## ----knitr-options, include=FALSE---------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "#>",
                      collapse = TRUE,
                      eval = FALSE,
                      fig.align = "center")

## ----load-pkgs----------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(ggplot2)    # To plot locations
#  library(maps)       # To access useful maps
#  library(rasterVis)  # To plot raster objects

## ----get-predictors-----------------------------------------------------------
#  files <- list.files(path = file.path(system.file(package = "dismo"), "ex"),
#                      pattern = "grd",
#                      full.names = TRUE)

## ----create-raster-object-----------------------------------------------------
#  predictors <- terra::rast(files)

## ----names-predicrtors--------------------------------------------------------
#  names(predictors)

## ----plot-bio1----------------------------------------------------------------
#  gplot(predictors$bio1) +
#      geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) +
#      coord_equal() +
#      scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c("#2c7bb6", "#abd9e9", "#ffffbf", "#fdae61", "#d7191c"),
#                           na.value = "transparent",
#                           name = "°C x 10") +
#      labs(title = "Annual Mean Temperature",
#           x = "longitude",
#           y = "latitude") +
#      scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
#      scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) +
#      theme_minimal() +
#      theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
#            axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
#            axis.ticks.y = element_blank())

## ----load-SDMtune-------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(SDMtune)

## ----help-dataset-------------------------------------------------------------
#  help(virtualSp)
#  p_coords <- virtualSp$presence
#  bg_coords <- virtualSp$background

## ----plot-presence------------------------------------------------------------
#  ggplot(map_data("world"), aes(long, lat)) +
#      geom_polygon(aes(group = group), fill = "grey95", color = "gray40", size = 0.2) +
#      geom_jitter(data = p_coords, aes(x = x, y = y), color = "red",
#                  alpha = 0.4, size = 1) +
#      labs(x = "longitude", y = "latitude") +
#      theme_minimal() +
#      theme(legend.position = "none") +
#      coord_fixed() +
#      scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-125, -32)) +
#      scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-56, 40))

## ----plot-bg_model-locations--------------------------------------------------
#  ggplot(map_data("world"), aes(long, lat)) +
#      geom_polygon(aes(group = group), fill = "grey95", color = "gray40", size = 0.2) +
#      geom_jitter(data = as.data.frame(bg_coords), aes(x = x, y = y),
#                  color = "blue", alpha = 0.4, size = 0.5) +
#      labs(x = "longitude", y = "latitude") +
#      theme_minimal() +
#      theme(legend.position = "none") +
#      coord_fixed() +
#      scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-125, -32)) +
#      scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-56, 40))

## ----prepare-SWD--------------------------------------------------------------
#  data <- prepareSWD(species = "Virtual species",
#                     p = p_coords,
#                     a = bg_coords,
#                     env = predictors,
#                     categorical = "biome")

## ----show-SWD-object----------------------------------------------------------
#  data

## ----show-data----------------------------------------------------------------
#  head(data@data)

## ----show-coords-data---------------------------------------------------------
#  head(data@coords)

## ----show-species-------------------------------------------------------------
#  data@species

## ----save-SWD-single, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------
#  swd2csv(data,
#          file_name = "data.csv")

## ----save-SWD-double, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------
#  swd2csv(data,
#          file_name = c("presence.csv", "background.csv"))

## ----train--------------------------------------------------------------------
#  model <- train(method = "Maxent",
#                 data = data)

## ----print-model--------------------------------------------------------------
#  model

## ----get-slots----------------------------------------------------------------
#  slotNames(model)

## ----model-slots--------------------------------------------------------------
#  slotNames(model@model)

## ----retrain------------------------------------------------------------------
#  model <- train(method = "Maxent",
#                 data = data,
#                 fc = "lqph",
#                 reg = 1,
#                 iter = 500)

## ----model-witout-default-arguments-------------------------------------------
#  model <- train(method = "Maxent",
#                 data = data,
#                 fc = "lh",
#                 reg = 0.5,
#                 iter = 700)

## ----predict-train------------------------------------------------------------
#  pred <- predict(model,
#                  data = data,
#                  type = "cloglog")

## ----print-pred---------------------------------------------------------------
#  head(pred)

## ----predict-presence---------------------------------------------------------
#  p <- data@data[data@pa == 1, ]
#  pred <- predict(model,
#                  data = p,
#                  type = "cloglog")
#  tail(pred)

## ----predict-raster-----------------------------------------------------------
#  map <- predict(model,
#                 data = predictors,
#                 type = "cloglog")

## ----print-raster-output------------------------------------------------------
#  map

## ----save-map, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
#  map <- predict(model,
#                 data = predictors,
#                 type = "cloglog",
#                 file = "my_map",
#                 format = "GTiff")

