Rcplex - R Interface to the IBM ILOG CPLEX optimization library Installation of the Rcplex package requires the following information: 1) the CPLEX include directory 2) flags to give to the C compiler when compiling the interface 3) the directory where the CPLEX callable library is located and other libraries CPLEX requires for proper linking The Community Edition of CPLEX offers all features but only allows to solve optimization problems containing 1000 variables and constraints at maximum. The package was tested using this flavor of CPLEX 12.6.3. Further steps have to be made prior using a different (non-free-to-use) flavor of CPLEX. Please consult the manual of CPLEX on setting it up properly (e.g., referencing the ILOG_LICENSE_FILE as an environment variable or connecting to a licence server). ***LINUX INSTALLATION*** For Linux, pointers on where to find this information can be found in <cplex_dir>/readme.html where <cplex_dir> is your cplex installation directory. The easiest way is to look at variables CFLAGS and CLNFLAGS in <cplex_path>/examples/<system>/<libformat>/Makefile. For example, that Makefile might have CFLAGS = -fPIC -I${CPLEX_INCLUDE_PATH} CLNFLAGS = -L${CPLEX_LIB_PATH}/static_pic -lcplex -lm -lpthread Set/replace the ${CPLEX_INCLUDE_PATH} and ${CPLEX_LIB_PATH} with the corresponding paths to the 'include' and 'lib' directories of your CPLEX installation on your system. Given this information, there are several ways of installing the Rcplex package: 1) Set the PKG_CFLAGS, PKG_CPPFLAGS and PKG_LIBS used by R's installation procedure directly: R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="PKG_CFLAGS=-fPIC \ PKG_CPPFLAGS=-I${CPLEX_INCLUDE_PATH} \ PKG_LIBS='-L${CPLEX_INCLUDE_PATH}/static_pic \ -lcplex -lm -lpthread'" Rcplex_0.3-0.tar.gz If either PKG_CPPFLAGS or PKG_LIBS is given then both must be given, otherwise configure with stop with an error 2) Use --with-cplex-<ARG> to pass this information along: R CMD INSTALL \ --configure-args="--with-cplex-include=${CPLEX_INCLUDE_PATH} \ --with-cplex-cflags=-fPIC \ --with-cplex-lib='-L${CPLEX_LIB_PATH}/static_pic \ -lcplex -lm -lpthread'" Rcplex_0.3-0.tar.gz If either --with-cplex-include or --with-cplex-lib is given, then both must be given, otherwise configure will stop with an error 3) Give the location of your CPLEX installation: R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="--with-cplex-dir=${CPLEX_DIR}"\ Rcplex_0.3-0.tar.gz This method requires that ${CPLEX_DIR} looks exactly as installed by CPLEX. It will take the first system type and library format it finds and fills the information above from the Makefile it should find in <cplex_path>/examples/<system>/<libformat>/. Info is pulled from the Makefile using awk, so it must be present for installation to work. 4) Don't give any information at all: R CMD INSTALL Rcplex_0.3-0.tar.gz This method looks for the CPLEX interactive optimizer, or, alternatively, gets this information from the CPLEX_BIN environment variable. Then it uses the directory two levels above as the CPLEX installation directory. Afterwards, it does the same thing as #3 above. ***WINDOWS*** Installation on Windows systems is done by using the provided Makevars.win file in the src directory. It contains the following lines: ifeq "$(WIN)" "64" PKG_LIBS = -L"${CPLEX_DIR}/bin/x64_win64" -lcplex1263 -lm PKG_CPPFLAGS = -D_LP64 -I"${CPLEX_DIR}/include" else PKG_LIBS = -L"${CPLEX_DIR}/bin/x86_win32" -lcplex1263 -lm PKG_CPPFLAGS = -I"${CPLEX_DIR}/include" endif where ${CPLEX_DIR} references to the cplex installation directory and can be set in the Makevars.site configuration file for the given architecture in your R installation. If you are using a different version of CPLEX than 12.6.3 then please edit your Makevars.win file accordingly. We have successfully tested this procedure with the IBM ILOG CPLEX Community Edition 12.6.3 on 64-bit Windows 7. 32 bit is currently not supported. Please install the package using "R CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch Rcplex_0.3-3.tar.gz" on 64 bit systems. ***AIX*** Installation in AIX on Power 6 (6.1.0) was successful with earlier version of CPLEX (11.2) using IBM's XL C compiler and the following arguments to R CMD INSTALL: R CMD INSTALL Rcplex_0.3-0 \ --configure-args="--with-cplex-include=<cplex_dir>/include \ --with-cplex-cflags=\"-q64\" \ --with-cplex-lib=\"-L<cplex_dir>/lib/power64_aix5.2_7.0/static_mt_stl \ -lcplex -lm -lpthread -q64\""