title: "The permutation group: active and passive permutations, and the order of operations"
author: "Robin K. S. Hankin"
output: html_vignette
bibliography: permutations.bib
link-citations: true
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{order of operations}

```{r out.width='20%', out.extra='style="float:right; padding:10px"',echo=FALSE}
knitr::include_graphics(system.file("help/figures/permutations.png", package = "permutations"))

To cite the permutations package in publications, please use
@hankin2020.  When considering permutation groups, the order of
operations can be confusing.  Here I discuss active and passive
transforms, order of operations, prefix and postfix notation, and
associativity from the perspective of the `permutations` R package.

* An **active permutation** $\pi$ moves an object from place $i$ to place
$\pi(i)$.  Textbooks and undergraduate courses usually use this
system, and is used above.
* A **passive permutation** $\pi$ replaces an object in position $i$ by that
in position $\pi(i)$.

## Introduction

Consider the following package idiom:


a <- as.cycle("(145)(26)")

Thus we can see that $a$ has a three-cycle $(145)$ and a two-cycle
$(26)$.  We can express $a$ in word form by changing the default print
method which coerces to cycle form:

```{r setprintopts}
options("print_word_as_cycle" = FALSE)
(a <- as.word(a))

showing that 3 is a fixed point (indicated with a dot).  In matrix
form we would have:


Expressed in functional notation, we have a function $a\colon
[6]\rightarrow [6]$ (here $[n]=\left\{1,2,\ldots,n\right\}$); and we
have $a(1)=4$, $a(2)=6$, $a(3)=3$, and so on.  If these were objects,
or people, we might want to keep track of where they are.  We would
say: "at the start, object $i$ sits in place $i$, $i\in[6]$.  Then,
after the move, object 1 is in place 5, object 2 in place 6, object 3
in place 3, and so on".  This information is encapsulated by
`as.word(a)`.  In R matrix form we would have

```{r showactiveform}
a_active <- rbind(1:6, as.word(a))
rownames(a_active) <- c("place before move", "place after move")

(in the above R chunk, note how the top row is `1:6`.  We give the
objects persistent labels: each object is named according to the place
it sits in, before any moving).  On the other hand, we might be more
interested in the *places*.  We might want to know which object is
sitting in place 4.  We would say: "at the start, object $i$ sits in
place $i$, $i\in[6]$.  Then place 1 is occupied by object 4, place 2
occupied by object 5, and so on".  This information is technically
represented by permutation `a` but in an obscure form.  To answer
the question "which object is in place $i$?" in a convenient way, we
need to rearrange the permutation:

{\mbox{swap rows}\atop\longrightarrow}
\right){\mbox{shuffle columns}\atop\longrightarrow}

In the above, it is easy to see that the rearrangement of permutation
is equivalent to taking a group-theoretic inverse:

```{r printinv}

(even now I find the R idiom for inversion to be unreasonably elegant:
`a[a] <- seq_along(a)`).  In R idiom, the two-row matrix form
would use `inverse()`:

```{r invpassive}
a_passive <- rbind(1:6, as.word(inverse(a)))
rownames(a_passive) <- c("place after move", "place before move")

(in the above R chunk, note how the top row---the *place* an object
sits in after the move, is `1:6`).  Thus from the first column we see
that the object currently in place 1 was originally in place 5.  If
the people subsequently move again, the mathematics and the R idiom
depend on whether we are interested in people, or places.  We need to
specify use of *active* or *passive* transformations, much as in the
Lorentz package.

## Composition of active permutations

Suppose we have (active) permutation `a` as above, and another active
permutation `b`:

```{r coercetoword}
b <- as.word(c(5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 1))

(note the three dots representing three fixed points of `b`).
Note carefully that the operations $a$ and $b$ do not commute and we
will discuss this in the context of active and passive transforms.
What is the result of executing $a$, followed by $b$?  Symbolically we

