## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(SimplyAgree) data(temps) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tolerance_limit( data = temps, x = "trec_pre", # First measure y = "teso_pre", # Second measure id = "id", # Subject ID condition = "tod", # Identify condition that may affect differences cor_type = "sym" # Set correlation structure as Compound Symmetry ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test1 = tolerance_limit(data = temps, x = "teso_pre", y = "trec_pre", id = "id", condition = "tod") test1 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calc. LoA a1 = agreement_limit(data = reps, x = "x", y = "y") # print a1 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a2 = agreement_limit(x = "x", y = "y", id = "id", data = reps, data_type = "reps", agree.level = .8) a2 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- a3 = agreement_limit(x = "x", y = "y", id = "id", data = reps, data_type = "nest", loa_calc = "mover", agree.level = .95) a3 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- res1 = tolerance_limit( data = temps, x = "trec_pre", # First measure y = "teso_pre", # Second measure id = "id", # Subject ID condition = "tod", # Identify condition that may affect differences cor_type = "sym" # Set correlation structure as Compound Symmetry ) plot(res1, delta = .25) # Set maximal allowable difference to .25 units ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_agree = agreement_limit(x = "x", y = "y", data = reps) check(test_agree) test_tol = tolerance_limit(x = "x", y = "y", data = reps) check(test_tol) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- test_tol = tolerance_limit(x = "x", y = "y", data = reps, prop_bias = TRUE) print(test_tol) # See effect of proportional bias on limits plot(test_tol) # Confirm its effects in proportional bias check plot (should be horizontal now) check(test_tol) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tolerance_limit( data = temps, log_tf = TRUE, # natural log transformation of responses x = "trec_pre", # First measure y = "teso_pre", # Second measure id = "id", # Subject ID condition = "tod", # Identify condition that may affect differences cor_type = "sym" # Set correlation structure as Compound Symmetry ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tolerance_limit( data = temps, log_tf = TRUE, # natural log transformation of responses log_tf_display = "sympercent", # display results as sympercent x = "trec_pre", # First measure y = "teso_pre", # Second measure id = "id", # Subject ID condition = "tod", # Identify condition that may affect differences cor_type = "sym" # Set correlation structure as Compound Symmetry ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(81346) x = rnorm(750, 100, 10) diff = rnorm(750, 0, 1) y = x + diff df = data.frame(x = x, y = y) a1 = agreement_limit(data = df, x = "x", y = "y", agree.level = .95) plot(a1, geom = "geom_point") plot(a1, geom = "geom_bin2d") plot(a1, geom = "geom_density_2d") plot(a1, geom = "geom_density_2d_filled") plot(a1, geom = "stat_density_2d")