                         NEWS for R Package "lmomco"
Changes in version 2.5.1 (2024-05-02)
-  Added trajectory of PE3 and GNO to extend beyond Tau3 -0.9 and +0.9 in
     lmrdia(). I do not recall why these two distributions were stopped at these
     limits of Tau3; trajectory now canvases to abs(Tau3_ --> 1 and Tau4 --> 1.
-  Removed \url{} declaration headrick.sheng.lalpha.Rd and converted to \code{}
     to disable URL that in spring 2024 points to a "non-private connection."

Changes in version 2.5.0 (2024-05-01)
-  Aborted release to CRAN.
-  Added lwd.cex and expand.names arguments to plotlmrdia().
-  Added opposite axis ticking in plotlmrdia() with axTicks added to NAMESPACE.
-  Audited coloring and lines in plotlmrdia.R/Rd.
-  Added lmrdia46() and plotlmrdia46() along with addition of another step in
     building the sysdata.rda for support of Tau4-Tau6 diagrams in
     inst/doc/SystemBuilder02.R. This results in the expansion of the
     .lmomcohash to include a new entry tau46list with the tables of Tau4 and
     Tau6 for the distributions supported by plotlmrdia46().
-  Added new auxiliary information in inst/doc/t4t6 related to lookup tables
     of Tau4-Tau6 for the symmetrical distributions. There is a another script
     inst/doc/t4t6/studyST3.R that documents some of the testing and revisions
     to tau6 polynomial approximation in lmomst3.R.
-  Audited the family of Student 3t functions and in particular the lmomst3.R
     and parst3.R with re-evaluation of computational range and numerical
     integration testing for new values of small and large NU parameter.
     This means also an overhaul on the root finding for parameter estimation
     and now rely on theoTLmoms() and not previous polynomial assistance.
-  Removed ST3 moving to the [dpq]norm() functions for large NU and now relying
     entirely on the [dpq]t() functions.
-  Updated man/lmomcohash.Rd accordingly with the new Tau4-Tau6 business.
-  Migrated DESCRIPTION to require R >3.5.0 so that new serialization on the
     R/sysdata.rda is supported.
-  Ran inst/doc/SysDataBuilder.R for the first time in many years and had
     errors in incomplete change of variable naming associated with Rice
     distribution that must have happened about version 1.2.1 (2010-11-20).
     Ran the updated script and checked its sysdata.rda rendering to that
     already in lmomco/sysdata.rda and not change in Rice distribution content
     observed. Renamed SysDataBuilder.R to SysDataBuilder01.R (Step 1) to show
     its first presence to the SysDataBuilder02.R (Step 2).
-  Name change to SysDataBuilder01.R required updates to lmomrice.Rd,
     paraep4.Rd, and parrice.Rd.
-  Minor corrections for Slash: cdfsla.Rd, is.sla.Rd, lmomsla.Rd, and pdfsla.Rd.
-  Extended lmrdia46() to the Cauchy and the Slash by theoTLmom() integration.
-  Revised lmrdia() for the Cauchy from not limited Tau4 but its Tau4^(1) so
     conceptually the Cauchy displays as the Slash does with trim=1 TL-moments.
-  Revised color of the Cauchy and Slash as "turquoise4" for plotlmrdia() and
     that same color used in plotlmrdia46().
-  Revised color of the GEV as "darkred" for plotlmrdia() as part of adding the
     nondefault plotting of the Weibull distribution in darkorange. Both line
     types are now solid.
-  For *aep*.Rd files, added note, keyword, and cross-link to lmr46.Rd that the
     AEP4 for Tau3 = zero is the Exponential Power distribution.
-  Disabled a url to University of Virginia in headrick.sheng.lalpha.Rd as it
     was not resolving and hence CRAN checks would not pass.
-  Revised some pargld.Rd text related to Tukey Lambda and cleaned up the
     Examples section.

Changes in version 2.4.14 (2024-02-19)
-  Added the sort=TRUE argument to xlo2qua(). The need was that the original
     vision of the xlo family of operation was tied to sorted data sets and or
     truncation of vector lengths tied to the needs of plotting frequency
     curves. However, there became a need for order preservation and vector
     length preservation when the xlo2qua() were to be used for joint
     probability problems. As a result, the sort=FALSE triggers a new block of
     code (in order to preserve previous behavior by default) and within this
     block the f2flo()-like probability mapping is done.
-  Added the fillthres=TRUE argument to xlo2qua() to fill the NAs and quantiles
     below the threshold with the threshold held in the xlo argument.

Changes in version 2.4.13 (2024-01-08)
-  Brace edits to par2qua2lo.Rd wherein devel-R picked up Rd format note.

Changes in version 2.4.12 (2024-01-07)
-  Spelling corrections within this NEWS.
-  Added the disfitgovloc() function for parameter estimation of distribution
     Govindarajulu to specified lower and upper bounds in conjunction with a
     measure of location (mean or median).
-  Minor grammar changes to disfitqua.Rd.
-  BUG FIX: lmomkap() was not returning the lambda[3] of the distribution.
     Simple fix but amazing the bug has existed since very beginning of lmomco.
     Minor update in lmomkap.Rd with a non-NULL example data set for Kappa.
-  Added the xlo2qua() function to help reform the quantiles stemming from an
     f2flo() call on the nonexceedances and augmentation of the quantiles with
     the threshold. This helps to streamline lines of code used in for blipped
     or conditional truncated distribution modeling.
-  Extended theoLmoms(), theoTLmoms(), and theopwms() to detect failure in the
     numerical integration and switch over to Monte Carlo integration. Within
     Examples of theoTLmoms.Rd, and theopwms.Rd added demonstration of places
     in Kappa (k,h)-space for which numerical integration is triggered for at
     least one of the L-moments or probability-weighted moments. This extension
     should provide for even more flexibility within the package.
     *** Note, some of the motivation here was for looking again at the cases
     *** that either the L-moments or parameter estimation of the Kappa is a
     *** problem. Potentially, these additions might be used for backstopping
     *** certain "failures" of extant Kappa algorithms. *********************
-  Added export("utils", "str") to NAMESPACE because a print(str()) is used in
     theoTLmoms() and theopwms().
-  Adjusted preformatted code demonstration in the parpdq4.Rd for simple bugs
     in the plotting operations.
-  Changed choose()'s to exp(lchoose()'s) in TLmom.R to support very large
     trimming. Truncation errors were adding up in some tests; so, the change
     to using logarithms. Also, changed the nexted for() loops to nested
     sapply() calls.
-  Grammar edits in lmoms.bootbarvar.Rd.

Changes in version 2.4.11 (2023-08-30)
-  BUG FIX: par2cdf() had improper routing of the new "smd" distribution.
-  Added "lower bounds" to the AEP4 in the autolegend of plotlmrdia().
-  Coordination with strong reverse depends with Berry Boessenkool
     (author of extremeStat package).
-  Converted the emplims argument of parsmd() to snap.tau4, which aligns to the
     nomenclature of the asymmetric exponential power4 distribution use.
-  Added ncol and text.width as arguments to plotlmrdia() call to legend().

Changes in version 2.4.10 (2023-08-21)
-  Added more details to lmomcohash.Rd that supports the .lmomcohash.
-  Grammar and minor changes to spacing in expect.max.ostat.Rd Examples.
-  Added more references to headrick.sheng.lalpha.Rd.
-  Added lmrloc() for line of organic correlation (reduced major axis) line
     fitting by L-moments and product moments.
-  Corrected range of the viable A and B parameters for pp() and added the
     constraints to them with each other in the pp.Rd.
-  Systematic standardization to "init.para" for initial parameters as the list
     object throughout the package. Interface changes to distfitqua.R/Rd,
     mle2par.R/Rd, mps2par.R/Rd, tlmr2par.R/Rd, and x2pars.R (only the .R);
     examples in pdfgev.Rd and pdfgld.Rd. There is no support for reverse
     handling previous argument called para.int.
-  Changed lmomco-package.Rd example to use initial L-moments for mle2par() and
     mps2par() from using initial parameters. Related to auditing for the
     previous listed change.
-  Added ptransf and pretransf arguments to disfitqua() to align to support
     already in mle2par() and mps2par().
-  Added ptransf and pretransf arguments to tlmr2par() to align to support
     already in mle2par() and mps2par().
-  Added indexing keywords for the external package(s) involved with the
     function's code and (or) documentation: cdfgam.Rd (gamlss.dist),
     cvm.text.lmomco.Rd (goftest), lmomgam.Rd (flexsurv, gamlss.dist),
     lmomkur.Rd (lattice), lmoms.cov.Rd (Lmoments, MASS, nsRFA),
     lmom2vec.Rd (lmoms), lmomco-package.Rd (eva, lmoms, lmomRFA, Lmoments),
     lmrdiscord.Rd (lmomRFA), mlepar.Rd (MASS), mps2par.Rd (eva, fBasics, gld),
     parrice.Rd (VGAM), pdfgam.Rd (flexsurv, gamlss.dist), pdfpe3.Rd (PearsonDS),
     pdfgev.Rd (evd), pdfrice.Rd (VGAM), tau34sq.normtest (batch),
     TX38lgtrmFlow.Rd (lmomRFA), qua2ci.cov.Rd (MASS), quagam.Rd (gamlss.dist),
     quagev.Rd (evd), quagpd.Rd (evd), and quagpd.Rd (lmom).
-  Added indexing keywords for external data from packages involved with
     the function's Examples: lmoms.cov.Rd (MASS::michelson),
     lmrdiscord.Rd (lmomRFA::Cascades), mle2par.Rd (MASS::cats).
-  Added srcall.R as a developer helper but named inside .Rbuildignore.
-  Added the Singh--Maddala distribution that has explicity formula for the
     cdfsmd.R, pdfsmd.R, quasmd.R. The L-moments are in lmomsmd.R and the
     parameter estimation by numerical methods is in parsmd.R. The utility
     functions are.smd.valid.R and is.smd.R were also added.
-  Added Singh--Maddala distribution to dist.list.R/Rd and added it as a four
     parameter distribution to prettydist.R/Rd.
-  Added the algorithmic sweep of the L-skew and L-kurtosis limits of the
     Singh--Maddala distribution using the lmomco/inst/doc/domain_of_smd.R
     script and the results embedded into the parsmd.R function.
-  Added Singh--Maddala (smd) distribution to par2cdf.R, par2lmom.R, par2pdf.R,
     par2qua.R, vec2par.R, and are.par.valid.R.
-  Enhanced are.lmom.valid.R to return FALSE if the lmom argument is NULL.
-  Enhanced vec2lmom(checklmom=TRUE) to still issue warning but to add the
     lambdas and ratios in the warning message. This might help some users
     working through large-scale automation exercises.
-  Spelling correction in lmomln3.Rd.

Changes in version 2.4.9 (2023-05-29)
-  Added lmomcohash.Rd to document the .lmomcohash in an attempt to pass CRAN
     package submission checks.

Changes in version 2.4.8 (2023-05-28)
-  Returned this NEWS.
-  Added additional mathematical definition to the umvu.sd component in pmoms.Rd.
-  Edits to Examples in mle2par.Rd (color changing from numbers to names)
-  Added ties.method to pp() to extend its default of "first" to other options so
     that, in particular, headrick.sheng.lalpha() performance on its covariance
     pathway can be studied relative to the direct to L-comoments.
-  Expanded Examples in headrick.sheng.lalpha.Rd with expansion of the technical
     documentation and extensive critical discussion and numerical comparisons to
     the originating literature. Special thanks to Adam Pennell for bringing
     questions about headrick.sheng.lalpha() operation to attention.
-  Added assignment to the argument matching in distfitqua.R as in the
     operation "objfun <- match.arg(objfun)" whereas before objfun was not
     being "set."
-  Edits to dat2bernqua.Rd and dat2bernquaf.Rd related to minor gramma and
     vertical example code alignment with changes of numbered colors to named.

Changes in version 2.4.7 (2022-08-26)
-  Removed this NEWS.

Changes in version 2.4.6 (2022-08-26)
-  Modified this NEWS to change all dates of versions to YYYY-MM-DD format.
     Trying to figure out why a Debian check on the NEWS is reporting
     "Cannot process chunk/lines". Communication with CRAN does not indicate
     that there is some new requirement. Frustrating.

