# figures2 1.00
* A complete reboot of figuRes
* Vignettes added
* Built with Checks to satisfy submission to CRAN

# figuRes 1.55
* Begun work on trimmed version of default setting
* Added logical to annotate.page for time stamp

# figuRes 1.54
* Added lasso.plot - one needs to separately run model using glmnet::glmnet
* Removed RcolorBrewer from DESCRIPTION depends statement since scales imports it - test.

# figuRes 1.53
* Update to dot.plot

# figuRes 1.52
* default.setting changes
* annotate.page changes

# figuRes 1.51
* Some minor changes to line.plot and session.start.log
* table.plot2 offers flexible alternative to table.plot

# figuRes 1.5
* build.page and annotate.page reconfigured to make argument specification easier
* line.plot and nsubj.plot updated
* update to table.plot

# figuRes 1.4
* Additional helper files added from David

# figuRes 1.3
* Updates to jitter.plot
* refresh.outputplan and annotate.page now accomadate multiple lines of titles; reflects an upgrade in thinking regarding how build.page should expand margins to maximize page space.

# figuRes 1.3
* Updates the related functions: forest.plot, table.plot and dot.plot

# figuRes 1.2
* Update to run.specific, additions of start.session.log, stop.session.log

# figuRes 1.1
* Package has a number of built in data set to accompany a manaul
* Note message added to refresh.outputplan to check for duplicated filesnames