--- title: "Vignette Abundance" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Abundance} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/6.0.0/css/all.min.css" /> ## <i class="fa-regular fa-gem"></i> Abundance modeling Hello ! If you are here, you want to model abundance data. You could try and install our new version of `biomod2` with the Abundance branch: ```R devtools::install_github("biomodhub/biomod2", ref = "Abundance") ``` Keep in mind that it is a development branch: it can change quickly and sometimes fail ! Consequently, this branch is not reproducibility-friendly. We invite you to report any problems, to ask for enhances or to discuss about the modeling in the issues or the forum of the `biomod2` github. This vignette will be updated regularly : think to look at it to see if there are a few modifications. We will also update the documentation on the branch : you can call the help `?BIOMOD_FormatingData` for example. The documentation on this website will still be the documentation of `biomod2 V4.2-6-1`. <br/><br/> Here is presented an example of abundance modeling with `biomod2`. (As we haven't add example data to `biomod2` yet, the example will be made with fake data. Sorry `>{o.o}<` ) ```R library(biomod2) library(terra) # Load species occurrences (6 species available) data("DataSpecies") head(DataSpecies) # Select the name of the studied species myRespName <- 'VulpesVulpes' # Get corresponding presence/absence data myResp <- as.numeric(DataSpecies[, myRespName]) # Get corresponding XY coordinates myRespXY <- DataSpecies[, c('X_WGS84', 'Y_WGS84')] # Load environmental variables extracted from BIOCLIM (bio_3, bio_4, bio_7, bio_11 & bio_12) data("bioclim_current") myExpl <- rast(bioclim_current) ``` <br/><br/> ### <i class="fa-solid fa-percent"></i> Data type Creating your `BIOMOD.formated.data` object is similar than `biomod2` with binary data. `biomod2` will guess your data type but you can specify it with the argument `data.type`. There are 5 different data types : | Type | Data | Distribution | | --------------| ----------------------------------------------| ---------------| | binary | Numeric (or factor) response with only 0 and 1| binomial | | abundance | Positive numeric response | gaussian | | count | Positive integer response | poisson | | ordinal | Ordered factor response | classification | | relative | Numeric response between 0 and 1 | beta | Here we will build count data, by transforming our available binary data : ```R # Transform binary data as count data poissonDistri <- rpois(sum(myResp), 5) myResp[myResp == 1] <- poissonDistri ``` <br/><br/> ### <i class="fa-regular fa-arrows-to-circle"></i> Prepare data & parameters #### <i class="fa-solid fa-align-center"></i> Format data (observations & explanatory variables) ```R # Format Data with true absences myBiomodData <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp, expl.var = myExpl, resp.xy = myRespXY, resp.name = myRespName) myBiomodData plot(myBiomodData) #Or myBiomodData <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp, expl.var = myExpl, resp.xy = myRespXY, resp.name = myRespName, data.type = "count") ``` As usual, it also possible to add evaluation data. However, no pseudo-absences extraction is possible with abundance data. #### <i class="fa-regular fa-hand-scissors"></i> Cross-validation datasets The same cross-validation (CV) methods are available and can be selected with the [`BIOMOD_Modeling`](../reference/BIOMOD_Modeling.html) function, which calls the [`bm_CrossValidation`](../reference/bm_CrossValidation.html) function to do so. The same proportion of absences of the whole data will be kept for the different CV datasets (if possible). A balance will be kept for the different classes in the case of ordinal data. ```R # # k-fold selection # cv.k <- bm_CrossValidation(bm.format = myBiomodData, # strategy = "kfold", # nb.rep = 2, # k = 3) # # # random selection # cv.r <- bm_CrossValidation(bm.format = myBiomodData, # strategy = "random", # nb.rep = 4, # perc = 0.8) # head(cv.k) # head(cv.r) # plot(myBiomodData, calib.lines = cv.r) ``` #### <i class="fa-regular fa-filter"></i> Retrieve modeling options Different sets of modeling options are built corresponding to the `data.type`. You still have the `default` options and `bigboss` options. However, lot of work must be done in order to optimize `bigboss` options. So for the moment, it's totally possible `bigboss` doesn't lead to better results than `default` options. The tuning option are not available yet with non binary data. ```R # # bigboss parameters with ordinal datatype # opt.o <- bm_ModelingOptions(data.type = 'ordinal', # models = c('RF', 'GLM'), # strategy = 'bigboss') # # # tuned parameters with formated data # opt.c <- bm_ModelingOptions(data.type = 'count', # models = c('GAM', 'MARS'), # strategy = 'default', # bm.format = myBiomodData) # # opt.o # opt.c ``` <br/><br/> ### <i class="fa-solid fa-desktop"></i> Run modeling #### <i class="fa-solid fa-cube"></i> Single models The modeling is similar than with binary data. However, not all models are available. We have : - `CTA`, `GAM`, `GBM`, `GLM`, `MARS`, `RF`, and `XGBOOST` for abundance, count and relative data - `CTA`, `FDA`, `GAM`, `GLM`, `MARS`, `RF`, and `XGBOOST` for ordinal data The metrics are also different obviously. For the moment, we have implemented : `RMSE`, `MSE`, `MAE`, `Max_error`, `Rsquared` and `Rsquared_aj` (see `?BIOMOD_Modeling`) For ordinal data, we have `Accuracy`, `Recall`, `Precision` and `F1`. (`Accuracy` is in lower case to contrast with `ACCURACY` for binary data) ```R # Model single models myBiomodModelOut <- BIOMOD_Modeling(bm.format = myBiomodData, modeling.id = 'CountExample', models = c("GAM","MARS","RF"), CV.strategy = 'random', CV.nb.rep = 3, CV.perc = 0.8, OPT.strategy = 'bigboss', var.import = 3, metric.eval = c('RMSE','Rsquared')) myBiomodModelOut # Get evaluation scores & variables importance get_evaluations(myBiomodModelOut) get_variables_importance(myBiomodModelOut) # Represent evaluation scores & variables importance bm_PlotEvalMean(bm.out = myBiomodModelOut) bm_PlotEvalBoxplot(bm.out = myBiomodModelOut, group.by = c('algo', 'algo')) bm_PlotEvalBoxplot(bm.out = myBiomodModelOut, group.by = c('algo', 'run')) bm_PlotVarImpBoxplot(bm.out = myBiomodModelOut, group.by = c('expl.var', 'algo', 'algo')) bm_PlotVarImpBoxplot(bm.out = myBiomodModelOut, group.by = c('expl.var', 'algo', 'run')) # Represent response curves bm_PlotResponseCurves(bm.out = myBiomodModelOut, models.chosen = get_built_models(myBiomodModelOut)[c(1:3)], fixed.var = 'median') ``` #### <i class="fa-solid fa-cubes"></i> Ensemble models **! Warning !** The selection of single models for the ensemble modeling is different for the metrics `RMSE`, `MSE`, `MAE` and `Max_error`. For example, with `RMSE`, `biomod2` will select the best model and all the models with a `RMSE` under the best value + the threshold you give (here 2). E.g. if the best model have a `RMSE` of `1.850`, `BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling` will select all the models with a `RMSE` under `1.850 + 2`. ```R # Model ensemble models myBiomodEM <- BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling(bm.mod = myBiomodModelOut, models.chosen = 'all', em.by = 'all', em.algo = c('EMmean', 'EMcv', 'EMci', 'EMmedian', 'EMwmean'), metric.select = c('RMSE','Rsquared'), metric.select.thresh = c(2, 0.4), metric.eval = c('RMSE','Rsquared'), var.import = 3, EMci.alpha = 0.05, EMwmean.decay = 'proportional') myBiomodEM # Get evaluation scores & variables importance get_evaluations(myBiomodEM) get_variables_importance(myBiomodEM) # Represent evaluation scores & variables importance bm_PlotEvalMean(bm.out = myBiomodEM, group.by = 'full.name') bm_PlotEvalBoxplot(bm.out = myBiomodEM, group.by = c('full.name', 'full.name')) bm_PlotVarImpBoxplot(bm.out = myBiomodEM, group.by = c('expl.var', 'algo', 'merged.by.run')) # Represent response curves bm_PlotResponseCurves(bm.out = myBiomodEM, models.chosen = get_built_models(myBiomodEM)[c(1, 5, 6)], fixed.var = 'median') ``` <br/><br/> ### <i class="fa-regular fa-map-location"></i> Project models #### <i class="fa-solid fa-cube"></i> Single models The argument `digits` indicates the number of digits for the predicted values. Keep in mind that `integer` are "lighter" than `float`. For `relative` data, you can use the same argument `on_0_1000` than binary data. ```R # Project single models myBiomodProj <- BIOMOD_Projection(bm.mod = myBiomodModelOut, proj.name = 'Current', new.env = myExpl, models.chosen = 'all', build.clamping.mask = TRUE, digits = 1) myBiomodProj plot(myBiomodProj) ``` #### <i class="fa-solid fa-cubes"></i> Ensemble models ```R # Project ensemble models (from single projections) myBiomodEMProj <- BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting(bm.em = myBiomodEM, bm.proj = myBiomodProj, models.chosen = get_built_models(myBiomodEM)[c(1,3:7,9:12)]) myBiomodEMProj plot(myBiomodEMProj) ``` <br/><br/> ### <i class="fa-regular fa-compass"></i> Compare range sizes ```R # Load environmental variables extracted from BIOCLIM (bio_3, bio_4, bio_7, bio_11 & bio_12) data("bioclim_future") myExplFuture = rast(bioclim_future) # Project onto future conditions myBiomodProjFuture <- BIOMOD_Projection(bm.mod = myBiomodModelOut, proj.name = 'FutureProj', new.env = myExplFuture, models.chosen = 'all') # Load current and future binary projections CurrentProj <- get_predictions(myBiomodProj) FutureProj <- get_predictions(myBiomodProjFuture) myBiomodRangeSize <- BIOMOD_RangeSize(proj.current = CurrentProj, proj.future = FutureProj, thresholds = c(10,30,50)) # Represent main results gg = bm_PlotRangeSize(bm.range = myBiomodRangeSize, do.count = TRUE, do.perc = TRUE, do.maps = TRUE, do.mean = FALSE, do.plot = TRUE, row.names = c("Species", "Dataset", "Run", "Algo")) ``` **! Remember !** This is fake data ! ### <i class="fa-solid fa-hourglass-half"></i> New developments The branch is still a work in progress. Don't hesitate to let us know what new features you'd like to see, what warnings you feel are missing, or what needs to be adapted for some types of data ! <br/> <i class="fa-solid fa-clover"></i> The biomod2 Team ! <i class="fa-solid fa-clover"></i>