Changes in version 2024.9.6

- .onLoad, add subset to mlr3_reflections$task_col_roles for classif and regr.

Changes in version 2024.7.14

- fix typo newere in vignette.

Changes in version 2024.7.7

- use purl=FALSE in vignettes to avoid CRAN check error.

Changes in version 2024.7.3

- use mlr3tuning::tnr("grid_search") instead of TunerGridSearch in Newer_resamplers vignette (same functionality, new name is TunerBatchGridSearch).
- fix Rd files Task -> mlr3:Task, rm ResamplingHoldout etc.

Changes in version 2024.5.14

- mlr3misc::leanify_package() and add ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV to mlr_resamplings as same_other_sizes_cv, thanks @sebffischer.

Changes in version 2024.5.13

- rename ResamplingSameOtherSizes.Rmd to Newer_resamplers.Rmd to avoid error on windows, file name conversion problem -- name too long?

Changes in version 2024.5.2

- new section AZtrees in ResamplingSameOtherSizes vignette, and updated data set (factor columns instead of int/char).
- to save disk space, consolidated vignettes.

Changes in version 2024.4.14

- ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV and ResamplingSameOtherCV now recognize subset (instead of previous group_generalization/group) as the column role for designating subsets to train/test on.
- ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV now recognizes group (instead of previous group_atomic) as the ID of grouped observations that should not be separated when splitting.

Changes in version 2024.3.6

- new ResamplingSameOtherSizesCV.

Changes in version 2024.1.23

- ResamplingVariableSizeTrainCV outputs train sets which respect strata.

Changes in version 2024.1.8

- Rename Simulations vignette to ResamplingSameOtherCV.
- New ResamplingVariableSizeTrainCV class and vignette.
- use setDTthreads(1L) before tests to avoid CRAN NOTE (Running R code in ‘testthat.R’ had CPU time 2.8 times elapsed time).

Changes in version 2023.12.23

- To get data set names in Simulations vignette, use task data names instead of learner$state$data_prototype.

Changes in version 2023.12.20

- First CRAN release.
- Link to blog in DESCRIPTION.

Changes in version 2023.12.19

- use setDTthreads(1) in vignette to avoid CRAN NOTE (Re-building vignettes had CPU time 3.2 times elapsed time)

Changes in version 2023.12.18

- do not future::plan multisession, to avoid CRAN NOTE (checking for detritus in the temp directory).

Changes in version 2023.12.13

- Error for conflicting group names.
- instance has new elements: data tables for visualization.

Changes in version 2023.12.12

- Examples vignette, first tests, score().

Changes in version 2023.12.11

- minimal docs, tests, etc.

Changes in version 2023.12.8

- first version, R code forked from