}^{a\circ b}

Thus, for example, $4{a\atop\longrightarrow}5\longrightarrow 6$.  Considering
the operation $a\circ b$, this means that we perform permutation `a`
first, and then perform permutation `b`.  Taking this one step at a
time we would have, for example: "the person in place 4 (this is
object 4) moves to place 5 (but is still object 4) $\ldots$ and then
the object in place 5 (this is still object 4) moves to place 6".  See
how we track the object that started in place 4 (that is, object 4)
over two permutations, and so overall object 4 ends up in place 6.  We
see this on the right hand side: the fourth column of $a\circ b$ is
$\left(\begin{array}{c}4\\6\end{array}\right)$.  If we execute `a` and
then `b` using active language [explicitly: express `a` and `b` as
active permutations, and express the result of performing `a` then `b`
in active language], we can use standard permutation composition, in R
idiom the `*` operator:

```{r staridiom}
a * b

The `*` operator in R idiom is essentially carries out `b[a]`
to evaluate `a*b` (which is why indexing starts at 1, not 0).
Indeed we may verify that package idiom operates as expected:

```{r operatesasexp}

showing agreement.  With functional notation (also known as prefix
notation) we can ask what happens to the object originally in place 1
(that would be object 1)

```{r whathappenstoobject}
fa <- as.function(a)
fb <- as.function(b)
as.function(a * b)(1) # should match fb(fa(1))

Note, however, the confusing order of operations: in functional
notation, if we want to operate on an element $x$ by function $f$ and
then by function $g$ we write $g(f(x))$ for the two successive
mappings $x\longrightarrow f(x)\longrightarrow g(f(x))$.  Postfix
notation would denote the same process as $xfg$, as shorthand for
$(xf)g$.  In R idiom, this is implemented by the excellent
`magrittr` package:

```{r usepipes}
1 %>%
  fa() %>%
  fb() # idiom for fb(fa(1)), should match result above

# Composition of passive permutations

Now we consider operations `a` and `b` as discussed above.  But this
time we express the permutations, and their composition, in passive
form, and this requires some modification.  

```{r expresspass}
a # word form
a_active # matrix form (active); defined above
a_passive # matrix form (passive); defined above

Now `b`, but we need to create equivalents `b_active` and `b_passive`
which we do as before:

```{r asbefore, echo=TRUE}
b_active <- rbind(1:6, as.word(b))
rownames(b_active) <- c("place before move", "place after move")
b_passive <- rbind(1:6, as.word(inverse(b)))
rownames(b_passive) <- c("place after move", "place before move")

```{r showtwo}

(note again the relationship between `b_active` and
`b_passive`).  We want to perform `a` and then `b` as
before, but this time we want to use matrices `a_passive` and

```{r showanothertwo}

To work out the composition of `a_passive` and `b_passive`
[explicitly: give the passive transform corresponding to performing
`a_passive` first, and then `b_passive` second] we want a
passive transformation, that is, a matrix with the same row labels as,
say `a_passive` and first row `1:6`.  Let us call the result
of these two permutations `ab_passive`.  Given that
`ab_passive[1,1]=1`, we ask "what is `ab_passive[2,1]`?
This is equivalent to asking, "we have just
performed permutation `a` followed by `b`.  The object
currently in place 1: where was it before this composition of

To figure out which object is in place 1, we would look at
`b_passive`, being the most recent operation.  We would then look
at the first column of `b_passive` and say that the object that
was in place 6 was moved by `b_passive` to place 1.  And then you
would have to figure out which object was in place 6 before
`b_passive` was executed.  To answer *that*, you would look at
`a_passive` and see, from column 6 of `a_passive` that the
object in place 6 was moved from place 2 by `a`.  Thus the passive
transform `ab_passive` indicates that the object in place 1 after
the move was in place 2 before the move.  We would have
$1\longrightarrow 6\longrightarrow 2$ where in this case
"$\longrightarrow$" means "comes from".

We can thus represent the passive transformation by
`b_passive*a_passive`: see how the R idiom for permutation composition
"`*`" is used in exactly the same way for active and passive
permutations, but with a different meaning which requires us to
reverse the order of permutations.  To express the result,
`ab_passive` in active language we need to take the group-theoretic
inverse of the composition.  Recalling that passive transforms are the
group-theoretic inverses of the same active transformation, in
algebraic notation we would have


and in R idiom we would have

```{r inverseidiom}
inverse(inverse(b) * inverse(a)) == a * b # both should be TRUE
inverse(b) * inverse(a) == inverse(a * b) # note b precedes a on LHS

# Permutation matrices

Now we will show how permutation matrices work and how they deal with
active and passive language.

