#  News: to package distrTEst 

(first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect 
 package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the 
 distrXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends" 

v 2.8.3

+ taken up pkg "distr" into "Enhances" in DESCRIPTION to ensure all 
  inter-pkg xrefs in Rd-files work

under the hood:
+ adapted reference output for new startupmsg
+ converted encoding to UTF-8
+ transformed CITATION file to new format, i.e., bibentry() instead of citEntry(),
        c(as.person( .... ), as.person( .... ), ...), instead of 

v 2.8

user-visible CHANGES:

+ plot methods now return an S3 object of class \code{c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")}, i.e., a list containing the 
  information needed to produce the respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different graphic engines (like, e.g. 
  \code{ggplot}) to produce the plot in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in a subsequent version.
+ DESCRIPTION tag SVNRevision changed to VCS/SVNRevision
under the hood:
+ fixed some broken URLs and changed URLs from http to https where possible
+ clean up in examples: files written to are unlinked at end of examples

v 2.7

no changes in this version

v 2.6

user-visible CHANGES:
+ title changed to title style / capitalization

v 2.5

user-visible CHANGES:

+ cleaned DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE file as to Imports/Depends
+ enhanced imports in DESCRIPTION by explicating second order imports

under the hood:
added .Rbuildignore


v 2.4

under the hood:
+ some coercings to logical forced, e.g. AllClasses.R 
+ fixed (new discovered) error in distrTEst (sd no longer applies to matrices).
+ removed lazyload tag in DESCRIPTION
+ added DESCRIPTION tag "ByteCompile" to all our packages
+ updating maintainer email address and URL.
+ deleted no longer needed chm folders

v 2.3

No extra changes this time

+ DESCRIPTION files and package-help files gain a tag 
  SVNRevision to be filled by get[All]RevNr.R from utils in distr

v 2.2


+ added tests/Examples folder with file distrTEst-Ex.Rout.save to have
  some automatic testing
+ added field "Encoding: latin1" to all DESCRIPTION files in order to avoid problems 
  with e.g. Windows locale when svn replaces $LastChangedDate
+ added TOBEDONE (sic!) files for each package (by accident also in trunc; these are empty so far)

v 2.1

* Rd-style:
  + several buglets detected with the fuzzier checking mechanism
    cf [Rd] More intensive checking of R help files, Prof Brian Ripley, 09.01.2009 10:25) 
       [Rd] Warning: missing text for item ... in \describe? , Prof Brian Ripley,

v 2.0.3
  * under the hood: 
     + enhanced plotting (correct dispatch; opening of new device is controlled
       by option("newDevice") )
     + after JMC's changes: gone through setIs relations to ensure 
       "correct" inheritance
  * moved license to LGPL-3

v 1.9 

* in demo: made calls to uniroot(), integrate(), optim(ize)() compliant to 
* adapted the naming of the .R files to the use of the (later written)
  extension packages 
  (and according to http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/06/03/22558.html)
* checked all source file to adhere to the 80char's-per-line rule
* mentioned in package-help: startup messages may now also be suppressed by
  suppressPackageStartupMessages() (from package 'base')

v 1.8

* plot, print and summary are now more flexible for objects of class Evaluation or EvaluationList
* global conrols by new distrTEstoptions()
* now suggests distrEx in description
* updated citation file
* evaluation method  for Contsimulation 
* slot result in Evaluation class now of class "DataframeorNULL"
* slot call.ev in Evaluation class now of class "CallorNULL"
* new slot Data of class Dataclass, but which in turn, in case of simulations,
  has an empty "Data"-slot (to be able to check whether all Data sets of an
  Evaluation List coincide)
* new class EvaluationList with slots name ("character") and Elist ("list") 
  to gather the results of several Evaluations on the same data set
* revised plot method  for class Evaluation to account for multivariate results
* print,plot,summary,show methods for EvaluationList 
* Data as an accessor to slot Data for Evaluation class and 
  to the common Data slot of EvaluationList class 
* savedata now allows for more flexible filenames, but retains the old convention
  by default

v 1.7

* additional "..." included into function evaluate 
* NEWS file
* citation file
* distrTEst-package.Rd file