Wishlist (formerly TODO):

* Implement the new scheme of handling classwt in classification.

* Use more compact storage of proximity matrix.

Changes in 4.7-1:

* The long-standing wishlist item of case weights (used only in sampling) 
  is now available (thanks to urging from Robert Tishirani and implementation 
  by Ethan Liaw).

Changes in 4.6-14:

* Native routines are now reigstered.

Changes in 4.6-13:

* The tie-breaking mechanisms in various places were not implemented correctly.
  (Thanks to Adele Cutler and Susan Durham for reporting!)

* In unsupervised mode, the synthetic data were generated without updating the
  index matrix that trees actually operate on.

* In rfcv(), the importance measures were taken from the first column of the
  $importance component of the randomForest object.  Now corrected to use
  importance(..., type=1).

* Maximum tree size was computed incorrectly, leading to possibly smaller than
  maxinum possible sized trees grown.

* In classification code, splits on categorical variables with >=32 levels were
  not encoded correctly.

* Memory usage increase due to .C(..., DUP=FALSE) no longer being supported.
  Work is underway to transition to .Call() to reduce memory usage.

Changes in 4.6-12:

* The "inbag" component of the randomForest object now records the number of
  times an observation is included in the bootstrap sample, instead of just
  indicating whether it is included or not.

 * The "ncat" component of the "forest" component of the randomForest object
   now always has names that are the column names of x.

 * The "inbag" component is combined properly now in the combine() function.

 * Housekeeping: Cleaned up the DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, and URLs in help files.

Changes in 4.6-10:

* Fixed bugs introduced in 4.6-8 and 4.6-9. Levels for ordered factors
  in predictors are no longer checked for consistency between training
  and test data in predict.randomForest().  In 4.6-9 the response is mean
  centered before running the algorithm (for regression), but the mean was
  not added back in the $y component of the return object from

Changes in 4.6-9:

* Categorical predictors are allowed to have up to 53 categories now.

Changes in 4.6-8:

* There was a bug in the handling of ordered factors in randomForest.formula().
  (Reported by Barry Rawlingson.)

* Changed randomForest.formula() and predict.randomForest() so that
  predict() without newdata when na.action=na.exclude pads the output
  with NAs to match the rows in the original data (suggested by Barry

* There was a long standing bug in randomForest(..., proximity=TRUE, oob.prox=FALSE)
  in regression mode. (Thanks to Stefano Romano for the report.)

Change in 4.6-6:

* In randomForest(), proximity matrix is not computed correctly if oob.prox=TRUE.
  (Thanks to Adele Cutler for the report!)

* In rfcv(), changed the sample-splitting for regression to handle cases
  when there are many ties in the data.

* The calculation of importanceSD for classification was missing a divisor.
  (Thanks to Abhishek Jaiantilal for the report.)

? The simulated data in unsupervised randomForest() were not in the right range.
  (Thanks to Abhishek Jaiantilal for the report.)

* In rfImpute(), padded 1e-8 to the division by sum of proximities to avoid
  division by 0.

* Some R code clean up to keep R CMD check happy (complete argument names).

Change in 4.6-6:

* Fixed yet another bug in checking for missing classes in the in-bag sample.

Change in 4.6-5:

* Minor bug fix for drawing samples in classification that was introduced
  in 4.6-4.  (Thanks to Joran Elias for reporting.)

Changes in 4.6-4:

* Changed the error condition added in 4.6-3 to the case when there are fewer
  than two classes present in the in-bag sample.

Changes in 4.6-3:

* Fixed bugs in the tie-breaking code in various places.  (Thanks to
  Abhishek Jaiantilal and Nathan Longbotham for the report and Abhishek
  for the fix.)

* Throw error if some class has no data after 10 sampling attempts in
  classification.  (Thanks to Abhishek Jaiantilal for the report.)

Changes in 4.6-2:

* Part of the enhancement in 4.5-37 causes segfault in R-2.12.x.  That part
  has been reverted to the older code for the time being while the problem
  is investigated further.

Changes in 4.6-1:

* The package now includes the rfcv() function for feature selection.  See
  the reference in the help page for details.

* predict.randomForest() was not retaining names of observations in some

Changes in 4.5-37:

* Many repeated calls to predict.randomForest() should run faster, thanks
  to Philip Pham and Rory Martin who pointed out some unnecessary overhead.

Changes in 4.5-36:

* outlier() now works when the input matrix to randomForest() has no
  row names.  (Reported by Rau Carrio Gaspar.)

* na.roughfix() is now much faster on some data (fixed based on idea from
  Hadley Wickham; problem reported by Mike Williamson.)

* Corrected typos in the description of categorical splits in ?getTree.

