## ----options, include = FALSE------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(banditsCI) set.seed(123) ## ----parameters--------------------------------------------------------------- batch_sizes <- rep(1e3, 5) A <- sum(batch_sizes) p <- 10 K <- 4 ## ----simtreedata, eval = TRUE------------------------------------------------- data <- simple_tree_data( A=A, K=K, p=p, split = 0.25, noise_std = 0.25) ## ----simlindata, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------- # # # Interacted linear model # # xs <- matrix(rnorm(A*p), ncol=p) # - X: covariates of shape [A, p] # # # generate a linear model # # coef <- c(rnorm(2), rnorm(ncol(xs)-2, sd = 0.05)) # # y_latent <- xs %*% coef # # y <- as.numeric(cut(rank(y_latent), # # # one group is twice as large as other groups # # breaks = c(0, A*(2:(K+1)/(K+1))) )) # # data <- generate_bandit_data(xs = xs, y = y, noise_std = 0.5) ## ----contextual_experiment, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "100%"----- # access dataset components xs <- data[[1]]$xs ys <- data[[1]]$ys results <- run_experiment(ys = ys, floor_start = 0.025, floor_decay = 0, batch_sizes = batch_sizes, xs = xs) # plot the cumulative assignment graph for every arm and every batch size, # x-axis is the number of observations, y-axis is the cumulative assignment plot_cumulative_assignment(results, batch_sizes) ## ----best_arm----------------------------------------------------------------- table(apply(data[[1]]$muxs, 1, which.max)) ## ----illustrate_data, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "100%"----------- muxs <- apply(data[[1]]$muxs, 1, which.max) cols <- c("#00000080", paste0(palette()[2:4], "4D")) # for transparency plot(xs[,1], xs[,2], col = cols[muxs], pch = 20, xlab = "X1", ylab = "X2", type = "p", cex = 0.5) graphics::legend("topleft", legend = 1:K, col=1:K, pch=19, title = "Best arm") ## ----contextual_assignment_by_arm, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "45%"---- for(k in 1:K){ idx <- (data[[1]]$muxs[,k]==1) batch_sizes_w <- lapply(split(idx, cut(1:sum(batch_sizes), c(0,cumsum(batch_sizes))) ), sum) dat <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(idx), ncol = K) dat[cbind(1:sum(idx), results$ws[idx])] <- 1 dat <- apply(dat, 2, cumsum) graphics::matplot(dat, type = c("l"), col =1:K, lwd = 3, xlab = "Observations", ylab = "Cumulative assignment", main = paste0("Assignment for arm ", k)) graphics::abline(v=cumsum(batch_sizes_w), col="#00ccff") graphics::legend("topleft", legend = 1:K, col=1:K, lty=1:K, lwd = 3) } ## ----contextual_means_estimation---------------------------------------------- # Get estimates for policies # conditional means model mu_hat <- ridge_muhat_lfo_pai(xs=xs, ws=results$ws, yobs=results$yobs, K=K, batch_sizes=batch_sizes) # Our conditional means model is currently 3 dimensional, as we estimate # counterfactuals for each context at each time point. # Here, we only need the estimate for the actual time point in which the # observation was realized. mu_hat2d <- mu_hat[1,,] for(i in 1:nrow(mu_hat2d)){ mu_hat2d[i,] <- mu_hat[i,i,] } # inverse probability score 1[W_t=w]/e_t(w) of pulling arms, shape [A, K] balwts <- calculate_balwts(results$ws, results$probs) # Putting it together, generate doubly robust scores aipw_scores <- aw_scores( ws = results$ws, yobs = results$yobs, mu_hat = mu_hat2d, K = ncol(results$ys), balwts = balwts) ## Define counterfactual policies ### Control policy matrix policy0. This is a matrix with A rows and K columns, ### where the elements in the first column are all 1s and the elements in the ## remaining columns are all 0s. policy0 <- matrix(0, nrow = A, ncol = K) policy0[,1] <- 1 ### Treatment policies list policy1. This is a list with K elements, where each ### list contains a matrix with A rows and K columns. Identifier of treatment x: ### the x th column of the matrix in the x