2.1.6 - Maintenance relaase in response to the apparent abandonment of the entire `assertive` family of packages (see 2.1.3); - Complete transition to `<Pkg>::<Fct>` style of import management instead of explicit `roxygen2` `@importFrom` statements; 2.1.5 - Fix another URL(devtools); - Render `images` and `multi_panel_figure` examples in dataset-docs.R `dontrun` to avoid note on CRAN; 2.1.4 - Fix maintainer address to new JG affiliation (oversight in 2.1.3); - Fix a bunch of URLS; 2.1.3 - Maintenance release in reaction to an archiving of `assertive.properties`, `assertive.strings`, `assertive.types`; R.C. as a results bumped up to `aut`; - Fix affiliation of JG; - Switch to roxygen2 7.2.3; 2.0.3 - Clean out cross-referencing remnants of pre-'magick' functionality (in the documentation); - minor further cleanup; - switch to roxygen2 7.0.2; 2.0.2 - Clean out leftowvers from vignette 'knitr'ing (only found on CRAN buildservers). 2.0.1 - Fix an erroneous (duplicated) 'VignetteIndexEntry' as requested by the CRAN maintainers; 2.0.0 - Major version increment: switch all handling of external graphics to 'magick' (access to 'ImageMagick') 1.1.0 - As caTools is being archived (n.o response of maintainer to CRAN requests), caTools-dependent gif support is temporarily dropped. 0.8.4 - Added support for importing GIFs into panels. - Different scaling options for image panels. 0.8.3 - Bug fix release to support latest version of rsvg package. 0.8.2 - First public release.