## ----preliminaries, echo=FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, results='hide'---- hasMosek <- require("Rmosek", quietly = TRUE) if(hasMosek) hasMosek <- tryCatch(example(mosek)$value$response$code == 0, warning = function(c) 0, error = function(c) 0) if (!hasMosek) { knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE) msg <- paste("This vignette requires Mosek, but this system", "does not have Mosek", "installed, so code examples will not be evaluated.") msg <- paste(strwrap(msg), collapse="\n") message(msg) } require("REBayes") knitr::render_sweave() options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+ ", digits = 3, show.signif.stars = FALSE) cleanup <- FALSE ## ----Xsetup, include = FALSE-------------------------------------------------- X.cap <- "Four estimates of the mixing distributions $G$: In the left panel the true mixing distribution is smooth, in the left panel it is discrete as described in the text. " ## ----X, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 9, fig.cap = X.cap, cache = TRUE, message = FALSE, warnings = FALSE, echo = FALSE---- KFE <- function(y, T = 300, lambda = 1/3){ # Kernel Fourier Estimator: Stefanski and Carroll (Statistics, 1990) ks <- function(s,x) exp(s^2/2) * cos(s * x) K <- function(t, y, lambda = 1/3){ k <- y for(i in 1:length(y)){ k[i] <- integrate(ks, 0, 1/lambda, x = (y[i] - t))$value/pi } mean(k) } eps <- 1e-04 if(length(T) == 1) T <- seq(min(y)-eps, max(y)+eps, length = T) g <- T for(j in 1:length(T)) g[j] <- K(T[j], y, lambda = lambda) list(x = T, y = g) } BDE <- function(y, T = 300, df = 5, c0 = 1){ # Bayesian Deconvolution Estimator: Efron (B'ka, 2016) require(splines) eps <- 1e-04 if(length(T) == 1) T <- seq(min(y)-eps, max(y)+eps, length = T) X <- ns(T, df = df) a0 <- rep(0, ncol(X)) A <- dnorm(outer(y,T,"-")) qmle <- function(a, X, A, c0){ g <- exp(X %*% a) g <- g/sum(g) f <- A %*% g -sum(log(f)) + c0 * sum(a^2)^.5 } ahat <- nlm(qmle, a0, X=X, A=A, c0 = c0)$estimate g <- exp(X %*% ahat) g <- g/integrate(approxfun(T,g),min(T),max(T))$value list(x = T,y = g) } W <- function(G, h, interp = FALSE, eps = 0.001){ #Wasserstein distance: ||G-H||_W H <- cumsum(h$y) H <- H/H[length(H)] W <- integrate(approxfun(h$x, abs(G(h$x) - H)),min(h$x),max(h$x))$value list(W=W, H=H) } biweight <- function(x0, x, bw){ t <- (x - x0)/bw (1-t^2)^2*((t> -1 & t<1)-0) *15/16 } Wasser <- function(G, h, interp = FALSE, eps = 0.001, bw = 0.7){ #Wasserstein distance: ||G-H||_W if(interp == "biweight"){ yk = h$x for (j in 1:length(yk)) yk[j] = sum(biweight(h$x[j], h$x, bw = bw)*h$y/sum(h$y)) H <- cumsum(yk) H <- H/H[length(H)] } else { H <- cumsum(h$y) H <- H/H[length(H)] } W <- integrate(approxfun(h$x, abs(G(h$x) - H)),min(h$x),max(h$x), subdivisions = 500)$value list(W=W, H=H) } set.seed(1234) par(mfrow = c(1,2)) for(i in 1:2){ if(i == 1){ G0 <- function(t) punif(t,0,6)/8 + 7 * pnorm(t, 0, 0.5)/8 rf0 <- function(n){ s <- sample(0:1, n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1,7)/8) rnorm(n) + (1-s) * runif(n,0,6) + s * rnorm(n,0,0.5) } } else{ G0 <- function(t) 0 + 7 * (t > 0)/8 + (t > 2)/8 rf0 <- function(n){ s <- sample(0:1, n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1,7)/8) rnorm(n) + (1-s) * 2 + s * 0 } } y <- rf0(1000) t1 <- system.time(g1 <- BDE(y)) W1 <- Wasser(G0, g1) t2 <- system.time(g2 <- GLmix(y)) W2 <- Wasser(G0, g2) t3 <- system.time(g3 <- KFE(y)) W3 <- Wasser(G0, g3) W4 <- Wasser(G0, g2, interp = "biweight") plot(g1$x, G0(g1$x), type = "l", ylim = c(-0.1, 1.1), xlab = "x", ylab = "G(x)") lines(g1$x, W1$H,col = 2) lines(g2$x, W2$H, col = 3) lines(g3$x, W3$H, col = 4) lines(g2$x, W4$H, col = 5) legend(x = "bottomright", legend= c("True", "Efron","KW", "SC", "KWs"), col = 1:5, lwd = 1.5) title(paste("W(E) = ", round(W1$W,3), "; ", "W(KW) = ", round(W2$W,3), "; ", "W(SC) = ", round(W3$W,3), "; ", "W(KWs) = ", round(W4$W,3), sep = ""), cex.main = 0.75) } ## ----Y, cache = TRUE, message = FALSE, warnings = FALSE, echo = FALSE-------- sim1 <- function(n, R = 10){ A <- matrix(0, 3, R) G0 <- function(t) punif(t,0,6)/8 + 7 * pnorm(t, 0, 0.5)/8 rf0 <- function(n){ s <- sample(0:1, n, replace = TRUE, prob = c(1,7)/8) rnorm(n) + (1-s) * runif(n,0,6) + s * rnorm(n,0,0.5) } for(i in 1:R){ y <- rf0(n) g <- BDE(y) Wg <- Wasser(G0, g) h <- GLmix(y) Wh <- Wasser(G0, h) Whs <- Wasser(G0, h, interp = "biweight") A[,i] <- c(Wg$W, Wh$W, Whs$W) } A } set.seed(12) A <- sim1(1000) a <- round(apply(A,1,mean),3)