oaxaca: Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition in R - What's new?

Please note that I am always looking for comments and suggestions. 
Do not hesitate to contact me at mhlavac [at] alumni.princeton.edu

v. 0.1.5:
- fixed bug to achieve full compability with CRAN

v. 0.1.4:
- to prevent clashes with standard R functions, argument 'group.weights' (for function oaxaca) and 'group.weight' (for function plot.oaxaca) replaces 'weights' and 'weight', respectively
- fixed issues with input checking that led data frames not to be accepted by the group.var argument
- fixed a bug that led to incorrect weighting when using the Cotton (1988)
- updated author information

v. 0.1.3:
- fixed bug that led oaxaca to report same values for reg.A and reg.B in the model object
- oaxaca is now compatible with new version of ggplot2

v. 0.1.2:
- S3 methods are now properly registered
- some minor formatting changes

v. 0.1: 
- first release of the package