Changes in 4.5-35:

* Fixed an error in partialPlot.randomForest().  Now the partial
  dependence plots for classification data should be more sensible.
  (Thanks to Adele Cutler for the bug report and patch.)

* Re-worded part of the help pages regarding variable importance

Changes in 4.5-34:

* Fixed infinite loop when randomForest() is called with non-null

* Fixed a bug in margin.default() that gave nonsensical results.

Changes in 4.5-33:

* Fixed a _long standing_ bug (existed since the original Fortran) in
  randomForest(): If importance=TRUE and proximity=TRUE, the proximity
  matrix returned is incorrect.  Those computed with importance=FALSE, or
  with predict.randomForest(..., proximity=TRUE) are correct.

Changes in 4.5-32:

* Fixed a bug in predict.randomForest(..., predict.all=TRUE) introduced in
  4.5-31.  Added examples in ?predict.randomForest for the options.

Changes in 4.5-31:

* Added a new option `maxnodes' in randomForest() that limits the size of

* margin() is now generic with a method for randomForest objects.

* Fixed the help page for getTree() about how data are split on numeric
  variables (`<=' instead of `<').

* Fixed predict.randomForest() so that if the randomForest object is of
  type "regression" and built from the formula interface and newdata
  contains NAs, NAs are returned in the corresponding positions (instead
  of being dropped altogether).

Change in 4.5-30:

* In regression, cases that had not been out-of-bag now gets NA as prediction
  (as in classification).

Change in 4.5-29:

* Fixed a couple of benign errors in help pages spotted by the new Rd parser.

Change in 4.5-28:

* randomForest() would segfault if there are 32-level factors among the
  predictor variables.

Changes in 4.5-27:

* Fixed handling of ordered factors in predict.randomForest().

Changes in 4.5-26:

* Fix formula parsing so use of functions in formula won't trigger errors.

* predict.randomForest() did not work when given a matrix without column
  names as the newdata.

Changes in 4.5-25:

* In regression, the out-of-bag estimate of MSE and R-squared for the
  first few trees (for which not all observations have been OOB yet),
  were computed wrong, leading to gross over-estimates of MSEs for the
  first few trees.  This did not affect the final MSE and R-squared
  for the whole forest; i.e., the first few elements of the `mse'
  component (and thus the corresponding elements in `rsq') in the
  randomForest object are wrong, but others are correct.

  (Thanks to Ulrike Gromping for pointing out this problem, as well
   as the one fixed in 4.5-24.)

Changes in 4.5-24:

* randomForest.formula() did not exclude terms preceded by -.

Changes in 4.5-23:

* Fixed tuneRF() to work with R version > 2.6.1.

* Make predict.randomForest() more backward compatible with randomForest
  objects created from versions older than 4.5-21.

Changes in 4.5-22:

* Allow unsupervised randomForest not to produce a proximity matrix (by
  specifying proximity=FALSE), suggested by Nick Crookston.

Changes in 4.5-21:

* The added check for factor level consistency in predictor variables in
  4.5-20 was not working for predictors given in a matrix (reported by
  Ramon Diaz-Uriate).

Changes in 4.5-20:

* Fixed a memory bug in the C code when the test set is given and
  proximity is requested in regression.  (Reported by Clayton Springer.)

* Fixed the one-pass random tie-breaking algorithm in various places.

* Added code to check consistency of levels for factors in the predictors,
  as well as allowing missing levels of factors and extraneous variables in
  predict(..., newdata).  (Thanks to Nick Crookston for suggesting a patch.)

Changes in 4.5-19:

* In classification, if sampsize is small and sampling is not stratified,
  the actual sample might be larger than specified in some trees.  Now fixed.

* Fixed combine() to work on regression randomForest objects and for
  cases when ntree is small.

* randomForest.default() for regression was unnecessarily creating
  a matrix of 0s for localImportance when importance=TRUE but
  localImp=FALSE.  (Thanks to Robert McGehee for reporting these

* predict.randomForest(..., nodes=TRUE) now works for regression.

Changes in 4.5-18:

* Added S-PLUS 8 compatibility.

Changes in 4.5-17:

* Added `w' (for weights) to partialPlot.randomForest().

Changes in 4.5-16:

* Fixed some typos in the documentation source files (e.g., \note vs. \notes,

Changes in 4.5-15:

* Fixed error message call in predict.randomForest().

Changes in 4.5-14:

* varImpPlot() was ignoring the `type' argument.

* "<" was used instead of ".lt." in Fortran code, which is not F77-compliant.

Changes in 4.5-13:

* Fixed a bug in randomForest() when biasCorr=TRUE for regression.

