This vignette is written for baggr users who want to learn
about (Bayesian) meta-analysis concepts and analyse data on typically
continuous variables. If you are looking for information that is more
specific to binary data, please read
. This article - like the package
itself - is still under construction. We encourage your feedback.
baggr (pronounced “bagger” or “badger” and short for Bayesian Aggregator) is a package for aggregating evidence on causal effects measured in several separate and different instances. These instances may be different studies, groups, locations or “sites” however conceptualised. We refer to these separate pieces of evidence as “groups” for the remainder of this vignette When each group is a study, the model is that of meta-analysis, but aggregation of evidence is not limited to this case.
One of the most basic objects of interest is the average treatment effect (ATE), the difference in the mean outcome in treatment and control groups; for more information see work by Rubin (1974). In meta-analysis we are often interested in the average of this average effect across groups, estimated using all the evidence from all the groups. Consider the case where the evidence in each study or group is generated by comparing the outcomes of treatment and control samples in a randomized experiment. We will ignore any covariate information at the individual or group level for now.
Consider some outcome of interest yik such as consumption, income or health outcomes for a household or individual i=1,2,...Nk in study group k=1,2....K. Let Yk denote the Nk-length vector of observed outcomes from group k. Denote the binary indicator of treatment status by Tik, and denote by Tk the Nk-length vector of all treatment status indicators from group k.
Suppose that yik varies randomly around its mean μk+τkTi. In this setting τk is the treatment effect in group k. The random variation in yik may be the result of sampling variation or measurement error, as in the Rubin (1981) model, or it may be the result of unmodelled heterogeneity or uncertainty in outcomes for individuals within the group. Allow the variance of the outcome variable yik to vary across sites, so σ2yk may differ across k.
For average effects aggregation, baggr allows 3 types of data inputs. The user may supply, within a data frame environment, any of the following:
A set of estimated treatment effects {^τk}Kk=1 and their
standard errors {^sek}Kk=1 from each study.
This should be formatted as two column vectors of length K within the data frame, where ^τk is the k-th entry of the treatment effect vector
and ^sek is the k-th entry of the standard errors vector.
Columns should be named "tau"
and "se"
. Model
will be "rubin"
(see below).
A set of control group means and estimated treatment effects
as well as the standard errors for both {^seμk,^seτk}Kk=1, for each study site This should be formatted as
four vectors of length K within the
data frame, analogous to the above. Columns should be names
, "tau"
, ""
. Model will be "mutau"
The full data sets from all the original studies {Yk,Tk}Kk=1. This should be
formatted as three vectors of length ∑Kk=1Nk, which we recommend
naming "outcome"
, "treatment"
(for site indicators), but the names can also be
specified when calling baggr()
function. Model will be
(see below).
As an example of an individual-level data set we include in data
frames microcredit
and microcredit_simplified
The former contains all the microcredit outcome data used in Meager (2019), standardized to USD PPP in 2009
terms per two weeks (a time period is necessary as these are flow
variables). It therefore contains NAs and other undesirable features, to
allow the user to see how baggr handles these common data
issues. The data set microcredit_simplified
has these
issues cleaned up and contains only one outcome of interest, consumer
durables spending.