```{r geng}
g <- as.cycle(c(1, 2, 6))

Then we can express `g` in terms of permutation matrices:

```{r pgperm}
pg <- perm_matrix(g)

But it is convenient to relabel the rows and the columns:

```{r relabelconv}
dimnames(pg) <- list(place_before_move = 1:6, place_after_move = 1:6)

Row `n` of matrix `pg` shows where the object that was in
place `n` before the move ends up.  Thus, looking at the top row
(row 1), we see that the object that was in place 1 is now in place 2
[because the second column of row 1 is nonzero].  The second row (row
2) shows that the object that was in place 2 is now in place 6, the
object that was in place 3 is now in place 6, and so on.  This is
active language.

We can see that taking the transpose is equivalent to inverting the
matrix: a permutation matrix is orthogonal.  Now we can consider a
second permutation `h` and convert it to matrix form:

```{r hinmatrix}
h <- as.word(c(1, 3, 4, 5, 2, 6))
ph <- perm_matrix(h)
dimnames(ph) <- list(place_before_move = 1:6, place_after_move = 1:6)

We now consider what happens with successive permutations, as above,
but this time using permutation matrices.  We will permute first with
`g` and then with `h`, using matrix multiplication.

 pg                                  ph
                  place_after_move                    place_after_move
 place_before_move 1 2 3 4 5 6       place_before_move 1 2 3 4 5 6
                 1 0 1 0 0 0 0                       1 1 0 0 0 0 0
                 2 0 0 0 0 0 1                       2 0 0 1 0 0 0
                 3 0 0 1 0 0 0                       3 0 0 0 1 0 0
                 4 0 0 0 1 0 0                       4 0 0 0 0 1 0
                 5 0 0 0 0 1 0                       5 0 1 0 0 0 0
                 6 1 0 0 0 0 0                       6 0 0 0 0 0 1

(the above is hand-edited to put the matrices side-by-side for
convenience).  Composition of permutations is just matrix

```{r ghmatmult}
pg %*% ph

Thinking about the matrix multiplication, let us consider the top row
of `pg`.  This multiplies by each column of `ph` but the only nonzero
term is with column 3 of `ph` which has row 2 nonzero.  Thus
`(pg%*%ph)[1,3]==1`.  The process is, symbolically, $1\longrightarrow
2\longrightarrow 3$.

### Passive language for permutation matrices

Alternatively, we could look at matrix `pg` in terms of columns.
Column `n` of this matrix shows where the object that ended up in
place `n` came from.  Thus, looking at column 1, we see that the
object that ended up in column 1 came from place 6, and the object
that ended up in place 2 came from place 1, and so on.  This is
passive language.

Thus the passive matrix is the *transpose* of the active matrix (we
could see this by swapping the dimension names).  Now we use the
matrix rule


to show that permutation matrix multiplication has to be in the
opposite order for passive matrices.  Of course, we could observe that
permutation matrices are orthogonal and use


instead.  Numerical verification using package idiom is
straightforward.  First we verify that permutation matrices are indeed

```{r label=firstactiveverif}
pa_active <- perm_matrix(a)
all(solve(pa_active) == t(pa_active))

Now we verify that matrix multiplication of permutation matrices
corresponds to active permutation composition:

```{r label=checkmatmulta}
pb_active <- perm_matrix(b)
all(perm_matrix(a*b) == pa_active %*% pb_active)

Finally, we verify that passive composition is reverse-order matrix

```{r label=secondpassive}
pa_passive <- perm_matrix(inverse(a))
pb_passive <- perm_matrix(inverse(b))
all(solve(perm_matrix(a * b)) == pb_passive %*% pa_passive) # note order of ops

Above we see numerical verification that the passive form of `a*b`
(expressed as a permutation matrix) is equal to the matrix product of
(passive) permutations `b` and `a` (expressed as permutation

# References