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Quantifying differential rhythmicity between conditions


Here we show how to use limorhyde2 to quantify rhythmicity and differential rhythmicity in data from multiple conditions. The data are based on liver samples from wild-type and Rev-erbα/β double-knockout mice (Cho et al. 2012 and GSE34018).

Load packages


# doParallel::registerDoParallel() # register a parallel backend to minimize runtime

Load the data

The expression data are in a matrix with one row per gene and one column per sample. The metadata are in a table with one row per sample. To save time and space, the expression data include only a subset of genes.

y = GSE34018$y
y[1:5, 1:5]
#>       GSM840516 GSM840517 GSM840518 GSM840519 GSM840520
#> 12686 11.962830 11.923338 11.098814 10.958933  9.256413
#> 13170  8.989743  9.132606 12.381036 12.441759 14.766070
#> 26897 11.515292 11.625519 10.579969 10.601969 11.096489
#> 11287  7.985859  7.930935  7.674688  7.899531  7.768563
#> 12046  8.024084  7.856703  7.942198  8.172695  7.981340

metadata = GSE34018$metadata
#>        sample      cond  time
#>        <char>    <fctr> <int>
#>  1: GSM840516 wild-type     0
#>  2: GSM840517 wild-type     0
#>  3: GSM840518 wild-type     4
#>  4: GSM840519 wild-type     4
#>  5: GSM840520 wild-type     8
#>  6: GSM840521 wild-type     8
#>  7: GSM840522 wild-type    12
#>  8: GSM840523 wild-type    12
#>  9: GSM840524 wild-type    16
#> 10: GSM840525 wild-type    16
#> 11: GSM840526 wild-type    20
#> 12: GSM840527 wild-type    20
#> 13: GSM840504  knockout     0
#> 14: GSM840505  knockout     0
#> 15: GSM840506  knockout     4
#> 16: GSM840507  knockout     4
#> 17: GSM840508  knockout     8
#> 18: GSM840509  knockout     8
#> 19: GSM840510  knockout    12
#> 20: GSM840511  knockout    12
#> 21: GSM840512  knockout    16
#> 22: GSM840513  knockout    16
#> 23: GSM840514  knockout    20
#> 24: GSM840515  knockout    20
#>        sample      cond  time

Fit linear models and compute posterior fits

Because the samples were acquired at relatively low temporal resolution (every 4 h), we use three knots instead of the default four, which reduces the flexibility of the spline curves. We specify condColname so getModelFit() knows to fit a differential rhythmicity model.

fit = getModelFit(y, metadata, nKnots = 3L, condColname = 'cond')
fit = getPosteriorFit(fit)

Get rhythm statistics

Next, we use the posterior fits to compute rhythm statistics for each gene in each condition.

rhyStats = getRhythmStats(fit)
print(rhyStats, nrows = 10L)
#>           cond   feature peak_phase peak_value trough_phase trough_value
#>         <fctr>    <char>      <num>      <num>        <num>        <num>
#>   1: wild-type     12686   0.000000  11.848689    10.510719     8.814508
#>   2: wild-type     13170   9.431107  15.056098    22.129887     9.039250
#>   3: wild-type     26897  18.371177  12.403175     4.623781    10.745386
#>   4: wild-type     11287  22.517494   7.903967     7.586936     7.794846
#>   5: wild-type     12046   5.694928   7.984916    20.181606     7.971871
#>  ---                                                                    
#>  96:  knockout    317750  22.569400   8.197825     7.890174     8.050101
#>  97:  knockout    329015  18.277878   9.367790    10.330503     9.236423
#>  98:  knockout    381760  19.734165   9.456695     9.938374     9.257839
#>  99:  knockout    434864  21.966042   7.912880     8.649651     7.761379
#> 100:  knockout 110599566   6.508437   8.959367    22.779614     8.945090
#>      peak_trough_amp     mesor
#>                <num>     <num>
#>   1:      3.03418170 10.368427
#>   2:      6.01684814 12.018767
#>   3:      1.65778881 11.675870
#>   4:      0.10912046  7.854743
#>   5:      0.01304465  7.979693
#>  ---                          
#>  96:      0.14772364  8.104574
#>  97:      0.13136624  9.296439
#>  98:      0.19885626  9.353978
#>  99:      0.15150048  7.829699
#> 100:      0.01427692  8.953484

