Changes from ver 1.0-3 to ver 1.0-4     [Nov-06-2018]
   1) eegkit-package
	*   Three new functions: eegcap2d, eegfilter, eegpsd
	*   Updates/extensions for eegcap, eegtime, and eegtimemc
   2) eegcap
	*   Added col.border argument (to change color of border)
   3) eegcap2d
	*   A slightly different implementation of 2d EEG cap plotting
 	*   Unlike eegcap, this function does NOT use par$plt
	*   Often better (than eegcap) for use w/in multi-panel plots
   4) eegfilter
	*   New function for filtering EEG data
	*   Options include low-, high-, or band-pass filters
	*   Implements Butterworth or FIR filter (from signal package)
   5) eegpsd
	*   New function for plotting power spectral density
 	*   Produces scatter plot (single channel) or heat map (multi-channel)
	*   Uses eegfft function to calculate PSD
   6) eegtime
	*   Now possible to input x and y tick values
   7) eegtimemc
	*   Now possible to plot multiple conditions (or groups) in each plot

Changes from ver 1.0-2 to ver 1.0-3     [May-24-2018]
   1) eegkit-package
	*   Package file is now update-to-date with Description file
	*   Updated references and improvements to several functions
	*   Added two new functions: eegfft and eegresample
   2) eegcap
	*   2d plot is new default
   3) eegcapdense
	*   2d plot is new default
   4) eegfft
	*   New function: Fast Fourier Transform of EEG data
	*   Returns strength (amplitude) and delay (phase)
   5) eegresample
	*   New function: Changes Sampling Rate of EEG data
	*   Turns a signal of length N into a signal of length n
   6) eegspace
	*   Improved color scheme for colorbar
        *   Old: c("blueviolet","blue","cyan","green","yellow","orange","red")
        *   New: c("darkblue", rainbow(12)[c(9,8,7,5,3,2,1)], "darkred")

Changes from ver 1.0-1 to ver 1.0-2     [Feb-17-2015]
   1) eegkit-package
	*   Improvements/updates to all functions
	*   Examples depending on “rgl” are not run
	*   Binaries now available for all systems
   2) eegcap
	*   3d examples (depending on “rgl”) are not run
	*   Minor updates to function internals
   3) eegcapdense
	*   3d examples (depending on “rgl”) are not run
	*   Minor updates to function internals
   4) eegica
	*   Plots in examples are commented
	*   Minor updates to function internals
   5) eegsim
	*   Example is no longer run
	*   Minor updates to function internals
   6) eegsmooth
	*   Temporal smoothing defaults changed: 
              - default nknots changed from 20 to 30
              - default rparm changed from 0.01 to 0.001
	*   Spatiotemporal smoothing defaults changed: 
              - default nknots changed from 300 to 500
              - default rparm for time changed from 0.01 to 0.001
	*   Minor updates to function internals
   7) eegspace
	*   Slightly changed default colors (for better distinction)
	*   Reduced default number of colors from 100 to 25
	*   Returns old par on exit (so subsequent plots look good)
	*   Minor updates to function internals
   8) eegtime
	*   Added option for polygon standard error plotting
	*   Changed default to plotting standard error polygons
	*   Changed default colors for voltage and standard error
	*   Minor updates to function internals
   9) eegtimemc
	*   Added option for plotting standard errors (voltSE input)
	*   Example is no longer run
	*   Minor updates to function internals

Changes from ver 1.0-0 to ver 1.0-1     [Oct-10-2014]
   1) eegkit-package
	*   Improvements for eegcap plotting (see eegcap)
	*   Added function to plot dense EEG cap(see eegcapdense)
	*   Added function to simulate EEG data (see eegsim)
	*   Added function to plot multi-channel EEG time courses (see eegtimemc)
   2) eegcap
	*   Set par3d(scale=rep(1,3)) to ensure proper display of 3d cap
	*   Added option to return channel indices
   3) eegcapdense
	*   New function for plotting dense EEG cap (see eegdense)
   4) eegsim
	*   New function for simulating event-related potential EEG data
   5) eegtimemc
	*   New function for plotting multi-channel EEG time courses