Changes in version 2.4.5 (2022-08-23)
-  Restored this NEWS.
-  Confirming that this release works with extremeStat package (or vice versa).

Changes in version 2.4.4 (2022-08-15)
-  Changes to pdfpdq3.R to truncate negative densities to zero.
-  Changes to cdfpdf3.R to trap f() not of opposite signs on the the uniroot().
     This is made for the extremeStat package tests. This also made overhauls
     to the "ifail" and "ifailtext" in parpdf3.R/Rd and warning() removed.
-  No. 2 caused then for parallelism lmompdq4.R/Rd parpdq4.R/Rd to be changed
     in regards to the "ifail" and "ifailtext" and warning() removed.

Changes in version 2.4.3 (2022-08-14)
-  Removing man/lmomcoBook.Rd, man/lmomcoNews.Rd, and R/lmomcoNewsBook.R
     by .Rbuildignore and NAMESPACE has these commented out.

Changes in version 2.4.2 (2022-08-14)
-  Removing this NEWS.

Changes in version 2.4.1 (2022-08-14)
-  Automated CRAN submission checks caught invalid math expression in
-  Changed url to doi declaration in References of disfitqua.Rd.

Changes in version 2.3.8 (2022-08-14)
-  Added a \donttest{} declaration in quape3() of an example study of the
     symmetry of the standard error of sample L-skews for a switch in sign
     of the shape (product moment skew) of the Pearson type III.
-  Added legendcex to plotlmrdia(). Also forgot to fix the color definitions
     in the legend call within plotlmrdia() (see 2.3.7:4 below). Also corrected
     inconsistent lty of the AEP4 relative to the diagram and the legend.
-  Corrected wrong relation between lambda2 and Sigma in lmomnor.Rd. It appears
     for years (all of lmomco history?) that lmomnor.Rd claims that the
     relation lambda2 = sqrt(pi) x sigma, but this is wrong, and the correct
     relation is lambda2 = sigma / sqrt(pi). This prompted inspection of
     lmomnor() and parnor().
-  lmomnor() : Orphaned (unused) variables from legacy FORTRAN porting
      RRT2 <- 1/sqrt(2) and RRTPI <- 1/sqrt(pi) have been removed and replaced
      the ZMOM[2] as a constant to the expression 1/sqrt(pi).
-  parnor() : Some minor code cleaning to parnor.R was made to  more similar
      idioms that the author uses in coding style.
-  lmomgno() : Stemming from review of parnor(), removed orphaned variables or
      switch to explicit mathematical operations for the otherwise constants.
-  Student 3t distribution in pdfst3.Rd needed editing, the t in the integral
      needed definition.
-  Grammar edit in quawei.Rd.
-  Added the polynomail density-quantile3 (PDQ3) distribution.
-  Added the polynomial density-quantile4 (PDQ4) distribution.
-  Eq. 8.106 of ISBN 978-1463508418 is incorrect. The part written as
      [1-\kappa(2F-1)^2] needs to be written as [1-\kappa(2F-1)]^2 for the
      polynomial density-quantile3 distribution and correct to Hosking (2007).
-  Eq. 8.120 of ISBN 978-1463508418 is incorrect. The ratio of 4/5 in both
      subequations needs to be 5/4 during testing of implementation of the
      polynomial density-quantile4 distribution and correct to Hosking (2007).
-  Added PDQ3 and PDQ4 routing in are.par.valid.R, lmom2par.R, par2cdf.R,
      par2lmom.R, par2pdf.R, par2qua.R, vec2par.R.
-  Corrected variable and return value and Example in par2pdf.Rd.
-  Added PDQ3 {t3, t4} trajectory support to lmrdia.R/Rd and plotlmrdia.R/Rd.
-  Grammar and spelling fix to rmlmomco.Rd.
-  Updated dist.list.R/Rd and prettydist.R/Rd for the PDQ3 and PDQ4 and
      fixed bug in dist.list() that was not reporting 3 parameters for GPA.
-  Edits in theoTLmoms.Rd::Note on an contrived application of TL-moments.
-  Minor spacing adjustments in tlmr2par.Rd : Examples. Likely need to sweep
      the entire Rd suite an closer look at spacings to make the Examples
      easier to read.
-  BUG FIX: Incorrect support being represented by pdfgpa(). Complete
      overhaul made in pdfgpa.R. Added further example to pdfgpa.Rd and
      clarified sign convention on the shape parameter. Some simultaneous
      cleanup to cdfgpa.Rd and quagpa.Rd. The bug was reported form testing
      results reported by Christophe Dutang.
-  GEV shape parameter constraint K > -1 in ISBN 978-1463508418 is incorrect.
-  BUG FIX: are.pargev.valid(), see No. 21.
-  BUG FIX: Some incorrect support being prepresented by pdfgev(). Overhaul
      that basically mimics structure of pdfgpa() (see. No. 20). Some
      simultaneous cleanup to cdfgpa.Rd and quagpa.Rd. The bug was reported
      form testing results reported by Christophe Dutang. The treatment of
      near zero Kappa was also ported to cdfgev().
-  CRAN check fix on "Undefined control sequence" for some of the math in

Changes in version 2.3.7 (2021-08-03)
-  Some work on improving warning messages when MASS::mvrnorm() fails because
     the variance-covariance matrix is not positive definite. A minor error
     trapping in complete failure in computing L-moments of the quasf vector.
     Added the tolerance argument so that we can pass it to MASS:mvrnorm().
     The author has one school of though that perhaps ... should be doing this.
     Also mvtnorm package provides an alterative normal variate simulator.
-  Added a Note in qua2ci.cov.Rd with an example sample that causes the failure
     of MASS::mvrnorm() and show some ways to mitigate for this.
-  BUG FIX: Some minor bug work on qua2ci.cov() during careful study during
     no. 1. The dimless argument would not ever work with nmom equal to 1 or 2,
     now fixed.
-  Color fix: It seems in R4.0.+ that colors 2,3,4 are no longer exactly
     red, green, blue, respectively. These have been replaced as
     "red", "green", and "blue" in plotlmrdia.R/.Rd.
-  Added tlmr2par() for attempt at a general interface for fitting a
     distribution to the TL-moments.
-  Various minor edits to documentation here and there given quite a long
     time since a good look. Perhaps in some future release, the author will
     have read the entire manual again, as of August 2021, it has been a
     number of years.
-  Updates triggered by R CMD check --as-cran for R 4.1 and mostly in the
     \doi{} declaration that has shown up sometime past in R releases.

Changes in version 2.3.6 (2020-03-14)
-  The CRAN incoming checks throwing <<Variables with usage in documentation
     object 'clearforkporosity' but not in code: 'clearforkporosity'>>
     This is a hard error to figure out. The Writing R Extensions documentation
     is not helpful. Comparison of the clearforkporosity.Rd to that of the
     DrillBitLifetime.Rd, which is not having an error, shows that a data()
     wrapper for the usage in clearforkporosity.Rd on "clearforkporosity" is
     missing relative to DrillBitLifetime.Rd. Also removed the Examples section
     for clearforkporosity.Rd.
-  Added LazyData: true declaration in DESCRIPTION based on reading of the
     Writing R Extensions documentation.

Changes in version 2.3.5 (2020-03-13)
-  Removed commas from all keyword{} declarations in the affected Rd files.
     It appears that CRAN incoming checks think an author has mistakenly
     provided multiple keywords terms within the declaration, which for lmomco
     this was not actually happening. The comma use was deliberate, but removed
     now at anyrate.

Changes in version 2.3.4 (2020-03-13)
-  Added twoside.suppress.labels argument to add.lmomco.axis().
-  BUG FIX: some fixes to the label plotting and quantile edges within
      add.lmomco.axis() that were found through some large batch processing.
-  Spelling correction in cdfnor.Rd.

Changes in version 2.3.3 (2019-02-19)
-  Added the type argument to f2f() and f2flo() functions to permit subtle
      variation in the treatment of the subsetting of nonexceedance

Changes in version 2.3.2 (2018-09-09)
-  Minor Rd updates throughout.
-  Added the add and empty arguments to plotlmrdia() for finer control, which
      permits the plotting of the diagram boundaries, then inserting say
      sample values, and **then** plotting the trajectories desired on top.
      This is a feature that really should have been present from the beginning.
      Thanks to feedback from Y. Zhou.
-  Added arguments snap.tau4 and nudge.tau4 to parkap() to permit the forcing
      of the Kappa solution to the L-kurtosis of the upper boundary and example
      added to parkap.Rd. This is similar to the AEP4 changes in 2.3.1:(8) below.
-  Added the case argument to add.lmomco.axis() to provide option of mixed case
      for the default axis labels.
-  Enhancement: Extended the limits of probability in add.lmomco.axis() out to
      [1-0.99999, 0.99999] but then internally consult par()$usr to identify
      ticks and labels outside the plot and then remove before calling the
      Axis() function. This was needed as users seem to be probing deeper into
      the tails than originally envisioned. The par()$usr use was buggy, see
      version 2.3.4:no2.
-  Clarified Tau4 bounds in lmomglo.Rd.
-  Spelling fixed in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.
-  Added argument x in add.log.axis() for nice axis limits aligning to integers
      (1:9) within a log10-cycle and modified the example in add.log.axis.Rd.

Changes in version 2.3.1 (2018-03-08)
-  Enhancement: mle2par() inadvertently was not trapping for conditions of zero
      density. (Say a given fit having a lower bounds larger than the smallest
      data value.) The Examples section expanded with a demonstration using the
      generalized lambda distribution that converges slowly on a dataset in part
      because of zero densities manifesting during the optimization.
-  Buggish Fix: mle2par.Rd needed a change to the Examples for the generalized
      gamma (three parameter and not two) was not working and change was
      required in order to work an mimicks that in mps2par.Rd (see Issue 3).
-  BUG FIX: mle2par() and mps2par() were not properly distinguishing between a
      para.int of either a list (say from lmom2par) or a vector of parameters.
-  Added x2pars() that converts data in x into three parameter sets for a
      given distribution by L-moments, MLE, and MPS.
-  Added pars2x() that converts probability into three quantile estimates from
      the ensemble of parameter estimates returned by x2pars().
-  Added the vecit argument to lmoms() and TLmoms() to convert the list of the
      L-moments, which is venerable in this package, to a vector such as
      vec2lmom() can digest. Credit S.C. Worland
-  Added log-exp transformation of the parameters AEP4 estimation to ensure that
      they remain in the positive domain.
-  Added arguments snap.tau4 and nudge.tau4 to paraep4() to permit the forcing
      of the AEP4 solution to the L-kurtosis of the lower boundary and example
      added to paraep4.Rd.

Changes in version 2.2.9 (2017-11-08)
-  Added high L-skew example to pargno.Rd as clarification on Issue 4 in 2.2.8.

Changes in version 2.2.8 (2017-11-01)
-  Enhancement: lmomkap() and parkap() overhauled into R idioms. Minor errors in
      old lmomkap() fixed and parkap() breaks entirely from Hosking's Newton-
      Raphson approach to one based on simultaneous 2-d optimization by optim()
      using either a mean absolute deviation of Tau3 and Tau4 or square root of
      total squared divergences (Pythagorean distance). The preference appears
      to be Pythagorean distance from extensive simulations. The new algorithm
      performs very similarly to Hosking's but achieves much greater symmetry
      about Tau3=0 in failures. Hosking's tends to fail in the far upper
      negative Tau3 and large Tau4 corner of L-moment ratio diagram. Both
      methods fail as Tau3 and Tau4 approach the theoretical lower bounds of
      Tau3 and Tau4.
-  Enhancement: Most of the "par***()" functions now have the parameters
      explicitly initialized as NA. This should mitigate some very subtle
      user experiences.
-  Enhancement: mle2par() and mps2par() incorrectly stated that initial
      parameters could be specified as vector. This was incorrect, but now they
      can be either an lmomco "object" (see vec2par()) or as a vector in which
      the vec2par() function is called internally. Also the sanity checks on
      para.int for both mle2par() and mps2par() are written absolutely parallel
      with each other.
-  Clarification: pargno(), abs(Tau3) > 0.95, now truncates Tau3 to 0.95
      instead of failing to return a solution. A warning() is triggered. This
      still is not an ideal solution and further research into limits of R
      performance relative to Hosking's original FORTRAN is needed.
-  Added: par2qua2lo(), which is a generalization of par2qua2 for two quantile
      function mixing when one has two data objects from the x2xlo() function.
      This has been on the drawing board since version 1.7.3 (January 28, 2013).
      *** Experimental and subject to overhaul. ***
-  Changes to documentation and code cleaning in par2cdf2.R/Rd, par2qua2.R/Rd,
      f2flo.Rd, flo2f.Rd, and x2xlo.Rd.
-  Added: xlo=NULL argument to f2flo() and flo2f() as optional means to get
      the probability level of the threshold into the logic.
-  Added: f2f() to form an idiom for use in conditional probability computations.
-  BUG FIX: "lmrq" is now returned as "Linear Mean Residual Quantile Function" in
      prettydist(dist.list()). Credit to Berry Boessenkool.

