncol(prices), dimnames=dimnames(prices)) for(i in 1:nrow(prices)){ V_assets[i,] = prices[i,] * lambda } V_assets @ <<>>= # Compute the value of the portfolio V_P = rowSums(V_assets) V_P @ Step 3: Compute the portfolio returns for $t \in 1, \hdots, 3$. <<>>= # Compute the portfolio returns R_t = diff(V_P) / V_P[1:3] R_t @ Step 4: Compute the weights of each asset in the portfolio for $t \in 0, \hdots, 3$ <<>>= weights = V_assets / V_P weights @ We have shown that calculating portfolio weights, values, and returns is simple in a prices and shares framework. However, calculating these metrics becomes more challenging in a weights and returns framework. \section{Example: Weights and Returns Framework} We will use the monthly returns during 1997 of the first 5 assets in the edhec dataset for the following example. <<>>= library(PerformanceAnalytics) data(edhec) R = edhec["1997", 1:5] colnames(R) = c("CA", "CTAG", "DS", "EM", "EMN") R @ Suppose that on 1996-12-31 we wish to form an equal weight portfolio such that the weight for asset $i$ is given as: \begin{equation*} w_i = \frac{1}{N} \quad \text{for } i \in 1, \hdots, N \end{equation*} where $N$ is equal to the number of assets. <<>>= N = ncol(R) weights = xts(matrix(rep(1 / N, N), 1), as.Date("1996-12-31")) colnames(weights) = colnames(R) weights @ There are two cases we need to consider when calculating the beginning of period (bop) value. Case 1: The beginning of period $t$ is a rebalancing event. For example, the rebalance weights at the end of \verb"1996-12-31" take effect at the beginning of \verb"1997-01-31". This means that the beginning of \verb"1997-01-31" is considered a rebalance event. The beginning of period value for asset $i$ at time $t$ is given as \begin{equation*} V_{{bop}_{t,i}} = w_i * V_{t-1} \end{equation*} where $w_i$ is the weight of asset $i$ and $V_{t-1}$ is the end of period (eop) portfolio value of the prior period. Case 2: The beginning of period $t$ is not a rebalancing event. \begin{equation*} V_{{bop}_{t,i}} = V_{{eop}_{t-1,i}} \end{equation*} where $V_{{eop}_{t-1,i}}$ is the end of period value for asset $i$ from the prior period. The end of period value for asset $i$ at time $t$ is given as \begin{equation*} V_{{eop}_{t,i}} = (1 + R_{t,i}) * V_{{bop}_{t,i}} \end{equation*} Here we demonstrate this and compute values for the periods 1 and 2. For the first period, $t=1$, we need an initial value for the portfolio value. Let $V_0 = 1$ denote the initial portfolio value. Note that the initial portfolio value can be any arbitrary number. Here we use $V_0 = 1$ for simplicity. <<>>= V_0 = 1 bop_value = eop_value = matrix(0, 2, ncol(R)) @ Compute the values for $t=1$. <<>>= t = 1 bop_value[t,] = coredata(weights) * V_0 eop_value[t,] = coredata(1 + R[t,]) * bop_value[t,] @ Now compute the values for $t=2$. <<>>= t = 2 bop_value[t,] = eop_value[t-1,] eop_value[t,] = coredata(1 + R[t,]) * bop_value[t,] @ It is seen that the values for the rest of the time periods can be computed by iterating over $ t \in 1, \hdots, T$ where $T=12$ in this example. The weight of asset $i$ at time $t$ is calculated as \begin{equation*} w_{t,i} = \frac{V_{t,i}}{\sum_{i=0}^N V_{t,i}} \end{equation*} Here we compute both the beginning and end of period weights. <<>>= bop_weights = eop_weights = matrix(0, 2, ncol(R)) for(t in 1:2){ bop_weights[t,] = bop_value[t,] / sum(bop_value[t,]) eop_weights[t,] = eop_value[t,] / sum(eop_value[t,]) } bop_weights eop_weights @ The portfolio returns at time $t$ are calculated as \begin{equation*} R_{P_t} = \frac{V_t - V_{t-1}}{V_{t-1}} \end{equation*} <<>>= V = c(V_0, rowSums(eop_value)) R_P = diff(V) / V[1:2] R_P @ The contribution of asset $i$ at time $t$ is calculated as \begin{equation*} contribution_{t,i} = \frac{V_{{eop}_{t,i}} - V_{{bop}_{t,i}}}{\sum_{i=1}^N V_{{bop}_{t,i}}} \end{equation*} <<>>= contribution = matrix(0, 2, ncol(R)) for(t in 1:2){ contribution[t,] = (eop_value[t,] - bop_value[t,]) / sum(bop_value[t,]) } contribution @ Note that contribution can also be calculated as \begin{equation*} contribution_{t,i} = R_{t,i} * w_{t,i} \end{equation*} \section{Return.portfolio Examples} <<>>= args(Return.portfolio) @ If no \verb"weights" are specified, then an equal weight portfolio is computed. If \verb"rebalance_on=NA" then a buy and hold portfolio is assumed. See \verb"?Return.portfolio" for a detailed explanation of the function and arguments. <<tidy=FALSE>>= # Equally weighted, buy and hold portfolio returns Return.portfolio(R) # Equally weighted, rebalanced quarterly portfolio returns Return.portfolio(R, rebalance_on="quarters") # Equally weighted, rebalanced quarterly portfolio returns. # Use verbose=TRUE to return additional information # including asset values and weights Return.portfolio(R, rebalance_on="quarters", verbose=TRUE) @ \end{document}