
My eyes were finally opened and I understood nature.

I learned at the same time to love it.

— Claude Monet

ggsci offers a collection of high-quality color palettes inspired by colors used in scientific journals, data visualization libraries, science fiction movies, and TV shows. The color palettes in ggsci are available as ggplot2 scales. For all the color palettes, the corresponding scales are named as:

  • scale_color_palname()
  • scale_fill_palname()

We also provided aliases, such as scale_colour_palname() for scale_color_palname(). All available color palettes are summarized in the table below.

Name Scales Palette Types Palette Generator
NPG scale_color_npg() scale_fill_npg() "nrc" pal_npg()
AAAS scale_color_aaas() scale_fill_aaas() "default" pal_aaas()
NEJM scale_color_nejm() scale_fill_nejm() "default" pal_nejm()
Lancet scale_color_lancet() scale_fill_lancet() "lanonc" pal_lancet()
JAMA scale_color_jama() scale_fill_jama() "default" pal_jama()
BMJ scale_color_bmj() scale_fill_bmj() "default" pal_bmj()
JCO scale_color_jco() scale_fill_jco() "default" pal_jco()
UCSCGB scale_color_ucscgb() scale_fill_ucscgb() "default" pal_ucscgb()
D3 scale_color_d3()
"category10" "category20" "category20b" "category20c" pal_d3()
Observable scale_color_observable() scale_fill_observable() "observable10" pal_observable()
LocusZoom scale_color_locuszoom() scale_fill_locuszoom() "default" pal_locuszoom()
IGV scale_color_igv() scale_fill_igv() "default"
COSMIC scale_color_cosmic() scale_fill_cosmic() "hallmarks_light"
UChicago scale_color_uchicago() scale_fill_uchicago() "default"
Star Trek scale_color_startrek() scale_fill_startrek() "uniform" pal_startrek()
Tron Legacy scale_color_tron() scale_fill_tron() "legacy" pal_tron()
Futurama scale_color_futurama() scale_fill_futurama() "planetexpress" pal_futurama()
Rick and Morty scale_color_rickandmorty() scale_fill_rickandmorty() "schwifty" pal_rickandmorty()
The Simpsons scale_color_simpsons() scale_fill_simpsons() "springfield" pal_simpsons()
Flat UI scale_color_flatui() scale_fill_flatui() "default" "flattastic" "aussie" pal_flatui()
Frontiers scale_color_frontiers() scale_fill_frontiers() "default" pal_frontiers()
GSEA scale_color_gsea() scale_fill_gsea() "default" pal_gsea()
Bootstrap 5 scale_color_bs5() scale_fill_bs5() "blue" "indigo"
"purple" "pink"
"red" "orange"
"yellow" "green"
"teal" "cyan"
Material Design scale_color_material() scale_fill_material() "red" "pink"
"purple" "deep-purple"
"indigo" "blue"
"light-blue" "cyan"
"teal" "green"
"light-green" "lime"
"yellow" "amber"
"orange" "deep-orange"
"brown" "grey"
Tailwind CSS scale_color_tw3() scale_fill_tw3() "slate" "gray"
"zinc" "neutral"
"stone" "red"
"orange" "amber"
"yellow" "lime"
"green" "emerald"
"teal" "cyan"
"sky" "blue"
"indigo" "violet"
"purple" "fuchsia"
"pink" "rose"

Discrete color palettes

We will use scatterplots with smooth curves, and bar plots to demonstrate the discrete color palettes in ggsci.



p1 <- ggplot(
  subset(diamonds, carat >= 2.2),
  aes(x = table, y = price, colour = cut)
) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", alpha = 0.05, linewidth = 1, span = 1) +

p2 <- ggplot(
  subset(diamonds, carat > 2.2 & depth > 55 & depth < 70),
  aes(x = depth, fill = cut)
) +
  geom_histogram(colour = "black", binwidth = 1, position = "dodge") +


The NPG palette is inspired by the plots in the journals published by Nature Publishing Group:

p1_npg <- p1 + scale_color_npg()
p2_npg <- p2 + scale_fill_npg()
grid.arrange(p1_npg, p2_npg, ncol = 2)


The AAAS palette is inspired by the plots in the journals published by American Association for the Advancement of Science:

p1_aaas <- p1 + scale_color_aaas()
p2_aaas <- p2 + scale_fill_aaas()
grid.arrange(p1_aaas, p2_aaas, ncol = 2)