Changes in version 2.2.7 (2017-03-07)
-  BUG FIX: are.lmom.valid() from version 2.2.6 had a bug that missing Tau5
      would short circuit the Tau3-Tau4 consistency check for which that
      check needed to occur before Tau5 and not after. Author discovered this
      during algorithmic review of the parkap() function.

Changes in version 2.2.6 (2017-03-06)
-  Documentation revision to lmomco-package.Rd showing quick primer to the
      package and how to make L-moments, MLE, and MPS estimates for a GEV
      sample and compare to the same purpose methods from the eva package.
-  Added passing of "..." argument into optim() within mle2par() and mps2par().
      Originally, this was not made because of constraints of working with the
      3-p Generalized Gamma using the p=3 argument. Now the Examples in the
      pargam() function show that an init.para argument to mps2par() and by
      extension mle3par() when the initial parameters are already three para-
      meters wide then the 3-p version can be triggered without having to get
      "p=3" passed into mle2par() or mps2par().
-  Presumed Enhancement: Added a trap to convert the Deltas of the U-statistics
      for mps2par() when NaN to zero. Some further testing indicates that
      during optimization that parameter space could get accessed for some
      distributions that cause NaN to be returned from the CDF. The zeros in
      turn get hit with log(Delta), which the triggers Inf that is fed back to
      the simplex and a portion of inappropriate parameter space gets flagged
      during the optimization. This trap is anticipated to enhance the robust-
      ness of the MPS algorithm.
-  BUG FIX: TLmoms() was trapping for NaN back in NEWS:2.2.2:27. The trap was
      incorrectly formed and an untrimmed symmetrical data set could cause
      TAU3 = NA when LAMBDA3 == 0 and LAMBDA2 != 0. Berry Boessenkool
      provided discovery through an unrelated cascade of errors.
-  Enhancement: are.parln3.valid() could receive non-NA parameters incoming
      from LN3 estimation for L-skew too large for the underlying pargno()
      algorithm providing LN3 support. These non-NA leak through to the
      conditionals on the parameter values. Rearrangement of tests made so that
      if standard deviation is zero, which is representative of the leak, then
      immediate return of FALSE is made. Also added a finiteness check on LAM1
      and LAM2. Berry Boessenkool provided discovery of a cascade of errors
      when extremely high L-skew was fed to parln3().
-  Enhancement: removed extra check on L-moment validity in parln3.R by calling
      pargno(..., checklmom=FALSE).
-  Enhancement: removed most of the code snippets that look something like:
         opts <- options(warn=-1); Y <- log(X); options(opts) # X might be < 0
      as a wrapper on operations that could trigger NaNs. Replaced with code
      like this: Y <- suppressWarnings(X). Streamlines the overall code base.
      About 20 functions involved, so about 40 lines of code removed.
      Berry Boessenkool provided this suggestion.
-  BUG FIX: Infinite L-moments could leak through are.lmom.valid() as testing
      TRUE. For example, the sample L-moments of logarithms of data having a
      zero. This should have been fixed years ago for even the author would add
      elaborate checking in applications. This feature should have long had its
      own implementation. Thanks to Brian Breaker for pushing the issue.
-  Added a large simulation example within lmomGEV.Rd showing how successive
      definitions of maxima of n-events per year converge to GEV families no
      matter what is the parent distribution. Thanks for M.G. Schaefer for
      demonstrating the idea at a March 2017 meeting.

Changes in version 2.2.5 (2016-09-09)
-  PERFORMANCE FIX: pdfpe3() a certain combination of SIGMA and GAMMA
      parameters could leak through and cause later div0, for which a passage
      to Normality should be triggered. This caused intensive study of
      performance for small variation and near zero skew. Gutted the function
      and using dgamma() and parallel logic to cdfpe3().
-  BUG FIX: lmompe3() had a misspecified variable accessing the 2nd parameter
      for the condition of small or zero skewness. Discovered playing with
      mle2par(), which had yielded the pdfpe3() bug mentioned in Item 1.
-  BUG FIX: mps2par() had a lingering variable name change problem related
      to the "ties" argument but the old argument "ties.method" receiving the
      results of match.arg(). The variable ties was still being used in a value
      check expecting a scalar (the result of match.arg) but ties was remaining
      the vector as set by the function declaration. Trivially small issue.
-  Added another example to are.lmom.valid() to show a bail-out attempt at
      L-moment computation via probability-weighted moments computed by
      plotting-position formula.
-  Added the "null.on.not.converge" argument to mle2par() and mps2par().
-  Added the 3-parameter Generalized Gamma to *gam() functions using the special
      parameterization of the 3-p GG in the gamlss package. Though a gamlss
      dependency is not foreseen, cross applications are now possible.
-  Text adjustment to pdfpe3.Rd and addition of two examples related to
      interaction with the PearsonDS package support for Pearson Type III.
-  Added arguments "alt.other.lab" and "npp.as.aep" to add.lmomco.axis() to
      support the inversion of axis drawing from nonexceedance probability to
      exceedance probability.
-  Euler's constant standardization in lmomrevgum(), mps2par(), pargum(),
      and parrevgum() to the DiGamma: "print(-digamma(1), digits=15)"
-  Added "ptransf" and "pretransf" arguments to mle2par() and mps2par() to
      support parameter transformation and retransformation if a user needs to
      impose parameter constraints to assist the optimizer.
-  Added "no.stop" argument to lmoms().
-  Govindarajulu: cdfgov() now returns 0 or 1 if x is outside the support.
-  Added the Cramer--von Mises goodness-of-fit in cvm.test.lmomco()
      mimicking and using the goftest package.
-  Added the "..." argument to all of the par*() functions [e.g. parwei()],
      which should have happened a decade ago. A problem was encountered in
      progressively more complicated functions wrapping these.

Changes in version 2.2.4 (2016-07-08)
-  Added "..." argument to pp(). A higher calling function to pp() could not
      implement the arguments to pp through the "..." argument of the that
      higher function with arugments intended to yet a another function.
-  Added "ties" argument to mps2par(), the motivation for Item 1. above.
-  Further refinement of mps2par() during a vacation. Added the "delta",
      "log10offset", "get.untied", "check.support", and "moran" arguments,
      where the first three additions are to enhance accommodation of ties.
      Also extensive expansion of the Note, References, and Examples sections.

Changes in version 2.2.3 (2016-05-31)
-  BUG FIX: cdflap() was incorrectly vectorized in R idioms, Berry Boessenkool
      provided discovery and the fix.
-  BUG FIX: malformed call to supdist() in cdfgld(), Berry Boessenkool
      provided discovery and the fix.
-  SINISTER R BEHAVIOR(?): Code flow changes in qua2ci.cov() that caused a
      certain warning() related to the Weibull distribution call. Could not
      trace the source of the problem, but Weibull, which requires a pass
      through pargev(), was ending up with Inf for the parameters. However,
      the cause simply is not known. The problem in qua2ci.cov() was buried
      inside the quaf construction often for the last simulation but the
      simulated L-moments convert properly to Weibull if intercepted. WHA
      thinks the issue was an ifelse() construction at the end of the
      sapply() for quaf. This code was pretty well vetted. WHA wonders if a
      change in R version caused the problem, or WHA has misunderstood a
      subtlety related to the ifelse() construction.
-  Added mps2par() for the maximum product spacing method for parameter
      estimation. The method is a straightforward parameter optimization
      method, is not widely available, and simple to implement in this package.

Changes in version 2.2.2 (2016-03-20)
-  Added example to parglo.Rd concerning relation to log-logistic distribution
      following an inquiring from user Laura Read.
-  Inserted exp(log()) nests in tau34sq.normtest() to protect against integer
      overflow as WHA encountered a problem having a sample size in a real-world
      problem too large for computation of the useHoskingZt4=TRUE circumstance.
-  Added example to lmomtri.Rd showing a positive L-skew, right-triangle distri-
      bution being compared to the Generalized Pareto with same L-moments.
-  Added "nmom" argument to lmomtri() to avoid calls to expect.max.ostat() if
      desired. Changes to lmomtri() and partri() to avoid spraying of error
      messages from partri()-->lmomtri()-->expect.max.ostat()-->integrate() if
      outside the acceptable parameter range. Also, return vector of NA from
      partri() if abs(Tau3) is too big. All of this for the distribution is
      very subtle but issues were identified by Berry Boessenkool. Thanks.
-  BUG FIX: Fixed unity erroneously being returned by pdfgpa(), which was
      discovered from experiments with Asymmetric Triangular distribution near
      a positive-skew right triangle density function while thinking about
      other design thoughts on pdfs raised by Berry Boessenkook. The unity
      check then yielded next Item.
-  BUG FIX: Fixed unity erroneously returned by pdfgev(), pdfglo(), and pdfgno()
      as part of trap for log(0). These were discovered by intuition from
      grep'ing pdf*.R sources for the operation: f[i] <- 1. And this Item in
      turn yielded Item 7. Source of this was bad cut-paste from CDF algorithms
      that were written before pdf support was written---dating from circa 2006.
-  Enhanced the entire pdf ensemble using R idioms from original FORTRAN port
      in functions---mainly this meant replacing a for() loop with sapply().
      This should greatly accelerate computation times. The enhancement also
      uses syntax like this: f[! is.finite(f)] <- NA and (or) additional NA
      setting for x values outside the domain of the distribution. Thus the
      reference to this version being the "Density-NA" release. HOWEVER, AFTER
      BE NA (say log(negative number) encountered) ARE SET TO ZERO. In other
      words, the density outside the support of a distribution is set to zero.
-  L-moments dependent on the numerical integration of the PDF might require
      that PDF values being NA be treated as zero. This trap is in Item 7 but
      does cascade logically into check.pdf(), dlmomco(), expect.max.ostat(),
      expect.min.ostat(), and hlmomco().
-  Changed argument "paragld" to "para" in pdfgld(), cdfgld(), and quagld(),
      and cdfgld() had an example using supdist() added.
-  Added "delexp" argument to supdist().
-  Changed "gldpara" syntax to "para" in GLD distribution functions to mimic
      style in the functions for other distributions.
-  Updated the Examples section of check.pdf.Rd.
-  Further testing of the Kappa-Mu distribution--still somewhat experimental.
-  Further testing of the Eta-Mu distribution---still somewhat experimental.
-  Changed to R idioms (removed for() loops) in z.par2cdf.R and z.par2qua.R.
-  Added "paracheck" to are.par.valid() for easy of globally switching off
      parameter checking and then next Item.
-  Added "paracheck" to supdist() so that this function may be called when it
      is already know that the parameters are valid and added to the returned
      list the nonexceedance probabilities of the lower and upper supports.
-  Moved a variable into a sum() to that presumably of R will use less memory.
-  R idiom vectorization as may be to all cdfCCC.R lacking it---mainly the
      replacement of for() loops with either sapply() and in some cases not even
      sapply() and pure R vectorization is used.
-  R idiom vectorization as may be to all pdfCCC.R lacking it---mainly the
      replacement of for() loops with either sapply() and in some cases not even
      sapply() and pure R vectorization is used.
-  R idiom vectorization as may be to all quaCCC.R lacking it---mainly the
      replacement of for() loops with either sapply() and in some cases not even
      sapply() and pure R vectorization is used.
-  R idiom vectorization in rmlmomco(), rrmlmomco(), rmvarlmomco(), and
      rrmvarlmomco()---replacement of for() loops with sapply().
-  Documentation: (1) Corrected a spelling error that called nonexistant
      function in Examples in rmvarlmomco.Rd; (2) Example expansion quarice.Rd;
      and (3) Removed "the probability density for" in quatexp.Rd.
-  Added "sig6" to nonexceeds() for +/-6 sigma vector of probability.
-  Documentation: Changed language in z.par2cdf.Rd and z.par2qua.Rd along with
      syntax changes in z.par2cdf() and z.par2qua() into R idioms for enormous
      speed increases.
-  Documentation: smoothed language in Examples of dist.list.Rd.
-  Change to TLmoms() and added example to TLmoms.Rd for trapping of NaN
      coming back from TLmom() and converting to NAs.
-  Title change for "new" CRAN policy by tools::toTitleCase(). WHA does not
      like "L-Moment" versus "L-moment" but whatever.
-  Added disfitqua() for fitting a distribution by a multi-dimensional
      optimization to available quantiles. The first hint of this need was
      circa 2005-2007 from a K. Khorzad whom was needing an LPIII fit (for
      reasons now forgotten) to quantiles from Asquith and Slade (1997). The
      reason for implementation now is that WHA has a situation needing LPIII
      fit to quantiles from Asquith and Roussel (2009).
-  Added add.log.axis() for enhanced (nice looking) base-10 logarithmic axes.
-  Added the "alt.lab" argument to add.lmomco.axis().
-  Added the "quafunc" argument to theoTLmoms() for arbirary quantile function.
-  Added lmoms.cov() for distribution-free, variance-covariance computation
      of the sample L-moments (and probability-weighted moments).
-  Added L-skew and L-kurtosis trajectory for the reversed Govindarajulu,
      reversed Generalized Pareto, and Weibull distributions to lmrdia().
-  NAME CHANGE: qua2ci() changed to qua2ci.simple() to make NAMESPACE available
      to qua2ci.cov(). Also genci() changed to genci.simple() because of its
      close connection. A deprecated name warning is now issued with qua2ci()
      and genci() and these will be removed at some later date.
-  BUG FIX: Tony Labson was testing with deep close to k=0 in quagev() and
      required a trapping of effectively close enough to k=0 to not cause
      oscillation in numerical routines. Because of core relationships, similar
      modifications made to quaglo() and quagp(). For the GNO, quagno() had a
      commented out trap like that needed by Tony for the GEV but was using the
      finiteness of 1/k. Tony's example for GEV would not work for GNO, so
      quagno() changed too.

