Changes from ver 1.1-0 to ver 1.1-1     [May-25-2018]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   BUG FIX IN bigssp (interactions between parametric and nonparametric effects)
	*   BUG FIX IN ssBasis (periodic = TRUE input now works)
	*   Fixed NOTE on CRAN Results page (about registering
	*   Package file is now update-to-date with Description file
	*   Updated references throughout the package.
   2) bigssa and bigssp
	*   Fixed warning for models with a single random effect.
   3) imagebar
	*   Improved the default color scheme (for better distinction).
	*   Function can now take in a single input (x or z)
   4) summary.bigssa, summary.bigssg, and summary.bigssp
	*   Added the "diagnostics" option (default diagnostics = FALSE)
	*   If diagnostics = TRUE, cosine diagnostics are returned.

Changes from ver 1.0-9 to ver 1.1-0     [Feb-01-2017]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   Added linear smoothing spline (type="lin") to bigssa, bigssg, and bigssp
	*   Added ordspline function for fitting ordinal smoothing spline
	*   Added ssBasis function for generating polynomial smoothing spline basis matrices
	*   Added more options to plotci function with bars=TRUE option
	*   Update references throughout
   2) bigssa and makessa
	*   Added new reproducing kernel: linear smoothing spline.
	*   Use type="lin" for linear smoothing spline.
   3) bigssg and makessg
	*   Added new reproducing kernel: linear smoothing spline.
	*   Use type="lin" for linear smoothing spline.
   4) bigssp and makessp
	*   Added new reproducing kernel: linear smoothing spline.
	*   Use type="lin" for linear smoothing spline.
   5) ordspline
	*   New function for fitting ordinal smoothing spline.
	*   Use monotone=TRUE to fit monotonic ordinal smoothing spline.
   6) plotci
	*   When bars=TRUE, now possible to add a unique barlty, barlwd, 
            and for each of the input values of x
   7) ssBasis
	*   New function for generating polynomial smoothing spline basis matrices.
	*   Use m=1 for linear, m=2 for cubic, and m=3 for quintic.
	*   First and second derivative of basis matrices also available.

Changes from ver 1.0-8 to ver 1.0-9     [Aug-11-2016]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   Added plotbar function for generic X-Y plotting with colorbars 
	*   Added plotci function for generic X-Y plotting with confidence intervals
	*   Improvements to imagebar function (added and zaxis.labels inputs) 
	*   Improvements to prediction function for bigssa, bigssg, and bigssp
	*   Improvements to ordinal smoothing spline computation
   2) bigssa and makessa
	*   Computational improvements for ordinal smoothing splines
	*   Improvements to prediction functions
   3) bigssp and makessp
	*   Computational improvements for ordinal smoothing splines
	*   Improvements to prediction functions
   4) imagebar
	*   New input to controls tick locations for colorbar
	*   New input zaxis.labels to control tick labels for colorbar
   5) plotbar
	*   New function for generic X-Y plotting with colorbars
	*   Plots X vs Y with points color-coded according to Z
   6) plotci
	*   New function for generic X-Y plotting with confidence intervals
	*   Plots X vs Y with confidence bands or bars
	*   Allows for a user-defined link function

Changes from ver 1.0-7 to ver 1.0-8     [Mar-17-2016]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   Added functionality for ordinal predictors (type="ord")
	*   More options for bigspline function (linear splines)
	*   More options for estimating variance components
	*   Improvements to imagebar function
	*   Updated some references throughout
	*   Bug fix for cub0 kernel predictions (when x not in [0,1])
   2) bigspline
	*   Added type="lin"" option for linear smoothing spline
   3) bigssa and makessa
	*   Added type="ord" option for ordinal predictors
	*   Added Newton-Raphson option for variance component estimation
	*   Bug fix for cub0 kernel predictions (when x not in [0,1])
	*   Changes/improvements to Example #3 in bigssa help file 
   4) bigssg and makessg
	*   Added type="ord" option for ordinal predictors
	*   Bug fix for cub0 kernel predictions (when x not in [0,1])
   5) bigssp and makessp
	*   Added type="ord" option for ordinal predictors
	*   Added Newton-Raphson option for variance component estimation
	*   Bug fix for cub0 kernel predictions (when x not in [0,1])
   6) imagebar
	*   Changes to internals when drawbar=TRUE
	*   Now possible to add points/lines to image

Changes from ver 1.0-6 to ver 1.0-7     [Aug-09-2015]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   Many more options for random effects
	*   Improvements to REML algorithms
	*   Changes in default REML options and syntax
	*   Updated some references throughout
   2) bigssa and makessa
	*   Many more options for random effects
	*   Changes in default REML options and syntax
   3) bigssp and makessp
	*   Many more options for random effects
	*   Changes in default REML options and syntax

Changes from ver 1.0-5 to ver 1.0-6     [Mar-16-2015]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   Improvements to imagebar (more customization options)
	*   Improvements to all prediction functions (more options)
	*   Minor improvements to internals of all functions
   2) imagebar
	*   New input 'zline' to control z-label placement
	*   New input 'pltimage' to control image plt (see par)
	*   New input 'pltbar' to control colorbar plt (see par)
	*   Reduced default number of colors to 21 (instead of 100)
	*   Slight modification to default colors
   3) predict.bigspline
	*   New input 'design' to return design matrix
	*   New input 'smoothMatrix' to return smoothing matrix
   4) predict.bigssa
	*   New input 'design' to return design matrix
	*   New input 'smoothMatrix' to return smoothing matrix
   5) predict.bigssg
	*   New input 'design' to return design matrix
	*   New input 'smoothMatrix' to return smoothing matrix
   6) predict.bigssp
	*   New input 'design' to return design matrix
	*   New input 'smoothMatrix' to return smoothing matrix
   7) predict.bigtps
	*   New input 'design' to return design matrix
	*   New input 'smoothMatrix' to return smoothing matrix