Get differential rhythm statistics

We can now calculate the rhythmic differences for each gene between any two conditions, here between wild-type and knockout.

diffRhyStats = getDiffRhythmStats(fit, rhyStats)
print(diffRhyStats, nrows = 10L)
#> Key: <feature>
#>       feature     cond1    cond2 mean_mesor mean_peak_trough_amp   diff_mesor
#>        <char>    <fctr>   <fctr>      <num>                <num>        <num>
#>  1:    103266 wild-type knockout   9.094249          0.184903036  0.051687912
#>  2:    108897 wild-type knockout   7.958910          0.006831757 -0.005168699
#>  3: 110599566 wild-type knockout   8.938463          0.069308476  0.030043525
#>  4:     11287 wild-type knockout   7.867503          0.116526530  0.025519670
#>  5:     12046 wild-type knockout   8.038329          0.170680319  0.117271901
#> ---                                                                          
#> 46:     72114 wild-type knockout   7.815911          0.102562698 -0.031350508
#> 47:     74087 wild-type knockout   7.876956          0.120937382  0.031165093
#> 48:     75801 wild-type knockout   7.885490          0.009974481  0.021612144
#> 49:     78697 wild-type knockout   8.435127          0.016110453  0.030223706
#> 50:     93877 wild-type knockout   8.060970          0.134552916  0.103128679
#>     diff_peak_trough_amp diff_peak_phase diff_trough_phase diff_rhy_dist
#>                    <num>           <num>             <num>         <num>
#>  1:         -0.214572098       -4.188981         0.4565494    0.26587667
#>  2:         -0.006489454       10.576316         9.3558268    0.01348066
#>  3:         -0.110063106       -6.830498        -6.7648712    0.12818012
#>  4:          0.014812131       -6.040059        -7.8807586    0.16598258
#>  5:          0.315271340       -6.811385        11.1769819    0.33131162
#> ---                                                                     
#> 46:          0.037126061       -9.577629         6.1331939    0.19524286
#> 47:         -0.025998153       -2.082278        -2.0154710    0.06976247
#> 48:         -0.012272708        5.695024        -8.5424574    0.01626120
#> 49:         -0.001703226        8.330807         9.3559106    0.02858621
#> 50:         -0.086004439       10.791143         8.1130055    0.26608906

We can examine the distributions of the statistics in various ways, such as ranking genes by difference in peak-to-trough amplitude (no p-values necessary) or plotting difference in peak-to-trough amplitude vs. difference in mean expression.

print(diffRhyStats[order(diff_peak_trough_amp)], nrows = 10L)
#>     feature     cond1    cond2 mean_mesor mean_peak_trough_amp  diff_mesor
#>      <char>    <fctr>   <fctr>      <num>                <num>       <num>
#>  1:   13170 wild-type knockout  12.616280            4.3073908  1.19502624
#>  2:   12686 wild-type knockout  10.157657            1.7859377 -0.42154165
#>  3:   26897 wild-type knockout  10.473462            1.0551507 -2.40481581
#>  4:   14385 wild-type knockout  10.335544            0.6410604 -0.23091881
#>  5:   56209 wild-type knockout  11.382764            0.5173328 -0.29032848
#> ---                                                                       
#> 46:   13507 wild-type knockout   7.983178            0.1552713  0.15367719
#> 47:   17252 wild-type knockout   9.983190            0.2583523 -0.08320065
#> 48:   12046 wild-type knockout   8.038329            0.1706803  0.11727190
#> 49:   20775 wild-type knockout  11.830131            1.3835675  0.24859164
#> 50:   22113 wild-type knockout   8.395714            0.6561732  0.26000350
#>     diff_peak_trough_amp diff_peak_phase diff_trough_phase diff_rhy_dist
#>                    <num>           <num>             <num>         <num>
#>  1:           -3.4189147      -0.8277360       -0.01805794     3.5242228
#>  2:           -2.4964879      -6.4332587       -0.45100842     3.1408093
#>  3:           -1.2052763      -0.5625297        5.85548916     1.2119948
#>  4:           -0.9487905       5.2747430       -1.96740822     1.0962868
#>  5:           -0.5254610      -0.9897313        0.16651740     0.5379302
#> ---                                                                     
#> 46:            0.2214059       4.7481008       -0.10424266     0.2551407
#> 47:            0.2605478      -5.3279342        2.99082880     0.3873103
#> 48:            0.3152713      -6.8113848       11.17698194     0.3313116
#> 49:            0.4137977       3.5329385       -1.78226089     1.2889095
#> 50:            0.5568909      -0.2510863       -2.68931784     0.5582583