Changes in version 2.1.4 (2015-04-20)
-  Trival changes to CITATION for CRAN compliance.

Changes in version 2.1.3 (2015-02-01)
-  Removed broken URL within man/IRSrefunds.by.state.Rd
-  Removed non-ASCII quotation marks from a comment in cdfaep4.R and pmoms.R.

Changes in version 2.1.2 (2015-01-31)
-  Fixed a typo in the DESCRIPTION, indexing typo in pdfgep.Rd, and a typo in
      a default axis label within add.lmomco.axis.R.
-  Fixed parlab.Rd that incorrectly identified the Generalized Logistic
      distribution and not the Laplace distribution in first sentence as
      reported by Berry Boessenkool.
-  Added supdist() as a single interface to determine a distribution's support.
      Hints of the author's original ideals maybe found in the list returned
      by parkap() but never fully matured as a design idea. An inquiry about
      probability density functions in lmomco by Berry Boessenkool spawned the
      development of supdist().
-  BUG FIX: are.parkur.valid() was not checking the beta parameter as reported
      by Amaranthe R. Biessen.
-  The are.parkur.valid() bug and subsequent audit added some additional error
      trapping in the are.parCCC.valid() suite of functions. Primarily, if any
      of the parameters are NA then invalidity is returned. The truncated-
      exponential (texp) distribution is a special case in which only NA in the
      3rd index can be used for such testing.
-  The subsequent audit of are.parCCC.valid.R resulted in better description on
      a parameter-by-parameter basis if that value of the parameter is not
      consistent with the requirements of the distribution.
-  Added dat2bernquaf() to invert dat2bernqua() for a scalar value.
      A. Pascal Martinus needed a tool to estimate the nonexceedance probability
      of a single value not otherwise in a sample using the Bernstein smoothing
      on the empirical quantile function. Minor changes to dat2bernqua.Rd made.
-  Added the sample Headrick and Sheng L-alpha by headrick.sheng.lalpha() or
      the alias lalpha() based on Headrick and Sheng (2013).
-  Converted choose()'s in Lcomoment.Wk to exp(lchoose()'s).
-  Converted a for() loop to sapply() in Lcomoment.Lk12().
-  Minor changes in documentation throughout following full re-reading.
-  Minor changes to DESCRIPTION following CRAN email dated 12/03/2014.
-  Spelling correction pass through the NEWS file.
-  Minor changes to CITATION following CRAN email dated 01/09/2014.
-  Added the Asymmetrical Triangular distribution for which it seems(?) that
      the L-moments have not been previously described.
-  Added the "showterms" argument to theoLmoms.max.ostat() so the multipliers
      on the expectations of the order statistic maxima and minima can be
      rapidly seen for pedagogic reasons.
-  Added internal numerical support estimation for pdfwak() following inquiry
      by Berry Boessenkool (see Item 3).
-  Added systemic vector pre-allocation throughout the package following
      inquiry by Berry Boessenkool. This is particularly important for the
      cdfCCC(), pdfCCC(), and quaCCC() functions for speed in large simulations.
      Many functions dated from a time when WHA knew less about optimizing R.
      WHA should have done the pre-allocation from the beginning.

Changes in version 2.1.1 (2014-05-31)
-  Enormous effort in indexing consistency and new keywords for most of the Rd
      files (see no. 4). George R. Herrmann provided a correction to
-  Added another reference to the Govindarajulu distribution documentation:
      Nair et al. (2012).
-  Enhanced expect.max.ostat() and theoLmom.max.ostat() to use a quantile func.
-  COMPREHENSIVE AUDIT of Rd files and adjustments in many fewer R files as
      needed for sweeping consistency changes in a rigorous effort to make
      documentation in concordance with Asquith (2011), approximately 200 hours
      of effort from hand edits on the then 428p+ hardcopy of the manual. One
      effect is that the named format for an L-moment object is finally
      deprecated in favor of the list format (lmoms()).
-  BUG FIX: parln3() had an incorrect subtraction when attempting to fit with
      a known lower bounds. WHA has never used this feature and no users have
      commented on it---the audit bore fruit. Documentation of LN3 completed.
-  Added to lmrdia() and plotlmrdia() the Slash dist. and other adjustments.
-  Added the Linear Mean Residual Quantile distribution: "lmrq". This is a
      special distribution that exhibits a mean residual quantile function
      in the the form of Y = mX + b.
-  Added reslife.lmoms() and rreslife.lmoms(), which respectively are the
      L-moments of residual life and reversed residual life for a quantile func.
-  Added cmlmomco(), rmlmomco(), rrmlmomco(), rmvarlmomco(), rrmvarlmomco(),
      ralmomco(), rralmomco(), tttlmomco(), stttlmomco(), brflmomco(),
      lrzlmomco(), lkhlmomco(), and riglmomco(), which are a suite of quantile
      function operators on a distribution using the quantile functions outlined
      by Nair et al. (2013). These functions are all tabulated, referenced, and
      other details given in rmlmomco.Rd. These functions and the functions
      <r>reslife.lmoms() are substantial extensions of the package in the field
      of reliability analysis.
-  Added the Generalized Exponential Poisson distribution (gep). The L-moments
      but more importantly, the parameter computations are difficult using
      derivations in the literature. Consider this dist. as semi-experimental.
-  Added the Barnes Extended Hypergeometric function with exploration of
      the numerical limits in the context of GEP implementation.
-  BUG FIX: quakap(), for f=1 and "next" command was missing in an if().
-  Removed lmomsf01() never could quite get the intended features to work,
      and it seems no longer appropriate to leave this experiment in place. It
      is archived in inst/legacy.
-  Reduced the DESCRIPTION by 24 percent yet added more details.
-  Added add.lmomco.axis() to enhance plots with a normal probability axis.
-  Added slmomco() to provide a survival function now that reliability/lifetime
      features are present.
-  Added to pwm.ub.Rd additional proof of sample PWM computation reliability
      after an inquiry by J.M. Miller found inconsistencies in other literature.
      I.E. DOI = 10.1002/joc.3887 (Beguer\'{i}a1 et. al, ... SPEI ..., eq. 3)
      and an error on the SPEI website (May 2014). Well done J.M. Miller!
-  Added plotradarlmr() to make radar plots of L-moment ratios. Occasionally
      in past 5 years some users have asked for a way to "see" higher into
      L-moment dimension that provided by plotlmrdia(). However, new request for
      a radar plot in of itself has been made.
-  Added Gumbel reduced variates (prob2grv(), grv2prob()) and logistic reduced
      variates (prob2lrv(), lrv2prob()).
-  Added sentiv.curve() for construction of sensitivity curves.

Changes in version 2.0.1 (2014-03-14)
-  BUG FIX: quakap() hit an incorrect stop() because of the absence of
      a "next" associated with the conditional: H <= 0 & G >= 0 when
      nonexceedance probability was F=0.
-  Added the "force.exact" (default TRUE) and "nsim" arguments to
      lmoms.bootbarvar(). It seems that numerical problems are firmly
      occurring in matrices at about a sample size of 50. So a hardwired
      threshold hold between the exact analytical and simulation-only
      estimates of the variances is set at 40. This can be superseded by
      force.exact---when simulation is used only the observed L-moments and
      the variances via simulation are reported. The much lengthier output
      results when the exact method is used are set to NA.
-  According to Daniel Wollschlaeger, the Marcum Q function can be computed
      by marcumQ <- function(a, b, nu=1) { pchisq(b^2, df=2*nu, ncp=a^2,
                                                  lower.tail=FALSE) } where
      the nu=1 makes it the MarcumQ1 function associated with the Rice
      and the Kappa-Mu distributions. Use of this function would simplify
      some code and might have numerical advantages---or might not, testing
      is needed.
-  BUX FIX (mostly enhancement): x2xlo() needed some conditioning to handle the
      logical situation of a lower threshold for which there are not data below
      that threshold and also the opposite condition of no data above the
      threshold. Added an echoing of the threshold to the returned listed as in
      application, this is useful.
-  Added the Student t (3-parameter) distribution ("st3") by request from
      Amaranthe R. Biessen. This distribution made an appearance in my book but
      had not actually been implemented. Amaranthe is credited for providing the
      polynomial approximation of Tau4 as a function of Nu and Tau6 as a func.
      of Tau4. A suggested research topic would be the comparison of the
      ST3 to the AEP4 as these both handle symmetry and Tau4 > Kappa dist.
-  Extended documentation and utility functions to support the st3 distribution.
      These are: are.par.valid.R, check.pdf.R, dist.list.R, par2cdf.R,
      par2lmom.R, par2pdf.R, par2qua.R, prettydist.R, vec2par.R,
      are.par.valid.Rd, dist.list.Rd, par2lmom.Rd, vec2par.Rd.
-  Slight adjustments to lmoms.bootbarvar.Rd to eliminate margin protrusion.
-  Added the ghosting variable to x2xlo(). The feature became evident when WHA
      was experimenting with trying to track a third variable, such as the year
      of data collection, as the sample is split between those "in" and those
      "out." This is for convenience only but enormously useful to have.
-  Minor revision to parcau.Rd.
-  Added the Slash distribution, which uses trim=1 TL-moments.
-  Added the Govindarajulu distribution and included a polynomial to approxi-
      mate the relation between tau4 and tau3 (see examples in lmomgov.Rd).
-  Added the Govindarajulu to plotlmrdia() and lmrdia() and updated references
      in both of those functions.
-  Documentation tweak in lmomgld.Rd.
-  Updated references in all of the AEP4 Rd files.
-  Cleaned up spurious (inapplicable) \details{} in parcau.Rd.
-  Removed the use of factorial() in theoTLmoms() and replaced with a combin-
      ation of exp(lgamma()) with the proper +1 to the argument.
-  Cleaned up Rd cross links for GLO distribution---a TODO is to do similar
      and audit the cross links for all of the distributions in the very early
      release(s). Some consistency is missing.

