2024-07-07 Wenjie Wang <wang@wwenjie.org>

	* Fixed CRAN warning: "warning: template-id not allowed for
	constructor in C++20".

	* Changed package version to 0.4-7.

2023-11-27 Wenjie Wang <wang@wwenjie.org>

	* Fixed CRAN warning: "GibbsSampler.h:91:27: warning: format ‘%d’
	expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 2 has type ‘Size’".

	* Changed package version to 0.4-6.

2023-08-19 Wenjie Wang <wang@wwenjie.org>

	* Fixed broken roxygen2 documentation.

	* Changed package version to 0.4-5.

2023-04-28 Wenjie Wang <wang@wwenjie.org>

	* Fixed CRAN warning: "a function declaration without a
	prototype is deprecated in all versions of C [-Wstrict-prototypes]".

	* Changed package version to 0.4-4.

2022-02-15 Wenjie Wang <wang@wwenjie.org>

	* Fixed `coef` method for `splineCox`

	* Changed package version to 0.4-3.

2020-09-05 Wenjie Wang <wang@wwenjie.org>

	* Removed checks of examples to pass CRAN checks on Soloris.

	* Changed package version to 0.4-2.

2020-08-23 Wenjie Wang <wang@wwenjie.org>

	* Added function `bayesCoxMcmc` for extracting MCMC samples from a
	given `bayesCox` object.

	* Added default `out` in function `bayesCox` to a temporary

	* Fixed default grid generation for some cases.

	* Removed argument `cache` from function `survCurve` and

	* Removed package dependency reshape, plyr, and utils

	* Added package dependency data.table and splines2

	* Changed package version to 0.4-1.

2019-08-27 Wenjie Wang <wenjie.2.wang@uconn.edu>

	* Fixed call of `<=` in function `tvTran`.

	* Changed package version to 0.3-7.

2017-11-14 Wenjie Wang <wenjie.2.wang@uconn.edu>

	* Added exact event times to the grid.

	* Fixed the dependency of the whole survival package by importing
	the survival package and exporting the function `survival::Surv`.

	* Changed package version to 0.3-6.

2017-01-08 Wenjie Wang <wenjie.2.wang@uconn.edu>

	* Added adjustment for endpoints of censoring intervals from `grid`
	specified in the function call of `bayesCox`.

	* Added compatibility of function `survCurve` to all available
	models from function `bayesCox`.

	* Changed package version to 0.3-5.

2016-12-24 Wenjie Wang <wenjie.2.wang@uconn.edu>

	* Added the generation of `grid` from the data provided, which
	allow `grid` to be unspecified in the function call of `bayesCox`.

	* Changed package version to 0.3-4.

2016-10-14 Wenjie Wang <wenjie.2.wang@uconn.edu>

	* Fixed compilation error in Solaris: "The function `exp` must
	have a prototype" by replacing `exp` with `std::exp`.

	* Fixed possibly invalid URL for tooth24.RData.

	* Changed CRAN URL into the canonical form.

	* Changed package version to 0.3-3.

2016-08-30 Wenjie Wang <wenjie.2.wang@uconn.edu>

	* Fixed warning on compilation flags in Makevars: "Non-portable
	flags in variable 'PKG_CXXFLAGS': -g" by removal of "-g" flag.

	* Fixed invalid URL for tooth24.RData.

	* Changed package version to 0.3-2.

2016-07-12 Wenjie Wang <wenjie.2.wang@uconn.edu>

	* Fixed compiling error from clang v3.9 due to including R headers
	inside extern "C" by commenting out the extern "C" in rng.h and

	* Fixed print function for `bayesCox` object.

	* Fixed invalid url for tooth dataset.

	* Added formula and xlevels to `bayesCox` object.

	* Added optional arguement to `coef.bayesCox`, `coef.tvTran`, and
	`coef.splineCox` to allow user to specify credible level by
	matching "..." argument with possible "level" argument.

	* Added function `survCuvre`, `survDiff`, and `plotSurv` to
	estimate and plot the survival function, cumulative hazard
	function, and their pair difference for Bayesian dynamic model
	with dynamic hazard from posterior sample. Specific examples are
	added to `bayesCox`.

	* Added Roxygen2 inline documentation for all exported function.

	* Added citation for package to /inst.

	* Removed redundant COPYRIGHT file bundled in source package. It
	is available online at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

	* Changed package version to 0.3-0.

	* Changed maintainer from Jun Yan to Wenjie Wang.

2014-05-01 Jun Yan <jun.yan@uconn.edu>

	* Changed the dependence on boost to package BH.

2014-04-10 Jun Yan <jun.yan@uconn.edu>

	* Fixed compiling error from clang in thg constructor LogDenPar:
	changed this->N to static_cast<int> (this->N_).

	* Fixed warnings from clang in arm.c by commenting out the
	display function. Added random number state control to u_random.

2014-03-04 Jun Yan <jun.yan@uconn.edu>

	* Fixed the problem that splineCox did not work with a single
	covariate by adding drop=FALSE in splineCox:
	    DF <- cbind(id=1:N, mf[, 1][, 1:2], mf[, -1, drop=FALSE])

	* Changed depends to import in DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE.
	However, package survival is kept under "Depends"; otherwise,
	function Surv was not found in model.matrix. This may need
	to be fixed later.

	* Modified example codes to use mydata and myformula instead of
	data and formula.

2012-03-14  Jun Yan  <jun.yan@uconn.edu>

	* Removed tiCox.h and tiCox.cpp. Functions there are covered
	by bayesCox.

	* Cleaned the style of the code under src with astyle -s2.

2012-03-10  Jun Yan  <jun.yan@uconn.edu>

	* Added system dependence on the boost library, which allows
	removal of the boost headers files from the src directory.
	The configure.ac file was adapted from that in package
	RQuantLib; thank Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>.

	* Removed std:cout lines (Xiaojing Wang).

	* Replaced exit with return whenever possible. May need
	more fix later.