th policy in the list is 1. policy1 <- lapply(1:K, function(x) { pol_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = A, ncol = K) pol_mat[,x] <- 1 pol_mat } ) ## Estimating the value Q(w) of a single arm w. Here we estimate all the arms in ## policy1 in turn. out_full <- output_estimates( policy1 = policy1, gammahat = aipw_scores, probs_array = results$probs, floor_decay = 0) ## ----contextual_means_plot, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "45%"------ op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) par(mar = c(5,16,4,2) + 0.1) # set some plotting parameters across plots xmin <- min(unlist(lapply(out_full, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) - 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) xmax <- max(unlist(lapply(out_full, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) + 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) for(i in 1:length(out_full)){ xest <- out_full[[i]][,"estimate"] x0 <- out_full[[i]][,"estimate"] - 1.96*out_full[[i]][,"std.error"] x1 <- out_full[[i]][,"estimate"] + 1.96*out_full[[i]][,"std.error"] margin <- 2*mean(out_full[[i]][,"std.error"]) plot(x = xest, y = 1:length(xest), yaxt = "n", xlab = "Estimates", ylab = "", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), main = paste0("Arm ", i, " mean response")) segments(y0 = 1:length(xest), y1 = 1:length(xest), x0 = x0, x1 = x1) axis(2, at = 1:length(xest), labels = names(xest), las = 2) abline(v = data$mus[i], col = "#FF3300", lty = "dashed") } suppressWarnings(par(op)) ## ----contextual_ATEs_estimation----------------------------------------------- # Get estimates for treatment effects of policies in contrast to control # \delta(w_1, w_2) = E[Y_t(w_1) - Y_t(w_2)]. # In Hadad et al. (2021) there are two approaches. ## The first approach: use the difference in AIPW scores as the unbiased scoring ## rule for \delta (w_1, w_2) ### The following function implements the first approach by subtracting policy0, ### the control arm, from all the arms in policy1, except for the control arm ### itself. out_full_te1 <- output_estimates( policy0 = policy0, policy1 = policy1[-1], ## remove the control arm from policy1 contrasts = "combined", gammahat = aipw_scores, probs_array = results$probs, floor_decay = 0, non_contextual_twopoint = FALSE) ## The second approach takes asymptotically normal inference about ## \delta(w_1, w_2): \delta ^ hat (w_1, w_2) = Q ^ hat (w_1) - Q ^ hat (w_2) out_full_te2 <- output_estimates( policy0 = policy0, policy1 = policy1[-1], ## remove the control arm from policy1 contrasts = "separate", gammahat = aipw_scores, probs_array = results$probs, floor_decay = 0) ## ----contextual_ATEs_plot1, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "45%"------ par(mar = c(5,16,4,2) + 0.1) # set some plotting parameters across plots xmin <- min(unlist(lapply(out_full_te1, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) - 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te1, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) xmax <- max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te1, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) + 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te1, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) for(i in 1:length(out_full_te1)){ xest <- out_full_te1[[i]][,"estimate"] x0 <- out_full_te1[[i]][,"estimate"] - 1.96*out_full_te1[[i]][,"std.error"] x1 <- out_full_te1[[i]][,"estimate"] + 1.96*out_full_te1[[i]][,"std.error"] margin <- 2*mean(out_full_te1[[i]][,"std.error"]) plot(x = xest, y = 1:length(xest), yaxt = "n", xlab = "Estimates", ylab = "", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), main = paste0("Arm ", i+1, " ATE wrt arm 1")) segments(y0 = 1:length(xest), y1 = 1:length(xest), x0 = x0, x1 = x1) axis(2, at = 1:length(xest), labels = names(xest), las = 2) abline(v = data$mus[i+1] - data$mus[1], col = "#FF3300", lty = "dashed") } suppressWarnings(par(op)) ## ----contextual_ATEs_plot2, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "45%"------ par(mar = c(5,16,4,2) + 0.1) # set some plotting parameters across plots xmin <- min(unlist(lapply(out_full_te2, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) - 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te2, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) xmax <- max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te2, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) + 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te2, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) for(i in 1:length(out_full_te2)){ xest <- out_full_te2[[i]][,"estimate"] x0 <- out_full_te2[[i]][,"estimate"] - 1.96*out_full_te2[[i]][,"std.error"] x1 <- out_full_te2[[i]][,"estimate"] + 1.96*out_full_te2[[i]][,"std.error"] margin <- 2*mean(out_full_te2[[i]][,"std.error"]) plot(x = xest, y = 1:length(xest), yaxt = "n", xlab = "Estimates", ylab = "", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), main = paste0("Arm ", i+1, " ATE wrt arm 1")) segments(y0 = 1:length(xest), y1 = 1:length(xest), x0 = x0, x1 = x1) axis(2, at = 1:length(xest), labels = names(xest), las = 2) abline(v = data$mus[i+1] - data$mus[1], col = "#FF3300", lty = "dashed") } par(op) ## ----non-contextual_experiment, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "100%"---- # For a noncontextual experiment, we simply omit the context argument results <- run_experiment(ys = ys, floor_start = 0.025, floor_decay = 0, batch_sizes = batch_sizes) # plot the cumulative assignment graph # x-axis is the number of observations, y-axis is the cumulative assignment plot_cumulative_assignment(results, batch_sizes) ## ----noncontextual_means_estimation------------------------------------------- # Get estimates for policies # inverse probability score 1[W_t=w]/e_t(w) of pulling arms, shape [A, K] balwts <- calculate_balwts(results$ws, results$probs) # Generate doubly robust scores; we don't use the contexts for a means model # here, but we could, even though they are not used in assignment. aipw_scores <- aw_scores( ws = results$ws, yobs = results$yobs, K = ncol(results$ys), balwts = balwts) ## Define counterfactual policies ### Control policy matrix policy0. This is a matrix with A rows and K columns, ### where the elements in the first column are all 1s and the elements in the ## remaining columns are all 0s. policy0 <- matrix(0, nrow = A, ncol = K) policy0[,1] <- 1 ### Treatment policies list policy1. This is a list with K elements, where each ### list contains a matrix with A rows and K columns. Identifier of treatment x: ### the x th column of the matrix in the x th policy in the list is 1. policy1 <- lapply(1:K, function(x) { pol_mat <- matrix(0, nrow = A, ncol = K) pol_mat[,x] <- 1 pol_mat } ) ## Estimating the value Q(w) of a single arm w. Here we estimate all the arms in ## policy1 in turn. out_full <- output_estimates( policy1 = policy1, gammahat = aipw_scores, probs_array = results$probs, floor_decay = 0) ## ----noncontextual_means_plot, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "45%"---- par(mar = c(5,16,4,2) + 0.1) # set some plotting parameters across plots xmin <- min(unlist(lapply(out_full, `[`, TRUE, "estimate"))) - 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full, `[`, TRUE, "std.error"))) xmax <- max(unlist(lapply(out_full, `[`, TRUE, "estimate"))) + 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full, `[`, TRUE, "std.error"))) for(i in 1:length(out_full)){ xest <- out_full[[i]][,"estimate"] x0 <- out_full[[i]][,"estimate"] - 1.96*out_full[[i]][,"std.error"] x1 <- out_full[[i]][,"estimate"] + 1.96*out_full[[i]][,"std.error"] margin <- 2*mean(out_full[[i]][,"std.error"]) plot(x = xest, y = 1:length(xest), yaxt = "n", xlab = "Estimates", ylab = "", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), main = paste0("Arm ", i, " mean response")) segments(y0 = 1:length(xest), y1 = 1:length(xest), x0 = x0, x1 = x1) axis(2, at = 1:length(xest), labels = names(xest), las = 2) abline(v = data$mus[i], col = "#FF3300", lty = "dashed") } par(op) ## ----noncontextual_ATEs_estimation-------------------------------------------- # Get estimates for treatment effects of policies in contrast to control # \delta(w_1, w_2) = E[Y_t(w_1) - Y_t(w_2)]. # In Hadad et al. (2021) there are two approaches. ## The first approach: use the difference in AIPW scores as the unbiased scoring ## rule for \delta (w_1, w_2) ### The following function implements the first approach by subtracting policy0, ### the control arm, from all the arms in policy1, except for the control arm ### itself. out_full_te1 <- output_estimates( policy0 = policy0, policy1 = policy1[-1], ## remove the control arm from policy1 contrasts = "combined", gammahat = aipw_scores, probs_array = results$probs, floor_decay = 0) ## The second approach takes asymptotically normal inference about ## \delta(w_1, w_2): \delta ^ hat (w_1, w_2) = Q ^ hat (w_1) - Q ^ hat (w_2) out_full_te2 <- output_estimates( policy0 = policy0, policy1 = policy1[-1], ## remove the control arm from policy1 contrasts = "separate", gammahat = aipw_scores, probs_array = results$probs, floor_decay = 0) ## ----noncontextual_ATEs_plot1, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "45%"---- par(mar = c(5,16,4,2) + 0.1) # set some plotting parameters across plots xmin <- min(unlist(lapply(out_full_te1, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) - 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te1, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) xmax <- max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te1, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) + 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te1, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) for(i in 1:length(out_full_te1)){ xest <- out_full_te1[[i]][,"estimate"] x0 <- out_full_te1[[i]][,"estimate"] - 1.96*out_full_te1[[i]][,"std.error"] x1 <- out_full_te1[[i]][,"estimate"] + 1.96*out_full_te1[[i]][,"std.error"] margin <- 2*mean(out_full_te1[[i]][,"std.error"]) plot(x = xest, y = 1:length(xest), yaxt = "n", xlab = "Estimates", ylab = "", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), main = paste0("Arm ", i+1, " ATE wrt arm 1")) segments(y0 = 1:length(xest), y1 = 1:length(xest), x0 = x0, x1 = x1) axis(2, at = 1:length(xest), labels = names(xest), las = 2) abline(v = data$mus[i+1] - data$mus[1], col = "#FF3300", lty = "dashed") } suppressWarnings(par(op)) ## ----noncontextual_ATEs_plot2, fig.width=7, fig.height=5, out.width = "45%"---- par(mar = c(5,16,4,2) + 0.1) # set some plotting parameters across plots xmin <- min(unlist(lapply(out_full_te2, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) - 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te2, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) xmax <- max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te2, `[`, TRUE, "estimate")), na.rm = TRUE) + 2* max(unlist(lapply(out_full_te2, `[`, TRUE, "std.error")), na.rm = TRUE) for(i in 1:length(out_full_te2)){ xest <- out_full_te2[[i]][,"estimate"] x0 <- out_full_te2[[i]][,"estimate"] - 1.96*out_full_te2[[i]][,"std.error"] x1 <- out_full_te2[[i]][,"estimate"] + 1.96*out_full_te2[[i]][,"std.error"] margin <- 2*mean(out_full_te2[[i]][,"std.error"]) plot(x = xest, y = 1:length(xest), yaxt = "n", xlab = "Estimates", ylab = "", xlim = c(xmin, xmax), main = paste0("Arm ", i+1, " ATE wrt arm 1")) segments(y0 = 1:length(xest), y1 = 1:length(xest), x0 = x0, x1 = x1) axis(2, at = 1:length(xest), labels = names(xest), las = 2) abline(v = data$mus[i+1] - data$mus[1], col = "#FF3300", lty = "dashed") } suppressWarnings(par(op))