baggr also has a function that automatically produces
summary data from full data sets, in case one wishes to run the
comparatively faster summary-data models. The prepare_ma()
function applied to a dataframe with columns named "group"
, and "treatment"
estimates the control group means, treatment effects, and associated
standard errors for each group using an Ordinary Least Squares
regression. The resulting output is already formatted as a valid input
to the baggr()
command itself:
prepare_ma(microcredit_simplified, outcome = "consumption")
#> group mu tau se.tau n.tau
#> 1 1 303.6065 5.510755 2.559897 4.101140 8298 8262
#> 2 2 280.0887 50.449393 11.141075 22.156317 260 701
#> 3 3 196.4215 -5.171338 14.432604 19.266339 444 551
#> 4 4 276.2791 4.641604 3.730907 5.451094 3248 3579
#> 5 5 327.5246 -2.935731 4.027768 6.022955 2771 2716
baggr currently contains two different models suitable for aggregating sets of average treatment effects. Consider first the evidence aggregation model from Rubin (1981), discussed extensively in Chapter 5 of Gelman et al. (2013); the model consists of a hierarchical likelihood as follows:
The motivation for this model structure is discussed in detail in the sources above and in Meager (2019). To complete the Bayesian model, we now need priors. baggr has a set of default priors for each model (adjusted to data), as well as allowing the user to specify her own priors if desired. In the Rubin model, baggr’s default priors on the hyper-parameters are as follows:
).In case you also have data on the control groups’ mean outcomes and the uncertainty on those,you can augment the Rubin (1981) model to incorporate that information. Following Meager (2019), if one has access to the estimated control means {^μk}Kk=1 and their standard errors {^seμk}Kk=1, one can fit a joint Gaussian model on the pairs {^μk,^τk}Kk=1:
In baggr this model is referred to as
If you have only few groups, the priors on V will need to be relatively strong to avoid overfitting. See Meager (2019) for more discussion of this issue in particular, or see the Stan Manual on hierarchical priors. The default priors are as follows:
Model (name in baggr ) |
Input columns | Level-1 likelihood | Level-2 likelihood | Default priors |
summary data “Rubin” ("rubin" ) |
tau and se |
^τk∼N(τk,^sek2) | τk∼N(τ,σ2τ) | τ∼N(0,100), στ∼U(0,10˜σ) |
“μ and τ” ("mutau" ) |
tau , mu , se.tau , |
^τk∼N(τk,^seτ,k2), ^μk∼N(μk,^seμ,k2) | (μkτk)∼N((μτ),V) | V=θΩθ′ where θ∼Cauchy(0,10), Ω∼LKJ(3), (μτ)∼N(0,1002Id2) |
full data “Rubin” ("rubin_full" ) |
outcome , treatment ,
group |
Same as for “μ and τ” | Same as for “μ and τ” | Same as for “μ and τ” |
Logit ("logit" ) |
outcome , treatment ,
group |
See vignette("baggr_binary") |
… | … |
Where inputs are individual-level data, i.e. outcome
, group
, you can specify column names
in as arguments to baggr()
In the “Rubin” and “μ and τ” models, the user can specify custom priors beyond the defaults using the prior arguments. These prior arguments are subdivided into 3 categories:
Priors for the hypermean, the average effect across groups, such
as τ or the vector (μ,τ). This is denoted using the
argument in baggr.
Priors for the hyper-standard-deviations στ, the standard deviation of
effects across groups. This also refers to the prior on θ, the scale parameter of the
hyper-variance-covariance matrix V
in the”μ and τ” model. This type of parameter is
denoted prior_hypersd
in baggr.
Priors on hypercorrelations between parameters that may co-vary
across the groups. When working with multi-dimensional parameters at the
upper level of the model (aka performing multivariate shrinkage), this
is the correlation in the distribution of the different parameters
across the groups. For example, in the “μ and τ” model this parameter is the
correlation matrix Ω that
governs the hyper-variance-covariance matrix V. This type of parameter is denoted
in baggr.
The possible prior distributions we allow for in the current version are:
we allow "normal"
, "cauchy"
, "lognormal"
and (generalised) "student_t"
with any parameter values
which are logically possible given support constraints (e.g. user cannot
specify a negative variance on a normal distribution or a negative scale
on a Cauchy) When the model has a vector hypermean, “μ and τ” model, baggr applies the given
prior to all the elements of the vector independently. If the user
wishes to specify a prior dependence between the components, one can
supply prior_hypermean with a multinormal argument (see
for details).prior_hypersd
we allow "normal"
with any parameter values which are logically
possible given support constraints (as above).prior_hypercor
, which is only necessary when there
is a multivariate shrinkage operation (as in the “μ and τ” model) we allow an LKJ correlation
prior ("lkj"
) with any parameter values which are logically
possible given support constraints. For further details of this strategy
see Meager (2019).Notation for priors is “plain-text”, in that you can write the
distributions as normal()
, uniform()
etc. See
for details, or continue to the example below with
the Rubin model.