## ----exercise-----------------------------------------------------------------
#  # First create the extent that surrounds Chile
#  e = terra::ext(c(-77, -60, -56, -15))
#  # Now use the extent to make the prediction
#  map_e <- predict(model,
#                   data = predictors,
#                   type = "cloglog",
#                   extent = e)

## ----plot-map-default---------------------------------------------------------
#  plotPred(map)

## ----plot-map-custom----------------------------------------------------------
#  plotPred(map,
#           lt = "Habitat\nsuitability",
#           colorramp = c("#2c7bb6", "#abd9e9", "#ffffbf", "#fdae61", "#d7191c"))

## ----thresholds---------------------------------------------------------------
#  ths <- thresholds(model,
#                    type = "cloglog")
#  ths

## ----plot-pa------------------------------------------------------------------
#  plotPA(map,
#         th = ths[3, 2])

## ----plot-and-save-pa, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------
#  plotPA(map,
#         th = ths[3, 2],
#         filename = "my_pa_map",
#         format = "GTiff")

## ----auc----------------------------------------------------------------------
#  auc(model)

## ----plot-roc-----------------------------------------------------------------
#  plotROC(model)

## ----tss----------------------------------------------------------------------
#  tss(model)

## ----aicc---------------------------------------------------------------------
#  aicc(model,
#       env = predictors)

## ----train-test---------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(zeallot)  # For unpacking assignment
#  c(train, test) %<-% trainValTest(data,
#                                   test = 0.2,
#                                   only_presence = TRUE,
#                                   seed = 25)

## ----trai-with-train-dataset--------------------------------------------------
#  model <- train("Maxent",
#                 data = train)

## ----evaluate-test------------------------------------------------------------
#  auc(model)
#  auc(model, test = test)

## ----plot-AUC-train-test------------------------------------------------------
#  plotROC(model, test = test)

## ----experiment---------------------------------------------------------------
#  # Create an empty data.frame
#  output <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 10, ncol = 3))
#  colnames(output) <- c("seed", "trainAUC", "testAUC")
#  # Create 10 different random seeds
#  set.seed(25)
#  seeds <- sample.int(1000, 10)
#  # Loop through the seeds
#  for (i in 1:length(seeds)) {
#    # Make the train/test split
#    c(train, test) %<-% trainValTest(data,
#                                     test = 0.2,
#                                     seed = seeds[i],
#                                     only_presence = TRUE)
#    # train the model
#    m <- train("Maxent", data = train)
#    # Populate the output data.frame
#    output[i, 1] <- seeds[i]
#    output[i, 2] <- auc(m)
#    output[i, 3] <- auc(m, test = test)
#  }
#  # Print the output
#  output
#  # compute the range of the testing AUC
#  range(output[, 3])

## ----random-folds-------------------------------------------------------------
#  folds <- randomFolds(data,
#                       k = 4,
#                       only_presence = TRUE,
#                       seed = 25)

## ----cv, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------------
#  cv_model <- train("Maxent",
#                    data = data,
#                    folds = folds)
#  cv_model

## ----cv-auc-------------------------------------------------------------------
#  auc(cv_model)
#  auc(cv_model, test = TRUE)

## ----enmeval-block------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(ENMeval)
#  block_folds <- get.block(occ = data@coords[data@pa == 1, ],
#                           bg.coords = data@coords[data@pa == 0, ])
#  model <- train(method = "Maxent",
#                 data = data,
#                 fc = "l",
#                 reg = 0.8,
#                 folds = block_folds)

## ----enmeval-checherboard1----------------------------------------------------
#  cb_folds <- get.checkerboard1(occ = data@coords[data@pa == 1, ],
#                                env = predictors,
#                                bg.coords = data@coords[data@pa == 0, ],
#                                aggregation.factor = 4)
#  model <- train(method = "Maxent",
#                 data = data,
#                 fc = "l",
#                 reg = 0.8,
#                 folds = cb_folds)

## ----blockCV------------------------------------------------------------------
#  library(blockCV)
#  # Create sf object
#  sf_df <- sf::st_as_sf(cbind(data@coords, pa = data@pa),
#                        coords = c("X", "Y"),
#                        crs = terra::crs(predictors,
#                                         proj = TRUE))
#  # Spatial blocks
#  spatial_folds <- cv_spatial(x = sf_df,
#                              column = "pa",
#                              rows_cols = c(8, 10),
#                              k = 5,
#                              hexagon = FALSE,
#                              selection = "systematic")
#  model <- train(method = "Maxent",
#                 data = data,
#                 fc = "l",
#                 reg = 0.8,
#                 folds = spatial_folds)