Changes in version 1.8.1 (2014-01-27)
-  Added extensions to dat2bernqua() to use alternative support of the
      distribution based on the extreme order statistics and two references
      added. Numerical exploration of this new feature is needed. Expanded
      the function to handle the Kantorovich and Bernstein polynomial methods.
      Extended the documentation.
-  Added lmoms.bernstein() and started a paper involving it.
-  Added a cross link to lmoms.berstein in lmoms.Rd.
-  Added pfactor.bernstein() for a smoothed but not regressed estimate of the
      optimal p-factor with various controls by the function arguments. This
      is a complementary function to the Berstein-like smoothing. An example
      shows how to potentially use pfactor.bernstein() using uniroot() for
      direct estimation of the p-factor by optimization.
-  **Major** topical indexing initiated by request of Amaranthe R. Biessen.
      All Rd files modified slightly, sorry, but the results are nice.
-  Slight shortening of DESCRIPTION.
-  Fixed a misspelling of a list attribution in lmoms.bootbarvar.Rd.

Changes in version 1.7.9 (2013-12-03)
-  BUG FIX: Problems with L-skew <= 0 for parln3(). The 3-parameter log-
      normal distribution is not valid. A warning is now triggered and
      suggestion to reverse the data, Y <- -X, so as to get L-skew > 0. Then
      re-reversing would be needed: e.g., -qualn3(1-nonexceeds(), LN3) for
      parameters parln3(lmoms(Y)) instead of parln3(lmoms(X)) [failure].
      Special thanks to Daniel Eilertz for discovering the problem.
-  New Data Added: The TX38lgtrmFlow.RData was added to the package. These
      L-moments and estimated variances of annual mean streamflow for
      35 long-term streamgages in Texas discussion in a cited USGS SIR.
-  Added pp.f() and pp.median(), which support median rankit estimation of
      the probability distribution of an order statistic. These are included
      to round out plotting position operations, although the median is
      arguably already available using the pp(..., a=0.3175).
-  BUG FIX: Another return() was needed for paraep4() in order to properly
      fall back to pure Kappa distribution if below the lower bounds of the
      AEP4. Thanks to Amaranthe R. Biessen for the discovery. In turn, this
      prompted me to make changes in 5 and 6 described below.
-  Updated the citation to my CSDA paper on AEP4 in all the *aep4*.Rd files.
-  Added quaaep4kapmix(): A continuous mixture between the AEP4 and the Kappa
      distributions. The AEP4 is exclusive if Tau4 above GLO line (upper
      bounds of the Kappa), and the Kappa is exclusive if Tau4 below the
      lower bounds of the AEP4. A prorated mixture based on Tau4 in the over-
      lapping parameter space of the two distributions is used. This idea was
      in the cover letter on my CSDA paper submission but was outside the scope
      of it (Asquith, W.H., 2014, Parameter Estimation for the 4-Parameter
      Asymmetric Exponential Power Distribution by the Method of L-moments
      using R, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, v. 41, pp. 955--970,

Changes in version 1.7.8 (2013-07-05)
-  BUG FIX: Problems with kappa == 0 condition for quagpa() and pdfgpa()
      resolved. Special thanks to Jona Lilienthal for discovering the bug
      in pdfgpa().

Changes in version 1.7.7 (2013-05-13)
-  Added dat2bernqua(): The empirical quantiles through Bernstein polynomial.
-  Stripped tildes for nonbreaking spaces in LaTeX, which are not used in
      the Rd format: IRSrefunds.by.state.Rd Lcomoment.Lk12.Rd
      Lcomoment.Wk.Rd Lcomoment.coefficients.Rd Lcomoment.correlation.Rd
      Lcomoment.matrix.Rd cdf2lmom.Rd gini.mean.diff.Rd lcomoms2.Rd

Changes in version 1.7.6 (2013-05-13)
-  Spelling corrections to DESCRIPTION that were not passing CRAN checks.

Changes in version 1.7.5 (2013-05-10)
-  BUG FIX: Revision to unbiased correction on product moment kurtosis.
      An incorrect formula exists in a source originally used to build
      the function. This has been corrected and numerous comments
      in the source code point to several sources and shows consistent
      results now. Much thanks to Sergio Gomez for discovering the
      bug and assisting in reference track down. Also, added the
      "excess" kurtosis outputs as apparently Sergio Gomez and other
      practitioners in his discipline have interest in kurtosis as it
      differs from the Normal distribution. The two references in the
      pmoms.Rd are correct and match each other computationally.
-  Further reductions in R CMD check --timings in the following Rd files:
      cdfgld.Rd is.gld.Rd lmomTLgld.Rd lmomsf01.Rd quagam.Rd quagld.Rd
      tlmrcau.Rd tlmrexp.Rd tlmrgev.Rd tlmrglo.Rd tlmrgno.Rd tlmrgpa.Rd
      tlmrgum.Rd tlmrnor.Rd tlmrpe3.Rd tlmrray.Rd theoLmoms.max.ostat.Rd
-  Clarified some messaging associated with an error trap for Tau4 plot-
      ting above AEP4-max(Tau4) and Kappa distribution NOT fit instead.
-  Documentation tweaks to keep right margin incursion of the PDF manual.
      gen.freq.curves.Rd pdfwei.Rd pwmLC.Rd pwmRC.Rd vec2lmom.Rd z.par2qua
-  Prof. Ripley remarked that the DESCRIPTION of copBasic was too long.
      So following that critique, DESCRIPTION of lmomco has been contracted.

Changes in version 1.7.5 (2013-03-30)
-  Revisions to truncated exponential distribution both to methods of
       computation as well as documentation. Actually, a major rebuilding
       was needed as the limiting conditions of L-CV = 1/3 and L-CV = 1/2
       were not properly achieved.
-  BUG FIX: vec2lmom() operated incorrectly when trying to build L-moment
       objects having only one or two moments, which should have been
       caught years ago: e.g. vec2lmom(c(1)) or vec2lmom(c(1,3)).
-  lmoms.bootbarvar() now has an argument to early-exit if inversion
       of the variance-covariance matrices is not desired.
-  Added lmomcoNews() and lmomcoBook() to view the NEWS file and the
       ERRATA for my book ISBN 978-1463508418.
-  Moved the ChangeLog to NEWS to support the function in number 4.

Changes in version 1.7.4 (2013-02-15)
-  Added .Rbuildignore in the top-level directory so that the directory
       containing legacy .R and .Rd files for deprecated functions is
       ignored. Prof. Brian Ripley sent a request to do this so that the
       legacy *.Rd file are not "seen" by the R building process. So WHA
       responded accordingly.

Changes in version 1.7.3 (2013-01-28)
-  BUG FIX: Improper use of print() instead of warning() in check.fs.R.
-  Added f2flo(), flo2f(), and x2xlo() to support conditional
       probability conversions when a fraction of the left end of the
       distribution is removed as in the treatment of zero values when
       analyzing the distribution of the logarithms of a random variable.
-  Added f2fpds() and fpds2f() to support partial duration series
-  Added the Tau34-squared test for Normality by Harri and Coble (2011).
       Email communication during the last week of January 2013
       with Dr. Adrian Harri reinforces the preference of
       Harri and Coble (2013) recommended that the "T34-squared" test be
       preferred for general application. WHA agrees. The general example
       code for tau34sq.normtest() is capable of reproducing, within
       expected rounding tolerances, Harri and Coble (2011, table 1).
       As a result, it appears as though general validation of
       tau34sq.normtest() has been made. Let us name the test the
       "Harri-Coble Tau34-squared Test for Normality."

Changes in version 1.7.2 (2012-11-16)
-  Documentations to speed-up overall examples for the CRAN:
       are.pargld.valid.Rd, cdfgld.Rd, man/lmomgld.Rd, man/pargld.Rd,
       man/pdfgld.Rd, man/pdfkmu.Rd, man/pdfwak.Rd, and man/quagld.Rd.
       And DESCRIPTION reworked modestly.

Changes in version 1.7.1 (2012-10-30)
-  Added lmoms.bootbarvar() for computation of the exact bootstrap mean
      and variances of L-moments (uncensored or trimmed).
-  Added the "Kappa-Mu" distribution with the abbreviation "kmu".
-  Added the "Eta-Mu" distribution with the abbreviation "emu".
      Yacoub, M.D., 2007, The kappa-mu distribution and the eta-mu distribution:
        IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, v. 49, no. 1, pp. 68--81.
-  Added aliases to expect.min.ostat() and theoLmoms.min.ostat() respectively
      in expect.max.ostat.Rd and theoLmoms.max.ostat.Rd to support inclusion
      for functional dispatchers for expectations of minimum order statistics
      and theoretical L-moment computation using such expectations. Support
      for these computations using maximums of order statistics were already
      present and generalized enough for easy extension to left-hand side
      of distribution-based computations. These changes were necessary to
      support L-moment computation for the bounded-below-by-zero, 2-parameter
      distributions of the Kappa-Mu and Eta-Mu (see 2 and 3 above).
-  Minor refinements to error trapping to NA values for L-moments in
      theoLmoms.max.ostat.R following extensive testing of computations using
      minimum order statistic expectations compared to maximum order statistic
      expectations using the Kappa-Mu distribution.
-  Added the cdf2lmom() and cdf2lmoms() functions for computation of L-moments
      from numerical integration of the cumulative distribution function.
      cdf2lmoms() has a special enhancement (flexibility) that permits the user
      to specify the r-th order L-moment starting point. Mainly this has been
      added so that integration of the quantile function for the mean can be
      bypassed. The cumulative distribution function is used for r > 1. It is
      often the case the quantile function results from integration of
      cumulative distribution function and there can be some difficulties with
      numerical limits. Frequently, experts in particular distributions publish
      closed-form or semi-closed-form equations for estimation of the mean. The
      users are then free to use these instead and save computational time.
-  BUG FIX: pargev.R has an error for L-skew < -0.97, the Newton-Raphson method
      was being short circuited by an if-statement. Bug discovered by Ross Woods
      when comparing lmomco sources to Hosking FORTRAN. Correction verified by
      Hosking's FORTRAN as well as sources of lmom package and numerical tests.
-  Added KMU_lmompara_bykappa and EMU_lmompara_byeta dataframes to the
      .lmomcohash to facilitate operations with the Kappa-Mu and Eta-Mu
      distributions. These tables were double checked through some careful
      reanalysis following further improvements to CDFs of each distribution.
-  Added an example to derive a polynomial approximation for the L-skew and
      L-kurtosis relation of the Rice distribution within the Examples section
      of lmomrice.Rd.
-  Added pwm.beta2alpha() and pwm.alpha2beta() functions to facilitate
       potential alpha-pwm derivations involving the Marcum Q-function or
       Yacoub integral for the Kappa-Mu and Eta-Mu distributions.

Changes in version 1.6.2 (2012-07-16)
-  Included strategic dontrun{} directives in the examples of
      lmomgld.Rd, paraep4.Rd, parTLgld.Rd, pargld.Rd, and qua.ostat.Rd,
      which resulted in a 60-percent reduction in elapsed time of
      R CMD check --timings on one of my platforms. (Trying to help out
      the CRAN check timings facility.)
-  Revisions to cdfgum.Rd, cdfrevgum.Rd, pdfgum.Rd, and pdfrevgum.Rd to
      make equations more consistent with code as well as my book. The
      book had some errors (see inst/ERRATA*.txt of this package).
-  Code cleaning in pdfgum.R and pdfrevgum.R for more consistency with
      documentation---not a bug fix.
-  Added return of the product moments for the distribution of the
      quantile for qua2ci() so that a simple squaring of the
      returned standard deviation could return the variation of the
-  Added passage of . . . (three dots) argument to plot() within
-  Added better handling of the estimated parameters for the error
      distribution in genci(), which now places them as individual
      lists within an environment that is returned.
-  Code cleaning on genci.R and documentation clarification in genci.Rd.
-  Enhancement to gen.freq.curves() so that, if one has a priori estimates
      of the confidence limits, one can computed discrete counts of
      simulated frequency curves (at a given nonexceedance probability)
      inside and outside the estimated limits. This feature could be used
      in the evaluation of the choose error distribution (edist) in the
      function genci().

