## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(dipsaus) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # cat2('Debug passed!', level = 'DEBUG') # #> ✔ Debug passed! # # cat2('You are all set.', level = 'INFO') # #> ♥ You are all set. # # cat2('Wait a second...', level = 'WARNING') # #> ⚠ Wait a second... # # cat2('Ooops', level = 'ERROR') # #> ✖ Ooops # # cat2('Bi--Doop---', level = 'FATAL') # #> ✖ Bi--Doop--- # #> Error: # #> ... ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- parse_svec("7-10,14-15") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- deparse_svec(c(2,5,3,1,7)) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- deparse_svec(c(1,2,4,7,11)) deparse_svec(c(1,2,4,7,11), max_lag = 2) deparse_svec(c(1,2,4,7,11), max_lag = 3) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Total RAM in bytes get_ram() # Print-friendly to_ram_size(get_ram(), 1024) # WARNING: $free is the total RAM - R usage, is no the actual free RAM mem_limit2() ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # > ask_yesno('Please answer an yes/no question, ok?') # ## ♥ Please answer an yes/no question, ok? (Yes/no): # > qweee # ## ⚠ Please answer Y/yes, N/no, or c to cancel. (Yes/no): # > ttt # ## ⚠ Please answer Y/yes, N/no, or c to cancel. (Yes/no): # > y # ## [1] TRUE ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # > ask_or_default("What is your password", default = 'I will not tell you!') # ## ♥ What is your password # ## [default is ‘I will not tell you!’] # > # ## [1] "I will not tell you!"