A |
surface or cross-sectional area (m2) |
a |
altitude angle of the sun (degrees) (subscripts: s, for normal to a slope; c ,for the axis of a cylinder); solar absorptivity (proportion) (subscripts: l, lizard thermal absorptivity; s, lizard solar absorptivity) |
Acondfact |
proportion of the animal surface area that is in contact with the ground |
Agradfact |
proportion of the animal projected area exposed to radiation from the ground |
airpressure |
air pressure (kPa) |
aran |
scale performance value for performance curve? if aran = 0, no scaling; if aran = 1, includes a thermodynamic effect on mean performance |
breadth |
breadth of the thermal performance curve |
c |
specific heat capacity (subscripts: a, air; p, air at constant pressure; so, soil) (Jkg−1K−1 or J kg^{-1}{°C}^{-1}) |
CT |
critical thermal limit (°C) (subscripts: min, minima; max, maxima), the lower and upper temperature limit for performance |
D |
characteristic dimension (m); thoracic diameter (cm) |
d |
thickness of material (m); diameter of a cylinder (m) |
day or doy |
day of year |
deg |
angle (degrees) |
depth |
depth (cm) |
e |
water vapor pressure (N m^{-2}, mbar) (subscripts: a, of the air; s, at saturation) |
ef |
enhancement factor, used to adjust convective heat transfer coefficient to field conditions |
elev |
elevation above mean sea level (m). |
F |
view factor between the animal and radiation stream (dimensionless) (subscripts: a, atmospheric radiation; d, diffuse solar radiation; g, ground thermal radiation; r, reflected solar radiation) |
g_{a} |
a shape factor for soil particles |
| |
H_L or H |
convective heat transfer coefficient (W m^{-2}{°C}^{-1} or W m^{-2}K^{-1}) | |
h |
height (m); length of a cylinder (m); relative humidity (decimal fraction); Planck’s constant (J s); hour angle (rad) |
| |
hp |
mean month relative humidity (percentage) |
hour |
hour (0-24) |
K |
thermal conductance (W m^{-2}{°C}^{-1}) (subscripts f, fur; g, substrate; s, skin; sf, skin and fur; o, overall heat conductance for an animal; c, surface boundary layer for convection; so, soil). |
k |
von Karman’s constant (dimensionless), k~0.41 |
k_{so} |
soil thermal conductivity (W m^{-1}K^{-1} or W m^{-1}C^{-1}) |
K_t or kt |
clearness index, the ratio of the global solar radiation measured at the surface to the total solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere (dimensionless) |
L |
Monin-Obukhov length (m), a measure of the instability of heat flow |
l or L |
length (m) |
lon |
longitude (degrees) |
lat |
latitude (degrees) |
lower developmental threshold (°C) |
lw |
downward flux of near-infrared radiation (Wm^{-2}) |
m |
mass (kg or g); air mass (dimensionless) |
P |
monthly precipitation (mm) |
psa |
proportion surface exposed (dimensionless) (subscripts: air, for exposure to air; ref, for exposure to ground; dir, for exposure to sky or enclosure; g, for exposure to substrate) |
Q_{abs} |
solar and thermal radiation absorbed (W) |
Q_{emit} |
thermal radiation emitted (W) |
Q_{conv} |
energy exchange between an animal and the surrounding substance due to convection (W) |
Q_{cond} |
energy exchange between an animal and the surface due to conduction (W) |
Q_{met} |
energy emitted due to metabolism (W) |
Q_{evap} |
energy emitted due to evaporative water loss (W) |
r |
reflectance (decimal fraction) (subscripts: g, of ground; S, to direct sunlight; s, to skylight); diffusion resistance to water vapor (s m^{-1}) (subscripts: b, boundary layer; i, internal or intercellular); resistance to heat flow (s m^{-1}) (subscripts: h, ha, boundary layer; j, diffusion resistance to molecular species j; radius (m) (subscripts: b, of inside body wall of animal; r, of outer surface of animal) |
rad |
angle (radians) |
raz |
solar azimuth angle (degrees) |
S |
amount of sunlight incident upon the earth’s surface (W m^{-2}) (subscripts: dir, direct solar radiation; dif, diffuse solar radiation; h, on a horizontal surface; ref, reflected solar radiation) |
shade |
whether soil temperature is calculated in the shade or not |
shift |
mode of the thermal performance curve |
skew |
skewness of the thermal performance curve |
sol.elev |
solar elevation angles (degrees) |
solar absorptivity of soil surface (proportion) |
svl |
lizard snout vent length (mm) |
t |
time (hr or s) (subscripts: as, after sunset; n, time of minimum temperature; r, sunrise; s, sunset; p, rise the following day; x, time of maximum temperature) |
T |
temperature (°C or K or °F) (subscripts: a, air; g, ground; s, surface; sh, shade; sky, effective radiant temperature of the sky) |
T_{dewpoint} |
dewpoint temperature (°C) |
T_{e} |
Operative environmental temperature (°C) |
T_{max} |
maximum temperature of the day (°C) |
T_{min} |
minimum temperature of the day (°C) |
Tg_{max} |
maximum soil surface temperature of the day (°C) |
Tg_{min} |
minimum soil surface temperature of the day (°C) |
T_{opt} |
thermal optima, the temperature at which peak performance occurs (°C) |
T_{soil0} |
initial soil temperature (°C) |
tolerance |
maximal breath (°C) of the thermal performance curve |
u |
wind speed (m s^{-1}) (subscripts: r, reference height or heights) |
upper developmental threshold (°C) |
V |
volume (m^{3}) | |
water_{content} |
water content (percent) |
x |
vector of volume fractions of soil constituents (e.g., clay, quartz, minerals other than quartz, organic matter, water, air) |
z |
distance, or height above a surface (m) | |
zr |
reference height (m) |
z0 |
roughness height (m) |