Changes in version 1.6.1 (2012-05-10)
-  Enhanced error trapping on integration failures in theoTLmoms().
      The function now abandons operation should any of the integrations
      for the rth L-moment fail for reasons such as divergent integral or
      round off problems. The function returns NAs for all L-moments.
-  Added the tabulated lookup of initial guesses for K and H of AEP
      distribution in the .lmomcohash in sysdata.rda.
-  BUGFIX: lmom2par() did not route the AEP correctly.
-  Renamed AEP to AEP4 throughout code to make syntactic room for a
      5-parameter AEP should it ever be implemented.
-  Enhancement: paraep() now returns NA for the parameters should the
      sample L-kurtosis violate the lower bounds of the L-skew and
      L-kurtosis relation as defined by a polynomial approximation.
      This polynomial has not previously been published.
-  File renaming. All *aep* files renamed to *aep4* to make eventual
      room for 5-parameter Asymmetric Exponential Power distribution.
-  Overhaul of vec2lmom() and vec2TLmom() to support arbitrary lengths
      of input L-moments or L-moment ratios (or TL versions) in the
      input vector. In fact, vec2TLmom() now dispatches to vec2lmom(),
      which has become more generalized. lmorph() required some
      adjustments as well.
-  Overhauls in step 7 required removal of a stop() in vec2TLmom(),
      which likely should note have been in there anyway.
-  Added the PDF of the Weibull in pdfwei.Rd.
-  Documentation tweaks to pdfgld.Rd and pdfrevgum.Rd including
      addition or changes to the dontrun{} directives.
-  Enhanced genci.R/Rd to return more details about the fitted
      error model as well as returning NA for the lower and upper
      limits if failure in fitting of the error distribution occurs.
      Documentation tweaks to primarily enhance the example including
      the GNO and now the new AEP4 distributions and wrapping all in
      dontrun{} directive.
-  Enhanced qua2ci() to return NA for failure on the upper and lower
      limits and trapped a return of NA for the parameters from the
      fitted error distribution.

Changes in version 1.5.1 (2012-04-15)
-  Documentation tweaks
-  Added the Asymmetric Exponential Power distribution ("aep") with
     direct use of pgamma() and qgamma() functions of R for CDF and
     QDF implementation. The parameter estimation routines look ok,
     but should be considered experimental. The author needs to work
     on a table of K,H ---> T3,T4 mappings to add the optimizers in
     the return direction.
-  Added the "minF" and "maxF" arguments to theoLmoms() and
     theoTLlmoms() so that one can try to get past divergent integrals
     should they occur using the defaults. These were added as the far-far
     tails of the AEP4 distribution do not behave well. Testing against
     the AEP4 with minF=0.00001 and maxF=0.99999 seems to nearly hit the
     true L-moments from lmomaep4().
-  Added the "#" sign in front of Package lmomco (1.5.1) loaded when
     the library is loaded. This is done so that users running a
     standard out redirection are able to embedded "#" as comment
     lines in the output and thus ease the burden in post processing
     by skipping all lines beginning with the prompt or the "#" sign.
-  Correction to clearforkporosity.Rd.

Changes in version 1.4.5 (2012-04-30)
-  inst/doc/Introduction.Rd permanently removed from package and from
     versioning control system. The *.Rd was interfering with latest
     R versions in the R CMD check, which I could not identify with
     my installed R versions.
-  Major revision to inst/doc/references.txt. This file is now a dump
     of references used in my book. I figure that these might be useful
     to someone.

     Asquith, W.H., 2011, Distributional analysis with L-moment statistics
       using the R environment for statistical computing: First edition,
       CreateSpace, ISBN 978-1463508418, 344 p. http://www.amazon.com/

Changes in version 1.4.4 (2012-04-30)
-  Added the Laplace distribution ("lap").
-  BUG FIX: tlmrgpa.R did not declare T5 and T6 vectors.
-  DOC FIX: theoTLmoms.Rd, tlmrgpa.Rd, USGSstaXXXXXXXXYYYY.Rd,
            amarilloprecip.Rd, canyonprecip.Rd, claudeprecip.Rd,
            herefordprecip.Rd, tuliaXXprecip.Rd, vegaprecip.Rd
            DrillBitLifetime.Rd, pmoms.Rd, plotlmrdia.Rd, pdfgld.Rd,
            pdfgno.Rd, cdfnor.Rd

Changes in version 1.4.3 (2011-08-30)
-  BUG FIX: Added the "checklmom" argument to parTLgld() and pargld() as part
     of an check on how the functions of lmomco interact.
-  BUG FIX: pwm.pp() did not fully accommodate user supplied probabilities.
     Removed the feature for now. Further, some a major bug was introduced
     in version 1.4.2. This function now appears through testing as shown
     in the examples for lmomsf01() to now work properly again.
-  BUG FIX: quagno() did not function properly for k values near zero for which
     the standard normal distribution needed to be triggered.
-  Added lmomsf01(), which computes L-moments given an irregular spacing of
     nonexceedance probabilities. The bounds for the probabilities are taken
     as [0,1] for the integration. Linear interpolation on the empirical
     quantile function is used and extrapolation to [0,1] bounds is made.
     Testing with GNO simulation shows that this function can help interface
     with Kaplan-Meier survival curves from the Survival package. Consider
     the lmomsf01() function experimental.
-  Change the minimum R version in DESCRIPTION so that the deeper compress
     of the RData files can be supported. The recompressed RData files are:
      data/IRSrefunds.by.state.RData,     data/USGSsta01515000peaks.RData
      data/USGSsta02366500peaks.RData,    data/USGSsta05405000peaks.RData
      data/USGSsta06766000dvs.RData,      data/USGSsta08151500peaks.RData
      data/USGSsta08167000peaks.RData,    data/USGSsta08190000peaks.RData
      data/USGSsta09442000peaks.RData,    data/USGSsta14321000peaks.RData
      data/amarilloprecip.RData,          data/canyonprecip.RData
      data/claudeprecip.RData,            data/herefordprecip.RData
      data/tulia6Eprecip.RData,           data/tuliaprecip.RData

Changes in version 1.4.2 (2011-07-21)
-  BUG FIX: The function pwm.pp() did not function quite right through the
     various conditionals. In the process the function was extended to handle
     user supplied nonexceedance probabilities. The function was also optimized
     a bit.
-  Extended the tlmrXXX() functions to compute tau5 and tau6.

Changes in version 1.4.1 (2011-07-07)
-  Added "paracheck=TRUE" argument to the quaXXX() functions and vec2par().
     This was added to bypass the validity checks in terms of L-moments so
     that the quantile functions remain accessible when TL-moment
     computations are desired. This argument had long existed for the GLD
     distribution because the parameter range changes depending on the
     TL-moment trimming level. These paracheck changes are made now in
     preparation for TL-moment computation of trimmed distributions.
-  Added tlmrcau(), tlmrexp(), tlmrgev(), tlmrglo(), tlmrgno(), tlmrgpa(),
     tlmrgum(), tlmrln3(), tlmrnor(), tlmrpe3(), and tlmrray().
     *** TL-moment ratios (tau2, tau3, and tau4) are experimental ***
     The TL-moment ratios are implemented through use of the theoTLmoms()
     function that in turn uses numerical integration of the quantile
     function. The issue in application, which is directly related to
     paracheck=TRUE, is that the recognized parameter range (validity) of
     distributions for L-moment computation are expanded during trimming.
     The tlmrXXX() functions do not currently perform any parameter checking
     and integration errors might occur, which will require the user to
     manually control the parameter range through function arguments. Thanks
     to O.A. Hussien in early July for a TL-moment ratio diagram inquiry.
     Many of these functions have such diagram construction in their examples.

Changes in version 1.3.6 (2011-06-24)
-  Slight changes in DESCRIPTION.
-  Slight changes in Changelog
-  Changes to zzz.Z after the inclusion of NAMESPACE a few months back.

Changes in version 1.3.5 (2011-05-11)
-  Added tau34=FALSE to lmomTLgld() for certain research applications
     of the generalized lambda distribution.
-  BUG FIX: in LaguerreHalf() and pdfrice(). Both of these functions called
     besselI() [built-in to R] using an argument 'n' for 'nu' (a partial
     argument match). Unreleased versions of R 2.14 on some platforms were
     showing a warning about partial match. The LaguerreHalf() and
     pdfrice() are now updated internally (no Rd changes needed).
-  BUG FIX: in TLmoms(). This function was using a partial argument match
     on a call to TLmom(). The argument was 'sort' but 'sortdata' was
     needed by TLmom(). Again, this was an unreleased R 2.14 on some
     platforms reporting the warning.

Changes in version 1.3.3 (2011-04-03)
-  BUG FIX: in a "<= test" in cdfln3().
-  BUG FIX: in plotlmrdia() pertaining to the Cauchy distribution.
-  Added lmrdiscord() for computation of the discordance of triplets of
     the first three L-moment ratios.

Changes in version 1.3.4 (2011-04-15)
-  Added lmomco/NAMESPACE and export of all *.R functions in the R
     directory. For example, with out the library(lmomco) operation,
     an lmomco function can be accessed by
        examparametersWOlibrary <- lmomco:::vec2par(c(0,1), type="nor")
     for a standard Normal distribution parameter set.
-  Added "lmrdigits" argument to lmrdiscord().
-  Title change of the entire package to a more logical ordering of

Changes in version 1.3.2 (2011-03-15)
-  Added the passage of the ... argument in lmom2par() to all the parXXX()
     functions. In particular, this was needed to permit zeta=?? to be
     passed into the parln3() function. It should be quite harmless to now
     pass ... to the other parXXX().
-  Added the inst/CITATION and inst/WARRANTY files

Changes in version 1.3.1 (2011-03-06)
-  Added Truncated Exponential distribution.
-  Tweaks to genci.Rd, parTLgld.Rd, pdfwak.Rd, plotlmrdia.Rd, pwm.Rd, and
-  Tweaks to USGS*peaks.Rd and USGSsta06766000dvs.Rd as escaping of
     underscores in items is evidently no longer needed.

Changes in version 1.2.4 (2011-02-13)
-  Added limiting condition of Cauchy to plotlmrdia() and lmrdia().
-  Added "as.list" argument to vec2pwm() so that it can return both PWM data
     structures support in the package. This was done in preparation of
     example computations for comparison of pwmLC() (by flipping) to
     pwmRC() to support left-tail censored PWMs.
-  BUG FIX: for pwmRC(), which previous did not support nmom number of
     A-type PWMs as the documentation states and need requires.
-  Added pwmLC() for support of left-tail censored PWMs. Presently, there
     are no distributions supporting left-tail directly. It is suggested
     for now to rely on variable flipping and use the right-tail censoring

Changes in version 1.2.3 (2011-02-01)
-  Added the return of the support of a fitted Kappa to parkap.R/Rd. This
     facilitates mimicry of parts of Dupuis and Winchester (2001) in J.
     Statis Comput. Sim., v.71] easier. (WHA is considering returning the
     support for other distributions in the parXXX() functions.)
-  Re-engineered the pargld() and parTLgld() functions to return the best
     solution based on a good enough minimization of RMSE between Tau3 and
     Tau4 and then sorting based on difference in Tau5. Other possible
     solutions are returned in a new entry "$rest".
-  Added Kumaraswamy, log-Normal3, and Rice to pretty.dist.R.
-  Added Tau6 to lmomgld() and lmomTLgld() in preparation to adapt pargld()
     and parTLgld() to returning smallest DeltaTau5 or DeltaTau6.
-  Major overhaul of lmomTLgld() and lmomgld() to support the generalized
     equation for arbitrary level of L-moment and TL-moments with arbitrary
     left and right trimming.

Changes in version 1.2.2 (2010-11-29)
-  Revisions to lmomrice() to kick over to return of Normal distribution
     L-moments for high and very high SNR. Also, kick over to return of
     Rayleigh distribution L-moments for very low SNR.
-  Fixed parrice() from stop()ing and switched to warning() if LCV is
     out of range.

Changes in version 1.2.1 (2010-11-20)
-  Revisions to the DESCRIPTION file.
-  Revisions to SysDataBuilder.R to better canvas LCV, SNR, and G pairings
     to the Rice L-moment to parameter lookup table.
-  Added the LaguerreHalf.R/Rd to support variance estimation of a set of
     Rician parameters so that hand off to Normal distribution functions for
     high SNR can be made.
-  Revisions in parameterization of the Rice distribution over the confusion
     caused by having several different definitions of the signal-to-noise ratio
     SNR in the literature. Also, if nu=0 for the Rice, then behind-the-scenes
     generation of Rayleigh parameters with xi=0 is made and the Rayleigh
     distribution functions are used. If SNR > 24 for the Rice, then behind-the-
     scenes generation of Normal parameters is made and the Normal distribution
     functions used. This SNR threshold was determined by careful evaluation of
     the LCV, Tau3, Tau4, SNR, and G used in RiceTable generation in the file
     inst/doc/SysDataBuilder.R. The evaluation looks and numerical problems such
     as Tau3 and Tau4 breakdown as Normal distribution is approached and
     filtering for sub Rayleigh solutions. Finally, if SNR > 52 for the Rice,
     then the use of the Laguerre polynomial for variance estimation to feed to
     the Normal is bypassed and the SNR used in place of sqrt(pi/2) *
     LaguerreHalf(-SNR^2/2) because:
        sqrt(pi/2)*LaguerreHalf(-53^2/2) \approx 52 == 52.00962
        sqrt(pi/2)*LaguerreHalf(-53^2/2) \approx 53 == 53.00943
        sqrt(pi/2)*LaguerreHalf(-54^2/2) \approx 54 --> Inf
            (Bessel breaks down)

Changes in version 1.2.0 (2010-11-14)
-  Trapping NULL values for xleg and yleg in plotlmrdia.R, which was discovered
     in giving a presentation concerning the diagrams.
-  BUG FIX: for incorrect "gum" references in are.parray.valid.Rd, pdfray.Rd,
     quaray.Rd, and lmomray.Rd.
-  BUG FIX: for incorrect "kur" dispatch in par2lmom.R and in par2qua.R.
-  Added the Rice distribution ("rice") functions and the SysDataBuilder.R
     and of course the now present R/sysdata.rda because Rice distribution
     uses tabular lookup and interpolation for parameter estimation. The
     theoLmoms.max.ostat() function is used to compute the L-moments of
     the Rice distribution. The sysdata.rda contains the .lmomcohash
     hash that at least contains "RiceTable" (LCV, SNR, G) and "RiceT3T4"
     for construction of L-moment ratio diagram using the TAU3 and TAU4
     values for various distributions (see parrice.Rd).
     For the author's part, much original reading, coding, and testing
     has been accomplished concerning the Rice.
-  Added expect.max.ostat.R/Rd for the computation of the expected value
     of a maximum order statistic (although the function is generalized
     for other order statistics). The function is added to provided for
     the theoLmoms.max.ostat() function.
-  Added theoLmoms.max.ostat.R/Rd for the computation of theoretical
     L-moments of a distribution using a system of maximum order
     statistic expectations. This function is used in L-moment
     computation for the Rice distribution.

Changes in version 1.1.0 (2010-10-31)
-  Deprecated lmom.test*.R/Rd and lmom.diff.R/Rd and moved them to
     inst/legacy. These were simply no longered needed and were originally
     created for development purposes anyway. Also lmom.references.Rd is
     now in inst/legacy.
-  Added the Kumaraswamy distribution ("kur") functions and other required
     functions. This distribution is bounded on (0,1) and is a semi-beta
     replacement with very convenient distribution functions that are not
     dependent on the Beta function family. Additions to the supporting
     functions provided the discovery of missing ln3 as described below.
-  Added the 3-parameter log-Normal distribution ("ln3") to dist.list.R/Rd.
-  Added the 3-parameter log-Normal distribution ("ln3") to lmom2par.R/Rd.
-  Fixed text running over the right margin of the user manual for
     cdfrevgum.Rd, genci.Rd, lmomsRCmark.Rd, parrevgum.Rd, pdfrevgum.Rd,
     plotlmrdia.Rd, pwm.Rd, pwmRC.Rd, quarevgum.Rd, and sen.mean.Rd.

Changes in version 1.0.1 (2010-08-10)
-  Added lmomsRCmark() and fliplmoms() for right-tail censoring and
     left-tail censoring support, respectively (somewhat). Additional
     examples added to document how to do right-tail censoring (see
     lmomsRCmark()) and left-tail censoring (see fliplmoms()).
-  Additional example in Lcomoment.Wk() to show how this function can be
     use to compute weight factors representing the relative contribution
     of each sample order statistics in the computation of a given order
     of L-moment. The example shows how to double check output of lmoms().
     Thanks to the anonymous poster.
-  Very minor tweaks to documentation as R version change identified
     some formatting problems.

Changes in version 0.97.2 (2009-10-27)
-  Tweaks to lmomgld.Rd, prob2T.Rd, z.par2cdf.Rd, z.par2qua.Rd in
     preparation for new release of R.

Changes in version 0.97.1 (2009-07-18)
-  Tweak in documentation in is.ray().
-  BUG FIX: in parray() and lmomray().
-  Added the 3-parameter log-Normal distribution ("ln3") by referencing the
     algorithms in the lmom package by J.R.M. Hosking. Remember that the
     3-parameter is an alternative parameterization of the Generalized
     Normal distribution ("gno").

Changes in version 0.96.3 (2009-02-20)
-  Added the par2vec() function (added to aid feeding of parameters into
     functions of the lmom package by J.R.M. Hosking).
-  Added the hlmomco() function to compute the hazard function or hazard rate
     of distributions.
-  Added the zzz.R file that holds operations to perform when the lmomco
     package is loaded. I have a message printed to terminal on loading of
     the package. This feature needed the packageDescription() function from
     the utils package. So the Depends: section of DESCRIPTION is now
     populated accordingly.
-  Tweaks to perhaps two dozen Rd files in preparation for the R-based parsing
     in the R +2.8.x series in which previous LaTeX loop holes have been shut.

Changes in version 0.96.2 (2008-11-17)
-  Tweak to quawak() for condition of F=1.
-  Added the "sort=TRUE" argument to pp() so that sorted (default and historical)
     and unsorted plotting positions could be returned. An appropriate example
     was added. Also strengthened the condition of the plotting-position
     coefficient range---have restricted the coefficient between Weibull (a=0)
     and Hazen (a=0.50) so "a \in [0,0.5]." The pp() function uses the rank()
     function, which has specific settings to handle tied data. For the pp()
     function, the ties.method="first" method is used for rank().
-  Fixed Lcomoment.matrix() to return NA in the off diagonal elements if the
     moment order is 1.

Changes in version 0.96 (2008-09-15)
-  Added support for known xi in parameter estimation in pargpa() and pargpaRC().
-  BUG FIX: cdfgam() was not properly vectorized.
-  Added the Rayleigh distribution as abbreviation "ray".
-  Added the attributes() function to strip parameters names from the
     parameter vector within ALL the lmomXXX() functions. Unsightly,
     L-moments were otherwise being returned.
-  The example in is.revgum() did not actually call the function--does now.
-  Added the "quiet" argument to genci().
-  Added lcomoms2() to make it much easier to access bundles of
     sample L-comoments values. Output of---that is, return of---the
     matrices or diagonals can be specified.

Changes in version 0.95 (2008-08-23)
-  Warning message tweak (capitalization) in sen.mean().
-  Added names() to the parameters in the $para field of the parameter list
     returned by the parXXX() functions. These names parallel the Greek
     letters used in the formal mathematical definitions of the
     distributions in the package documentation and any additional write ups
     that your humble author might make. The idea was derived from the evir
     package that provides maximum likelihood estimation for the GEV
     distribution. Your author admits that these names should have been
     added long ago.
-  Added names() to the parameters in the $para field of the parameter list
     returned by the vec2par() function.
-  quakap() and quawak() now return Inf (or -Inf) for appropriate limits as
     dictated by the values of the arguments.
-  Typo fixed in z.par2qua.Rd.
-  Formally added the data subdirectory and a suite of data files suitable
     for various exercises with lmomco.

Changes in version 0.94 (2008-06-06)
-  Documentation tweaks to remove or populated empty sections of check.pdf.Rd,
     are.parrevgum.valid.Rd, and lmomrevgum.Rd.
-  Added gini.mean.diff().
-  Added sen.mean().
-  Harmonic.mean() now strips is.na() values in similar fashion as
     gini.mean.diff() and sen.mean(). In time such operations are expected in
     other functions. Several users have commented on original lack of
     x <- x[! is.na(x)] filtering in other functions.

Changes in version 0.93.4 (2008-04-28)
-  parrevgum() and lmomrevgum() had a str() on the L-moments and produced
     output (left over from original development.
-  BUG FIX: par2qua, par2cdf, and par2pdf did not properly dispatch for the
     reverse Gumbel distribution. Fixed.
-  Added the pwm2vec() function because there was an lmom2vec() already.
-  BUG FIX: Small near zero gamma parameter for pdfpe3() was triggering an
     Inf error on the gamma() function. This is now trapped and the Normal
     distribution being used as required.
-  Added prettydist() to produce full distribution names from the abbrev-
     iations, such as returned by dist.list().
-  Added clearforkporosity.R data set.
-  BUG FIX: For the UMVE of standard deviation by pmoms() the ratio of two
     gamma() functions blows up for large sample sizes. Therefore, computations
     are now performed in log-space.

Changes in version 0.93.3 (2008-02-02)
-  Added dlmomco() to complete the quartet of R-like named distribution
     accessing functions: dlmomco(), plmomco(), qlmomco(), rlmomco().
-  BUG FIX: are.pargpa.valid() mistakenly did not trip failure for K == -1.

Changes in version 0.93.2 (2007-12-19)
-  BUG FIX: lmom2pwm() did not properly trap conditions that should result in
     the return of NULL. Thanks to Roberto Ugoccioni for discovery and for
     providing a patch.

Changes in version 0.93 (2007-12-12)
-  BUG FIX: prob2T() and T2prob() error traps were not sufficiently vectorized.
-  Documentation error fixed on equation for pdfcau().

Changes in version 0.92 (2007-11-20)
-  Documentation tweaks.
-  Added pdfkap() and pdfwak() following written communication with J.R.M Hosking.
-  Added qua.ostat() for computation of the quantile distribution of an
     arbitrary order statistic given a sample size and parameters of a fitted
-  Added digits=4 and signif() functions for reduction in returned numbers from
     the lmom.test.CCC() and lmom.diff() functions in response to comments
     from an anonymous reviewer.
-  Added lmom2vec() for conversion of L-moment object to a simple vector. This
     function spawned from discussions with an L-moment user who did not use
     the parameter list model of lmomco functions.

Changes in version 0.91 (2007-10-24)
-  1. Refined plotlmrdia().
-  Added pdfrevgum() and pdfwei().
-  Documentation fix for cdfrevgum().
-  Added check.pdf(), which will be an important convenience function for
     testing the properties of the pdfCCC() functions and the cdfCCC()
-  BUG FIX: on parwei(). Function was unnecessarily querying fifth
     L-moment when the fifth L-moment is not needed. So one did not have five
     or more L-moments then parwei() would not work. This was unnecessarily
-  Added z.par2cdf() and z.par2qua() to accommodate zero values or other in the
     building of "blipped distributions" to quote Gilchrist (2000, p. 148).
-  Added umvu.sd to pmoms()---uniformly-minimum variance unbiased estimator.
-  BUG FIX: on quacau(). Function did not return a vector if one of the F values
     happened to be equal to exactly 0.5.
-  BUG FIX: on are.pargam.valid(). Test did not permit Beta > 0, but mistakenly
     tested for Beta > 1.
-  BUG FIX: on are.parcau.valid(). Test did not check that Alpha > 0.

Changes in version 0.90 (2007-10-02)
-  Added the "autolegend", "xleg", and "yleg" arguments to plotlmrdia().
-  Error in lmrdia.Rd regarding gamma distribution fixed.
-  Error in equation in pwm.ub.Rd fixed.
-  BUG FIX: on pwm.pp(). Why has getting the plotting-position estimator
     working correctly been a nightmare? I think it is finally correct.
     Part of the problem is in inconsistencies in nomenclature in the
     literature as well as your humble author.
-  Correction to math in TLmoms.Rd.
-  Correction to math in parTLgpa.Rd.
-  BUG FIX: on cdfpe3() and a correction made to the documentation. The
     function did not work for negative skew. Whew! Problem was discovered
     during development of pdfpe3().
-  Added probability density functions for cau, exp, gam, gev, gld, glo,
     gno, gpa, gum, nor, pe3. More to come---in another release.
-  Added par2pdf().

Changes in version 0.88 (2007-09-01)
-  Added the prob2T() and T2prob() functions for annual nonexceedance
     probability and T-year return period conversions.
-  Added the harmonic.mean() function for support of a zero-value corrected
     computation of this particular statistics. Whereas, this statistic
     is not L-moment related, it is important in the field of surface-water
     hydrology and the lmomco package is a convenient place to store the
     function for the specific needs of your author.

Changes in version 0.87 (2007-08-01)
-  Added the "xlab" and "ylab" arguments to plotlmrdia(), which provide user
     flexibility of the naming of each axis.
-  Added the "checklmom=TRUE" argument to parexp(), pargam(), pargev(),
     parglo(), pargno(), pargpa(), pargpaRC(), pargum(), parkap(),
     parnor(), parpe3(), parrevgum(), parwak(), and parwei() to bypass
     the internal call to are.lmom.valid(). This feature was added after
     discussion with Hosking about a simulation study of the Pearson
     Type III distribution. One can simulate values and compute L-moments
     that fail the tau4/tau3 inequality and parameters can not be estimated.
     However, because that distribution has only three parameters, we do not
     care whether the tau4 is actually viable. Invalid L-moments can manifest
     with the Pearson Type III  when the sample size is small and the standard
     deviation and skew magnitude are large.

Changes in version 0.86 (2007-07-23)
-  Added the pmoms() function, justified in part by revisions Pearson Type III.
-  Cleaned up the documentation for the Pearson Type III to better reflect
     the meaning of the parameters. Re-implemented cdfpe3() in more native
     R from Hosking's FORTRAN. This function is now broken from the FORTRAN
     code base. The original cdfpe3() of this package is now renamed to
     cdfpe3.original() and is not loaded with the package, but resides
     elsewhere in the directory structure. This reworking was spawned by
     an inquiry from R.R.P. van Nooyen in July 2007.
-  BUG FIX: on parpe3(). Condition of negative L-skew was not implemented
     correctly---fixed and rigorously tested using the pmoms() function.

Changes in version 0.85 (2007-07-14)
-  Textual fixes to documentation of qua2ci() and warning message change
     in qua2ci().
-  BUG FIX: on pwm.ub() by fixing pwm.pp(). I had misinterpreted Hosking's
     argument call in his samlmr FORTRAN function. The unbiased PWMs were
     certainly not being correctly computed. I gutted the code entirely and
     now rely on R's choose() to get binomial coefficients. The much cleaner
     code no longer shares structure with Hosking's function. The changes in
     pwm.ub() and pwm.pp() caused a cascade of adjustments to pwm.gev(). Each
     of these functions now returns a more logical list structure containing
     the betas in a similar fashion as lmoms(). Some of the last vestiges of
     the original lmomco package (preCRAN) are now updated. The new list
     structure supports an arbitrary number of moments now. This activity
     was spawned by the addition of pwm(), which in turn was spawned by
     the addition of pwmRC() described in the next Item. In fact
     pwm.ub() now dispatches to pwm(). Also if A=0 and B=0 in pwm.pp(), then a
     dispatch is made to pwm(); this mimics Hosking's ideas of implementation.
-  Added the pwm() function. The function provides a nice neat and clean
     code structure which provides a simple implementation example of PWM
     computation. I used the logic structure of pwm() to test and in turn
     implement the more complex logic of the pwmRC() function. Further
     the pwm() name shares a style with the lmoms() name, but I can not decide
     whether pwm() should really be pwms(); note the plural "s." I think I
     will stay with the shorter version and leave lmoms() alone for legacy
-  Added the pwmRC() function. The RC stands for right censored; that is values
     larger than some value are not observed. The function computes the A-type
     and B-type Probability-Weighted Moments and the censoring fraction given
     a sample data set and an upper threshold. This new function can be used
     to compute B-type PWMs and hence B-type L-moments for the Reversed
     Gumbel and Generalized Pareto Distributions.
-  Added the lmomgpaRC() and pargpaRC() functions. These compute the B-type
     L-moments from the parameters of a right-censored Generalized Pareto
     Distribution, and compute the parameters of a right-censored Generalized
     Pareto Distribution. The distributions continues to be type "gpa" and
     implemented in the usual fashion via quagpa() and cdfqpa(). Only the
     L-moments and parameter estimation functions are separately implemented.
-  Added the cdfrevgum(), lmomrevgum(), parrevgum(), and quarevgum() functions
     to implement the Reverse Gumbel distribution.
-  Modified the vec2par() function to accept an extra parameter (the last in
     the vector), which will become the zetas of the Reverse Gumbel ("revgum")
     and right-censored Generalized Pareto Distributions.
-  Modified the lmom2par() function to accept the "revgum" (Reverse Gumbel)
     and right-censored Generalized Pareto Distributions through the passage
     of "..." to the pargpa() and parrevgum() functions. The "..." would be
     the zeta or right-censoring fraction for each.
-  Adjustments to pwm2lmom() and in a few other locations to return NA for
     the first L-moment ratio as it does not exist.
-  Adjustments made to par2lmom() to accept "revgum" (Reversed Gumbel).
-  Added the Apwm2Bpwm() and Bpwm2Apwm() functions.
-  Modified lmom.diff() to accommodate both the named L-moment object style
     and the vector style through a dispatch to the lmorph() function.

Changes in version 0.84 (2007-05-02)
-  BUG FIX: on genci() related to overwriting the sample size by the length
     of the nonexceedance probability vector. Fixed and tested. The function
     was extended to handle the ifail value from qua2ci().
-  Additional warning message added to qua2ci() when the L-moments of the
     simulated sample are not valid---likely a cause of a small sample size and
     a complex (high parameter number distribution), which produces one or more
     giant magnitude numbers for a simulated quantile. Added the ifail and
     ifailtext return elements from the qua2ci() function for better processing
     by the genci() or other calling functions. Also, added the maxlogdiff
     argument to control whether a simulated quantile is actually retained
     before the completion sequence of the function is begun. This argument
     is used to control whether hideously "out-of-whack," which would
     likely occur for heavy-tailed infinite limit upper tails.

Changes in version 0.83 (2007-04-10)
-  Further tweaks to documentation.
-  Added callplot and showsample options to gen.freq.curves().
-  Added plmomco() and qlmomco() as adjuncts to rlmomco() and to better
     parallel built-in distribution functions of R itself.
-  BUG FIX: on examples in genci() that manifested as the April 2007
     release of R approached.

Changes in version 0.82 (2006-07-13)
-  Further tweaks to the documentation.
-  Word of caution about lack of checking by the function of monotonic
     increase of par2cdf2() an par2qua2().
-  Added the qua2ci() function for estimation of confidence limits of quantiles
     of a distribution using Monte Carlo simulation.
-  It was possible to call are.lmom.valid() with an object from lmoms()
     without an actual check on the L-moments because length(lmom$L1) == 0 was
     not checked. The function lmorph() is now used to convert prior to
-  Added the gen.freq.curves() function for plotting randomly generated
     frequency curves by specifying: sample size, the parent distribution, and
     the number of simulations.
-  Added the genci() function for generation of lists or data.frames of
     confidence intervals for a vector of nonexceedance probabilities, a given
     sample size, and a specified parent using Monte Carlo simulation.
-  Recognition that the quaCCC() functions had been extended into the features
     provided by freq.curve.CCC() functions. Thus, all freq.curve.CCC()
     functions were removed from the package.
-  BUG FIX: on F=0||1 probabilities into quape3(). Bug occurred in extension
     of function to handle a vector of probabilities during development of
     version 0.7 of this package.
-  lmompe3() did not compute and hence return L-CV---incomplete port from
     Hosking library. L-CV is returned now.
-  pargam() would return invalid parameters as the specific range of L-moments
     for a valid gamma was not being checked. This was because of an incomplete
     port of Hosking FORTRAN library.

Changes in version 0.80 (2006-06-20)
-  Further tweaks to the documentation.
-  Warning message added when TAU5 missing on call to pargld() and parTLgld().
-  Added support for user supplied initial guess for pargld() and parTLgld().
-  BUG FIX: on pargev(). The function was broken for TAU3 < -0.80. Bug caused
     during port from Hosking FORTRAN library. Bug was discovered during tests
     of parwei().

Changes in version 0.77 (2006-05-15)
-  Pertaining to number 1, enhancement to documentation of the L-comoment
     functions has been made.
-  BUG FIX: on a single conditional in Lcomoment.coefficients(). Function was
     handling a first-order first argument, but crashing on order evaluation
     of the second argument.

Changes in version 0.76 (2006-05-11)
-  Further progress on documentation following R-help feedback and my own
-  Adding more examples to the documentation.
-  Added par2cdf2() and par2qua2() for combining two quantile functions into one
     through minor abilities to control weight factors.
-  BUG FIX: on vec2lmom()---function did not retain NULL for undefined
     L-moment (because of sample size) prior to calling are.lmom.valid().
-  Plotting-position formula changed in pp.R and substantial documentation
     added to parallel that in Handbook of Hydrology.
-  Adjusted all parCCC() functions (not including parameter estimation
     using TL-moments) to support either the lmom.ub() or lmoms() L-moment
     objects. The new function lmorph() is used for the object conversion.
-  Added the dist.list() function for convenience.

Changes in version 0.75 (2006-04-30)
-  Added lmoms(), which in reality dispatches to TLmoms(), but provides a lower
     case name space and eventually could take the place of lmom.ub().
-  Added additional error trapping to TLmom() and TLmoms().
-  Added the Weibull distribution (wei).
-  Added the random deviate generator rlmomco() given sample size and
     parameter object.
-  Added the plotting-position formula by pp().

Changes in version 0.7 (2006-04-13)
-  Added full vectorization of the quaCCC() and cdfCCC() functions. Previously
     each function did not handle a vector of nonexceedance probability and
     quantile values in each respective function.
-  Added "extract" argument to the pargld() and parTLgld() functions.
-  Incorporated endpoint or range checking on cdfgld().

Changes in version 0.6 (2006-03-25)
-  Tweaks and corrections to documentation---learning more about LaTeX too.
-  are.par.valid() could not dispatch to Wakeby distribution---fixed.
-  Extension of TL-moments to asymmetry: trimming in either tails is available.
-  Addition of theoLmoms() to compute theoretical L-moments: uses theoTLmoms().
-  Addition of theoTLmoms() to compute theoretical TL-moments using numerical
     integration of the quantile function. A valuable check on par2lmom() or the
     lmomCCC() functions.
-  par2cdf() did not dispatch to Generalized Lambda distribution---fixed.
-  Addition of nowarn toggle to vec2par() {implemented therein}, through
     are.par.valid() via the "..." argument, and each of the are.parCCC.valid()
     {implemented therein}. This was done so that parameter optimization
     algorithms could be built on top of the parameter validation checks and
     cascading warning messages that the user would not care about can be

Changes in version 0.5 (2006-03-12)
-  Total redesign of pargld() and parTLgld().
-  Adjustments to interface of lmomTLgpa() and parTLgpa() for consistency with
     the GLD distribution.
-  Major additions to freq.curve.all() (addition of plotting options and more
     verbose messaging).
-  Speed up of freq.curve.gld() by addition of paracheck=FALSE to quagld().
-  Internal functions to lmomkap() are now defined internal to the function.
-  check.fs() added.
-  Improvement to output of lmom.test.CCC() functions.

Changes in version 0.4 (2006-02-28)
-  Numerous enhancements to the documentation.
-  BUG FIX: on fourth L-moment of Cauchy distribution in lmomcau().
-  BUG FIX: on absolute value of TAU5 in are.lmom.valid().
-  BUG FIXES on are.pargld.valid().
-  Addition of cdfgld() [stable], lmomgld() [stable], pargld() [experimental].
-  Addition of lmomTLgld() [stable] and parTLgld() [experimental].
-  Addition of lmomTLgpa() [stable] and parTLgpa() [stable].
-  Addition of vec2TLmom().

Changes in version 0.3 (2006-01-31)
-  Note that "CCC" in these notes generically reflects the abbreviation
   of supported distributions such as "gam" for the Gamma distribution.