To demonstrate the Rubin model in baggr, consider the 8 schools example from Rubin (1981). In this dataset, 8 schools in the United States performed similar randomized experiments to estimate the causal effect of an SAT tutoring program on learning outcomes. Reported treatment effects and their standard errors are included in baggr as a data frame:
#> group tau se
#> 1 School A 28 15
#> 2 School B 8 10
#> 3 School C -3 16
#> 4 School D 7 11
#> 5 School E -1 9
#> 6 School F 1 11
#> 7 School G 18 10
#> 8 School H 12 18
To fit the model in baggr (having followed the installation instructions and loaded the package):
This creates a baggr
class object, and you can access
the underlying stanfit
object by calling
. If you don’t change the default priors,
then baggr will print a message informing you of the priors it
has chosen.
Printing baggr_schools
returns a summary of the
posterior inference. First baggr records the model type and the
pooling regime chosen by the user or implemented by default. Second,
baggr returns inference on the aggregate treatment effect τ by reporting its posterior mean and
95% uncertainty interval, and similar inference on the hyper-SD στ. Lastly, it prints the
“updated” inference on each of the groups’ treatment effects, displaying
their new posterior means, standard deviations and pooling factors (see
#> Model type: Rubin model with aggregate data
#> Pooling of effects: partial
#> Aggregate treatment effect (on mean), 8 groups:
#> Hypermean (tau) = 8.3 with 95% interval -1.8 to 22.0
#> Hyper-SD (sigma_tau) = 6.93 with 95% interval 0.26 to 23.09
#> Posterior predictive effect = 8.4 with 95% interval -12.0 to 32.0
#> Total pooling (1 - I^2) = 0.75 with 95% interval 0.20 to 1.00
#> Group-specific treatment effects:
#> mean sd 2.5% 50% 97.5% pooling
#> School A 11.7 8.8 -2.47 10.3 33 0.81
#> School B 7.9 6.3 -5.10 8.0 20 0.71
#> School C 6.2 8.0 -11.66 6.8 21 0.83
#> School D 7.6 6.6 -6.07 7.6 21 0.74
#> School E 4.9 6.4 -9.28 5.5 16 0.68
#> School F 5.9 6.5 -8.18 6.3 18 0.74
#> School G 10.9 7.0 -0.63 10.0 27 0.71
#> School H 8.6 7.8 -6.52 8.2 26 0.85
It is possible to fit the Rubin model without specifying any priors,
in which case the user is notified about the automatic prior choice that
baggr performs. But the priors can also be easily customised by
using prior_
arguments to baggr()
. The Rubin
model performs univariate shrinkage so we will not need to specify a
hyper-correlation prior, but we can specify some custom priors on the
hyper-mean and hyper-sd. If desired, the user can specify only some
priors as custom distributions - the rest will be chosen automatically
and the user will be notified of this in the output.
Consider changing both as an example, say placing a Normal prior with mean -5 and standard deviation 10 on our hypermean τ, as well as placing a uniform prior with lower bound 0 and upper bound 5 on our hyper-standard-deviation στ. Thus, what is expressed mathematically as τ∼N(−5,10) and στ∼U[0,5] is expressed in baggr as follows:
It is also possible to pass your custom priors as a list to baggr, as follows:
custom_priors <- list( hypermean = cauchy(0,25), hypersd = normal(0,30))
baggr(schools, "rubin", pooling = "partial", prior = custom_priors)
Note that the Rubin model assumes Gaussian distribution of effects across groups. This is generally appropriate as a first pass at the problem (see McCulloch and Neuhaus (2011)) except if the distribution is known to be asymmetric for scientific reasons. For example, if you are working with risk ratios or odds ratios these statistics cannot be negative and the chosen hyper-distribution should typically reflect that. However, in many cases it is possible and indeed standard to maintain the Gaussian assumption on a transform of the object: for example, you can safely fit the Rubin model to the logarithm of the risk ratios or odds ratios. While bearing in mind that log transforms obscure inherent dependencies between means and variances in the raw scale, this is still much better than applying a Gaussian to the raw object itself.
Baggr models are run in Stan, and the fit and results need to be checked, understood and criticised as you would any stan model or indeed any MCMC model fitting exercise. You must pay attention to printed warnings about the Rhat criterion: if you see a warning that Rhat statistic exceeds 1.05 for any parameter, you MUST NOT use the results for inference. This warning means the MCMC chains have not converged, and it is exceedingly unlikely that the “posterior inference” printed out corresponds to anything close to the true posterior implied by your model and data. If you use results from which the Rhat statistic exceeds 1.05 YOUR INFERENCE WILL BE WRONG.
If you see this warning, try re-running the model with the option
set to a large number such as 10,000, as below. It is
also good practice to run many chains, such as 8 rather than the default
4, to have a greater chance to detect pathological MCMC behaviour. You
do this by passing baggr the stan arguments
iter = 10000
and chains = 8
, like so:
Other warnings you may see involve “divergent transitions”. While not
as serious as high Rhat, this can signal problems with the model. As the
stan message that you will see suggests, try adjusting
argument above 0.8, e.g. to 0.99. You cannot
pass this parameter directly to stan and thus you cannot pass
it directly to baggr, so instead you must pass the argument
control = list(adapt_delta = 0.99)
It is often useful to measure the extent to which the hierarchical
model is “pooling” or sharing information across the groups in the
process of aggregation. Baggr automatically computes and prints
such a metric, as seen above. You can access more details by writing
In the output above we can see a “pooling” column next to each group. This is a statistic due to Gelman and Pardoe (2006).
In a partial pooling model (see [baggr]), group k (e.g. study) has a treatment effect estimate, with some SE around the real τk, i.e. ^τk∼N(τk,^sek) ( itself is an estimate of the true sek). Each τk itself is distributed with mean τ and variance σ2τ.
The quantity of interest is ratio of variability in τ to total variability. By convention, we subtract it from 1, to obtain a pooling metric p.
Note that, since σ2τ is a Bayesian parameter (rather than a single fixed value) p is also a parameter. It is typical for p to have very high dispersion, as in many cases we cannot precisely estimate στ. That is certainly the case in our example:
#> , , 1
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
#> 2.5% 0.2967497 0.1579246 0.3243730 0.1849549 0.1318760 0.1849549 0.1579246
#> mean 0.8139490 0.7089556 0.8282654 0.7357306 0.6781800 0.7357306 0.7089556
#> 97.5% 0.9996918 0.9993067 0.9997291 0.9994270 0.9991442 0.9994270 0.9993067
#> [,8]
#> 2.5% 0.3779680
#> mean 0.8525197
#> 97.5% 0.9997859
Sometimes researchers prefer to summarise heterogeneity by using a single measure. One possibility is to provide a “big” estimate of pooling P is analogous to averaging p across groups:
where is average over K groups. Note that the denominator in the formula above is an application of the law of total variance to ^τk, i.e. Var(^τk) is a sum of between-study variance (Var(τk)) and average within-study variance (E(se2k)); von Hippel (2015) provides more details.
In many contexts, i.e. medical statistics, it is typical to report 1−P, called I2 (see Higgins et al. (2003) for an overview). Higher values of I-squared indicate higher heterogeneity.
Same as for group-specific estimates, P is a Bayesian parameter and its dispersion can be high.
A fundamental step to understanding the model is to plot the
posterior distributions. baggr has several automatic plot
functions which you can access by calling baggr_plot()
equivalently, using the default plot function; these visuals are based
on bayesplot package. Plotting functions always take
class object as their first argument. By default,
means and 95% posterior intervals of the effects in each group
are shown. Extra options are available, such as whether to order the
results by effect size. For the 8 schools Rubin model we have
Similarly important is the plot of potential treatment effects (posterior predictive distribution), obtained by repeatedly drawing hypermean and hyper-SD values from baggr’s Markov Chain model, then drawing new value of treatment effect conditional on these:
The values underlying the plot can be obtained by
, which can be used e.g. to draw 1 new
You can also summarise over the entire distribution to obtain mean,
SD, and quantiles
(effect_draw(baggr_schools, summary = TRUE)
). For
meta-regression models (models with covariates), you can also use this
function to make predictions for new data, at set values of
However, from the viewpoint of model building, the most important plots are the ones that directly compare many possible models.
The default Rubin model (which we have selected explicitly above) is
that of partial pooling. When using baggr_compare
any extra arguments, full pooling, no pooling and partial pooling
versions of the model will be fit:
The result of the comparison includes all the models, but it also
produces an automatic comparison plot. Because the output object of
baggr_compare is a ggplot
object you can edit it further
yourself and build on it as you would any ggplot
object by,
for example, changing theme or labels:
The comparison can be made not just for different types of pooling, but for any number of models which include the same groups. A typical example is comparing two models on the same data, but with different priors.
