gRain v1.4.4 (Release date: 2024-10-17)

* Unintended debugging info removed

gRain v1.4.4 (Release date: 2024-10-10)

* Fixed another bug in evidence function

gRain v1.4.3 (Release date: 2024-10-08)

* Fixed bug in retractEvidence.

gRain v1.4.1 (Release date: 2023-11-21)

* Fixed bug with smoothing in connection with extracting cpts.

gRain v1.4.0 (Release date: 2023-10-16)

* Requires gRbase >=2.0.0 so that graph operations are based on

* Any references to cptable_class removed

* Any references to parray removed

* compileCPT is now compile_cpt etc but the old ones are kept until they will be deprecated in a future release

gRain v1.3.15 (Release date: 2023-08-10)

* Depends on R 4.2.0 so that the pipe is available

gRain v1.3.14 (Release date: 2023-08-10)

  * This version will work next major revision of gRbase (which is
    independent of bioconductor packages)

gRain v1.3.13 (Release date: 2023-03-09)

* tidy.grain_evidence now takes ... as argument

gRain v1.3.12 (Release date: 2022-11-11)

* `setCPT()` function renamed to `replaceCPT()`
* `cpt()` function added.
* `repeatPattern()` reimplemented (and) simplified.
* `querygrain` now takes simplify argument.

gRain v1.3.11 (Release date: 2022-09-04)

* Enable data-driven variable names and hence data-driven network
  structure. (Thanks to Gregor Gorjanc)

gRain v1.3.10 (Release date: 2022-05-09)

* Fixed bug in propagateLS (R version, use of &&)
* generics now exported

gRain v1.3.8 (Release date: 2022-04-02)


  * doi added to DESCRIPTION file
  * fixed logical condition issue

gRain v1.3-5 (Release date: 2020-06-20)


  * Miscellaneous

gRain v1.3-4 (Release date: 2020-02-20)


  * Usage of ar_XX functions from gRbase eliminated; replaced by tabXX

  * Explicit export of grain.CPTspec so that the bnlearn package still
    works (the bnlearn package imports methods and not generic

gRain v1.3-3 (Release date: 2020-01-24)

Bug fixes:

  * Bug in propagateLS (cpp version) fixed


  * NEWS file added
  * grain objects are now compiled after creation
  * NAMESPACE file is now generated automatically
  * Cleaning up experimental features
  * Added testthat (not very comprehensive tests, though)