LOG of the CHANGES in the package REPPlab

Version 0.9.6
* Fixed the encoding information in the DESCRIPTION file from latin1 to UTF-8
* Adjusted the Aliases used for the pacakges

Version 0.9.4
* Added 'digits' option to 'summary.epplab'

Version 0.9.3
* Default setting for 'percentage' in EPPlabAgg changed from 0.95 to 0.8
* Help pages/Manual updated
* Typos in manual fixed
* Version number of the dependencies corrected

Version 0.9.2
* Introduced Roxygen2 for the package documentation
* New function EPPlabAgg
* summary.epplabOutlier is now more detailed
* plot.epplabOutlier got more options to control the appearance of the figure

Versiom 0.9.1
* New maintainer email address

Version 0.9
* Pre-release version
* Reference to the Java sources added

Version 0.4.4
* major revision of the manual

Version 0.4.3
* made sure that all data standardization in epplab is done in R
* adding description of convergence criteria in help file of epplab

Version 0.4.2
* added data set ReliabilityData

Version 0.4.1:
* REPPlab changes:
* Fixed some display issues in the 'summary.epplab' and 'print.epplab' functions.
* Corrected some typos in the manual.
* PSO and Tribe maxiter default is now 200.
* Fixed an error in 'summary.epplabOutlier' and 'plot.epplabOutlier' for the case that no outliers are observed.
* Assign dummy rownames to data object in case no rownames are given.

Version 0.4:
* EPPlab changes: 
* Added a convergence criteria.

* REPPlab changes:
* Added the convergence criteria as options 'step_iter' and 'eps' in the EPPlab call. 
* Added the convergence value to the 'print.epplab' and 'summary.epplab' output.

Version 0.3:
* EPPlab changes: 
* Added the library ssj.jar to the project

* REPPlab changes:
* The Friedman index is fully functional now.
* Fixed a typo with the Tribe PP algorithm that caused the results to be the same for all different indices.

Version 0.2:
* EPPlab changes: 
* Created the class "PseudoRandomNumbers" (in package javalain.math) in which there are two static methods
   - public static void createGenerator (long seed) - to create a random generator of numbers.
   - public static void destroyGenerator (long seed) - to destroy a random generator of numbers.
   - public static double random () - to generate a number between [0 1[

* Replaced all items "Math.random()" in project with "PseudoRandomNumbers.random()"
* Create a random number generator during the first function call
* Destroy the RNG when leaving the java program
* Friedman subfunction does not work, so they are commented out

* REPPlab changes:
* EPPlab is now included as one jar file, instead of three subfiles
* A random number will be passed to EPPlab as a seed (so, EPPlab results are 'seedable' from within R)
* The typo in the default settings for the option PPindex in the EPPlab function has been fixed

Version 0.1:
* First build and CRAN submission