Consider this model with alternative, very strong priors:
We can compare it with the previous model by providing both models as
arguments to baggr_compare
and effects_plot
It’s good to name the arguments, as these names will be used to label
effect_plot("Default model" = baggr_schools, "normal(10, 2.5)" = baggr_schools_v2) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-10, 30)) + theme(legend.position = "top")
baggr_compare("Default model" = baggr_schools, "normal(10, 2.5)" = baggr_schools_v2)
#> Mean treatment effects:
#> 2.5% mean 97.5% median sd
#> Default model -1.77837 8.29902 22.0418 7.91293 5.93786
#> normal(10, 2.5) 5.18573 9.51974 13.9187 9.48642 2.21891
#> SD for treatment effects:
#> 2.5% mean 97.5% median sd
#> Default model 0.263394 6.92524 23.0915 5.54017 5.93912
#> normal(10, 2.5) 0.219007 5.84283 17.6026 4.71528 4.67683
#> Posterior predictive effects:
#> 2.5% mean 97.5% median sd
#> Default model -13.28690 8.28680 31.9200 7.76553 11.24630
#> normal(10, 2.5) -7.91404 9.45364 27.1755 9.39610 8.08842
Forest plots are a typical for reporting meta-analysis results. We adapted the default functionality from forestplot to work with baggr objects. You can choose to display 1) input data for groups, and/or, 2) posterior distributions for groups. In both cases these are followed by a display mean treatment effect. The default is 1):
The plots can be modified by passing extra arguments – see
. It’s also possible to display both 1) and
Baggr has built-in, automated leave-one-out cross validation
for its models. The values returned by loocv()
can be used
to understand how any one group affects the overall result, as well as
how well the model predicts the omitted group.
This function automatically runs K baggr models, leaving out one group at a time, and then calculates expected log predictive density (ELPD) for that group (see Gelman, Hwang, and Vehtari (2014)). The main output is the cross-validation information criterion, or -2 times the ELPD averaged over K models. This is related to, and often approximated by, the Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion. A value closer to zero (i.e. a smaller number in magnitude) means a better fit. For more information on cross-validation see this overview article.
Therefore, if you have K groups,
using the loocv()
will run your model of choice K times. Be aware that this may take a
while even for simple models. (You should see a progress bar in your
terminal window.) The loocv()
function takes in the same
arguments as baggr()
, plus an option
) for whether to return all the models or
just the summary statistics. For the 8 schools example we can do
loocv_res <- loocv(schools, return_models = FALSE,
iter = 1000, #just to make it a bit faster -- don't try it at home!
model = "rubin", pooling = "partial")
#> LOO estimate based on 8-fold cross-validation
#> Estimate Standard Error
#> elpd -31.7 0.954
#> looic 63.5 1.910
The loocv()
output contains more than just the matrix it
prints, and this additional information can be accessed via
, e.g. the mean treatment effects, their
variability and elpd for each model that are stored in the
attribute df
This data frame can then be used to examine or compute the variation in the inference on τ in the absence of each group. If the user is interested in manually checking the consequences of excluding a particular group or set of groups, this is also possible in baggr using subsetting. For example, suppose that we want to run the Rubin model on school groups 1-7 and predict the effect in the 8th school. The code below shows how you can specify a subset of the dataframe as your “data” argument, and then designate another subset as the “testing” holdout set by assigning it to the argument “test_data” in the baggr command. Here we have done it for both partial and full pooling:
We can compare the performance of the two models using the mean log predictive density. This itself is a density as the name suggests so we will compute the log expected value of this density: here, as before, a number closer to zero is better. In this case the full pooling model actually does slightly better:
If we run the full loocv
for both models, we can
estimate the difference between the ELPD of those models as well as the
standard error of that difference. As an example, let’s consider the two
models above.
We can compare those fits with loo_compare
, which gives
use the differences in ELPD for the various models we pass it. Generally
it is important to pay attention to both the difference in the
predictive density and also the standard error of that difference.