This package provides R with access to cereal header files. cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library. cereal takes arbitrary data types and reversibly turns them into different representations, such as compact binary encodings, XML, or JSON. For more information, please visit the official website of cereal project:
This package can be used via the LinkingTo:
field in the
DESCRIPTION field of an R package and the Rcpp::depends
the Rcpp-attributes. The R and Rcpp infrastructure tools will know how
to set include flags properly.
Please use the devtools::install_github
to install the
latest version of Rcereal and use Rcereal::update_version
to install the content of the header files of cereal.
devtools::upate_version() Rcereal
In this project, we will not explain how to use cereal in c++ because the official cereal project has already provides a complete documentation. Please visit the Quick Start page to learn how to use cereal.
The following example briefly shows how to use the Rcereal in Rcpp-attributes to serialize a user defined c++ structure into raw vector and deserialize from the raw vector.
#include <sstream>
#include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
#include <Rcpp.h>
struct MyClass
int x, y, z;
// This method lets cereal know which data members to serialize
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive & archive)
( x, y, z ); // serialize things by passing them to the archive
using namespace Rcpp;
(int x = 1, int y = 2, int z = 3) {
RawVector serialize_myclass;
MyClass my_instance.x = x;
my_instance.y = y;
my_instance.z = z;
my_instancestd::stringstream ss;
::BinaryOutputArchive oarchive(ss); // Create an output archive
.seekg(0, ss.end);
RawVector retval.seekg(0, ss.beg);<char*>(&retval[0]), retval.size());
ssreturn retval;
void deserialize_myclass(RawVector src) {
std::stringstream ss;
.write(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&src[0]), src.size());
ss.seekg(0, ss.beg);
MyClass my_instance{
::BinaryInputArchive iarchive(ss);
<< my_instance.x << "," << my_instance.y << "," << my_instance.z << std::endl;
Rcout }
/*** R
raw_vector <- serialize_myclass(1, 2, 4)
To compile the cpp file, the user must enable the support of c++11
before using Rcpp::sourceCpp
::sourceCpp("<the path to the cpp file>") Rcpp
To use cereal with Rcpp in the following way, the user must remember two points:
If you see the compiler reports the missing header files, please use
the Rcereal::update_version()
to update the content of
cereal from github. You can manual check whether a directory named
is in the folder
system.file("include", package = "Rcereal")
If you see lots of error during compiling, please check the version
of the compiler and the content of the environment variable
. As far as I know, cereal will fail if the
gcc-4.6 is used.
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