Changes from ver 1.0-4 to ver 1.0-5     [Feb-11-2015]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   Minor changes to bigspline, bigtps, and imagebar.
	*   Major changes to bigssa/makessa and bigssp/makessp (added random effects).
	*   Major changes/improvements to bigssg function.
	*   Updated some references throughout.
   2) bigspline (and corresponding predict, print, and summary functions)
	*   Changed class of output object (from class 'css' to class 'bigspline')
   3) bigssa (and corresponding predict, print, and summary functions)
	*   For unidimensional predictor, assumes type='cub' as default.
	*   Changed class of output object (from class 'ssa' to class 'bigssa')
	*   Added support for simple random effects/intercepts.
   4) bigssp (and corresponding predict, print, and summary functions)
	*   For unidimensional predictor, assumes type='cub' as default.
	*   Changed class of output object (from class 'ssp' to class 'bigssp')
	*   Added support for simple random effects/intercepts.
   5) bigtps (and corresponding predict, print, and summary functions)
	*   Changed class of output object (from class 'tps' to class 'bigtps')
   6) imagebar
	*   Restores original par on exit (so subsequent plots appear correctly).
   7) bigssg (and corresponding predict, print, and summary functions)
	*   For unidimensional predictor, assumes type='cub' as default.
	*   Changed class of output objects (from class 'ssg' to class 'bigssg')
	*   More options for smoothing parameter selection (see input gcvtype).
	*   Changed default smoothing parameter selection method to "acv".
	*   Bug fix when using skip.iter=FALSE (early termination of iterative update).
	*   Bug fix for family="negbin" with unknown dispersion (multi-way SSA only).
	*   R-squared is now reasonably defined: R^2 = 1-SSE/SST.
	*   Stability and usability improvements throughout.

Changes from ver 1.0-3 to ver 1.0-4     [Oct-03-2014]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   Minor updates for prediction functions.
	*   Updated some references throughout.
   2) predict.ssa
	*   Added option for including intercept.
	*   Stability and usability improvements.
   3) predict.ssg
	*   Added option for including intercept.
	*   Stability and usability improvements.            
   4) predict.ssp
	*   Added option for including intercept.
	*   Stability and usability improvements.

Changes from ver 1.0-2 to ver 1.0-3     [Aug-26-2014]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   Major update: support for non-Gaussian responses (see bigssg and makessg) 
	*   Updated contact information (
   2) bigssa
	*   Added weights input (for weighted penalized LS)
	*   Added check for input gcvopts (to ensure options are valid)
   3) bigssg
	*   Extension of the bigssa function for non-Gaussian data
	*   Handles data from five distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Gamma, 
            Inverse Gaussian, and Negative Binomial
   4) bigssp
	*   Added weights input (for weighted penalized LS)
	*   Added check for input gcvopts (to ensure options are valid)
   5) makessa
	*   Added weights input (for weighted penalized LS)
	*   Added check for input gcvopts (to ensure options are valid)
   6) makessg
	*   Extension of the makessa function for non-Gaussian data
	*   Handles data from five distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Gamma, 
            Inverse Gaussian, and Negative Binomial
   7) makessp
	*   Added weights input (for weighted penalized LS)
	*   Added check for input gcvopts (to ensure options are valid)

Changes from ver 1.0-1 to ver 1.0-2     [July-12-2014]
   1) bigsplines-package
	*   New title:   bigsplines: Smoothing splines for large samples
	*   Updated references
   2) bigspline
	*   binsamp is called internally, so all binsamp changes apply
	*   Accuracy, stability, and speed improvements for rounding parameters
	*   Added knotcheck input (for stability)
   3) bigssa
	*   Accuracy, stability, and speed improvements for rounding parameters
	*   Added knotcheck input (for stability)
	*   Added gammas input (for smoothing parameter initialization)
   4) bigssp
	*   Accuracy, stability, and speed improvements for rounding parameters
	*   Added knotcheck input (for stability)
	*   Added thetas input (for smoothing parameter initialization)
   5) bigtps
	*   Accuracy, stability, and speed improvements for rounding parameters
	*   Added knotcheck input (for stability)
   6) binsamp
	*   Bug fix: with exactly 1 data observation in each bin
	*   Changed default to nmbin=11
	*   Accuracy, stability, and speed improvements 
	*   Added option for algorithm in ver 1.0-0 (for reproducibility of JCGS paper)
	*   Added return (to print knot indices)
   7) imagebar
	*   Bug fix: last color of bar is now plotted appropriately
   8) makessa
	*   Accuracy, stability, and speed improvements for rounding parameters
	*   Improvement: handles misordered interactions (e.g., time:space vs space:time)
	*   Added knotcheck input (for stability)
	*   Added gammas input (for smoothing parameter initialization)
   9) makessp
	*   Accuracy, stability, and speed improvements for rounding parameters
	*   Improvement: handles misordered interactions (e.g., time:space vs space:time)
	*   Added knotcheck input (for stability)
	*   Added thetas input (for smoothing parameter initialization)

Changes from ver 1.0-0 to ver 1.0-1     [May-17-2014]
   1) bigspline
	*   Bug fix: confirmatory smoothing with length(lambda)=1
	*   Bug fix: bin-sampling of knots
	*   binsamp is called internally, so all binsamp changes apply
   2) binsamp
	*   Improved bin-sampling algorithm
   3) bigtps
	*   Bug fix: confirmatory smoothing with length(lambda)=1