## ----fig.width = 5, fig.height = 5-------------------------------------------- library(mobsim) S0 <- 100 N0 <- 1000 cv0 <- 0.5 sim_ref <- sim_poisson_community(s_pool = S0, n_sim = N0, sad_type = "lnorm", sad_coef = list("cv_abund" = cv0), fix_s_sim = TRUE) plot(sim_ref) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sim_lower_N <- sim_poisson_community(s_pool = S0, n_sim = N0/2, sad_type = "lnorm", sad_coef = list("cv_abund" = cv0)) ## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 3.5------------------------------------------ curve_ref <- spec_sample_curve(sim_ref) curve_lower_N <- spec_sample_curve(sim_lower_N) oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(spec_rarefied ~ n, data = curve_ref, type = "l", main = "Rarefaction curve", xlab = "No. of individuals", ylab = "No. of species" ) lines(spec_rarefied ~ n, data = curve_lower_N, col = "red") plot(spec_accum ~ n, data = curve_ref, type = "l", main = "Species accumulation curve", xlab = "No. of individuals", ylab = "No. of species" ) lines(spec_accum ~ n, data = curve_lower_N, col = "red") par(oldpar) ## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 3.5------------------------------------------ sim_uneven <- sim_poisson_community(s_pool = S0, n_sim = N0, sad_type = "lnorm", sad_coef = list("cv_abund" = cv0*4), fix_s_sim = TRUE) curve_uneven <- spec_sample_curve(sim_uneven) oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(spec_rarefied ~ n, data = curve_ref, type = "l", main = "Rarefaction curve", xlab = "No. of individuals", ylab = "No. of species" ) lines(spec_rarefied ~ n, data = curve_uneven, col = "red") plot(spec_accum ~ n, data = curve_ref, type = "l", main = "Species accumulation curve", xlab = "No. of individuals", ylab = "No. of species" ) lines(spec_accum ~ n, data = curve_uneven, col = "red") par(oldpar) ## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 3.5------------------------------------------ sim_clumped <- sim_thomas_community(s_pool = S0, n_sim = N0, sad_type = "lnorm", sad_coef = list("cv_abund" = cv0), fix_s_sim = TRUE, sigma = 0.05) oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(sim_ref) plot(sim_clumped) par(oldpar) ## ----fig.width = 7, fig.height = 3.5------------------------------------------ curve_clumped<- spec_sample_curve(sim_clumped) oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(spec_rarefied ~ n, data = curve_ref, type = "l", main = "Rarefaction curve", xlab = "No. of individuals", ylab = "No. of species" ) lines(spec_rarefied ~ n, data = curve_clumped, col = "red") plot(spec_accum ~ n, data = curve_ref, type = "l", main = "Species accumulation curve", xlab = "No. of individuals", ylab = "No. of species" ) lines(spec_accum ~ n, data = curve_clumped, col = "red") par(oldpar)