ggplot(diffRhyStats) +
  geom_point(aes(x = diff_mesor, y = diff_peak_trough_amp), alpha = 0.2) +
  labs(x = bquote(Delta * 'mesor (norm.)'), y = bquote(Delta * 'amplitude (norm.)'))

Get observed and fitted time-courses

We can compute the expected measurements for one or more genes at one or more time-points in each condition, which correspond to the fitted curves. Here we plot the posterior fits and observed expression for three genes (converting from gene id to gene symbol).

genes = data.table(
  id = c('13170', '12686', '26897'),
  symbol = c('Dbp', 'Elovl3', 'Acot1'))

measFit = getExpectedMeas(fit, times = seq(0, 24, 0.5), features = genes$id)
measFit[genes, symbol := i.symbol, on = .(feature = id)]
print(measFit, nrows = 10L)
#>       time      cond feature     value symbol
#>      <num>    <fctr>  <char>     <num> <char>
#>   1:     0 wild-type   13170  9.402594    Dbp
#>   2:     0 wild-type   12686 11.848689 Elovl3
#>   3:     0 wild-type   26897 11.551600  Acot1
#>   4:     0  knockout   13170 11.969182    Dbp
#>   5:     0  knockout   12686  9.801527 Elovl3
#>  ---                                         
#> 290:    24 wild-type   12686 11.848689 Elovl3
#> 291:    24 wild-type   26897 11.551600  Acot1
#> 292:    24  knockout   13170 11.969182    Dbp
#> 293:    24  knockout   12686  9.801527 Elovl3
#> 294:    24  knockout   26897  9.142774  Acot1

Next we combine the observed expression data and metadata. The curves show how limorhyde2 is able to fit non-sinusoidal rhythms.

measObs = mergeMeasMeta(y, metadata, features = genes$id)
measObs[genes, symbol := i.symbol, on = .(feature = id)]
print(measObs, nrows = 10L)
#> Key: <sample>
#>        sample      cond  time feature      meas symbol
#>        <char>    <fctr> <int>  <char>     <num> <char>
#>  1: GSM840504  knockout     0   13170 11.669138    Dbp
#>  2: GSM840504  knockout     0   12686  9.705361 Elovl3
#>  3: GSM840504  knockout     0   26897  8.654624  Acot1
#>  4: GSM840505  knockout     0   13170 11.877697    Dbp
#>  5: GSM840505  knockout     0   12686  9.611530 Elovl3
#> ---                                                   
#> 68: GSM840526 wild-type    20   12686 10.911935 Elovl3
#> 69: GSM840526 wild-type    20   26897 12.486105  Acot1
#> 70: GSM840527 wild-type    20   13170  9.749365    Dbp
#> 71: GSM840527 wild-type    20   12686 11.075636 Elovl3
#> 72: GSM840527 wild-type    20   26897 12.352601  Acot1

ggplot() +
  facet_wrap(vars(symbol), scales = 'free_y', nrow = 1) +
  geom_line(aes(x = time, y = value, color = cond), data = measFit) +
  geom_point(aes(x = time %% 24, y = meas, color = cond, shape = cond),
             size = 1.5, data = measObs) +
  labs(x = 'Zeitgeber time (h)', y = 'Expression (norm.)',
       color = 'Condition', shape = 'Condition') +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 24, 4)) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Dark2') +
  scale_shape_manual(values = c(21, 23)) +
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom')