Changes in version 0.3.5 o lvnet is now no longer supported, with most functionality moved to the psychonetrics package. A message now warns users of this on loading the package. Changes in Version 0.3.3 o Added 'refitAll' argument to lvnetLasso to refit all models in the LASSO path before evaluating EBIC. This leads to similar functionality as qgraph::ggmModSelect(.., stepwise = FALSE), although the performance is slower. o The argument 'refit' has been renamed 'refitFinal' o Removed a warning on depracated dplyr functions o Fixed a bug in counting the number of parameters in RNM LASSO estimation Changes in Version 0.3.3 o 'ggmFit' is no longer exported by lvnet Changes in Version 0.3.2 o Summary output now contains parameter labels o Equality constraints now supported by supplying labels in model matrices Changes in Version 0.3.1: o 'ggmFit' is now moved to qgraph and exported by lvnet o Several updates to ggmFit in qgraph o Added 'lvnetRefit' to refit an lvnet model to new data Changes in Version 0.3: o 'scale' now defaults to FALSE! o Due to this change, some values such as the BIC will be different o Fixed a bug where higher order latent variables were not usuable o Added the 'mimic' argument. mimic = "lavaan" will mimic lavaan results (now default). o lvnet should now return the same fit as lavaan when is used in lavaan. o Added the function 'lav2lvnet' to easily generate lvnet input from a lavaan model o Added 'ggmFit' to fit a given partial correlation network (Gaussian graphical model; GGM)