VulnToolkit version 1.1.4 (release date: 2021-07-30)
  * Updated curl check in `noaa()` to work on Mac operating systems

VulnToolkit version 1.1.3 (release date: 2021-05-03)
  * Added vignette for NOAA/PSMSL functions
  * `HL.plot` robust to NAs, includes more examples
  * `HL` assignment of mixed semidiurnal tides is robust to identical tide heights and partial tidal cycles
VulnToolkit version 1.1.2 (release date: 2021-04-16)
  * Added functions for pulling data from Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level
  * Zenodo DOI [![DOI](](

VulnToolkit version 1.1.1 (release date: 2021-03-09)
  * Code updates for consistency with CRAN package guidelines

VulnToolkit version 1.1.0 (release date: 2020-10-17)
  * Changes to noaa() to accommodate NOAA website changes
      * `stn` argument must now be the station number.
  * noaa.stations() is deprecated, because the url listing NOAA stations now relies on javascript

VulnToolkit version 1.0.7 (release date: 2020-09-04)
  * RCurl use is completely eliminated
VulnToolkit version 1.0.6 (release date: 2020-09-03)
  * NOAA web scrapers fixed to accommodate new website design. Removed RCurl usage in noaa(), with future goal of complete RCurl elimination. 
VulnToolkit version 1.0.5 (release date: 2018-12-22)
  * HL() now has an option to identify higher- and lower- high/low tides in semidiurnal systems