* Fixed bug in predict.randomForest() when newdata is a matrix with no rownames.
Changes in 4.5-12:

* Added the `strata' argument to randomForest, which, in conjunction with
  `sampsize', allow sampling (with or without replacement) according to a
  strata variable (which can be something other than the class variable).
  Currently only works in classification.

Changes in 4.5-11:

* Fixed partialPlot.randomForest() so that if x.var is a character, it's
  taken as the name of the variable.

* Clean up code for importance() and varImpPlot() so that if the
  randomForest object only contains one importance measure, varImpPlot()
  will work as intended.

Changes in 4.5-10:

* Renamed the first argument of randomForest.formula() to `formula', to be
  consistent with other formula interfaces.

Changes in 4.5-9:

* Fixed a bug with unsupervised randomForest(..., keep.forest=TRUE).

* Fixed a bug in regression that caused crash when proximiy=TRUE.

* Added `keep.inbag' argument to randomForest(), which, if set to TRUE,
  cause randomForest() to return a matrix of indicators that indicate
  which case is included in the bootstrap sample to grow the trees.

Changes in 4.5-8:

* Added some code in predict.randomForest() so it works with randomForest
  objects created in older versions of the package.

* Fixed randomForest.default() so that getTree() works when the forest
  contains only one tree.

* Added the argument `labelVar' (default FALSE) to getTree() for prettier

Changes in 4.5-7:

* Fixed (another!) bug in splitting on categorical variables, especially
  impacting data with binary (categorical) variables.

Changes in 4.5-6:

* Fixed a bug introduced in 4.5-2 that used the wrong default class weights.

Changes in 4.5-5:

* Fixed a couple of bugs in C/Fortran code for splitting on categorical
  variables in classification trees, which lead to negative or Inf
  decrease in the Gini index.

Changes in 4.5-4:

* Fixed a bug in regression when there are categorical predictors.  (The
  splits can be completely wrong!)

Changes in 4.5-3:

* Fixed predict.randomForest() so that it uses the class labels stored in
  the randomForest object (for classification).

Changes in 4.5-2:

* New argument `cutoff' added to predict.randomForest().  The usage is
  analogous to the same argument to randomForest().

* Added `palette' and `pch' arguments to MDSplot() to allow more user control.

* In randomForest(), allow the forest to be returned in `unsupervised' mode.

* Fixed some inaccuracies in help pages.

* Fixed the way version number of the package is found at start-up.

Changes in 4.5-1:

* In classification, split on a categorical predictor with more than 10
  categories is made more efficient:  For two-class problems, the
  heuristic presented in Section 4.2.2 of the CART book is used.
  Otherwise 512 randomly sampled (not necessarily unique) splits are
  tested, instead of all possible splits.

* New function classCenter() has been added.  It takes a proximity matrix and
  a vector of class labels and compute one prototype per class.

* Added the `Automobile' data from UCI Machine Learning Repository.

* Fixed partialPlot() for categorical predictors (wrong barplot was produced).

* Some re-organization and clean-up of internal C/Fortran code is on-going.

Changes in 4.4-3:

* Added the nPerm argument to randomForest(), which controls the number
  of times the out-of-bag part of each variable is permuted, per tree,
  for computing variable importance.  (Currently only implemented for

* When computing the out-of-bag MSE for each tree for assessing variable
  importance in regression, the total number of cases was wrongly used as
  the divisor.

* Fixed the default and formula methods of randomForest(), so that the
  `call' component of the returned object calls the generic.

* The `% increase in MSE' measure of variable importance in regression was
  not being computed correctly (should divide sum of squares by number of
  out-of-bag samples rather than total number of samples, for each tree).

* Fixed a bug in na.roughfix.default() that gave warning with matrix input.

Changes in 4.4-2:

* Fixed two memory leaks in the regression code (introduced in 4.3-1).

* Fixed a bug that sometimes caused crash in regression when nodesize
  is set to something larger than default (5).

* Changed the tree structure in regression slightly: "treemap" is replaced
  by "leftDaughter" and "rightDaughter".

Changes in 4.4-1:

* Made slight change in regression code so that it won't split `pure'
  nodes.  Also fixed the `increase in node purity' importance measure
  in regression.

* The outscale option in randomForest() is removed.  Use the outlier()
  function instead.  The default outlier() method can be used with other
  proximity/dissimilarity measures.

* More Fortran subroutines migrated to C.

Changes in 4.3-3:

* Fixed randomForest.formula() so that update() will work.

* Fixed up problem in importance(), which was broken in a couple of ways.

Changes in 4.3-2:

* Fixed a bug that caused crashes in classification if test set data
  are supplied.

Changes in 4.3-1:

* Fixed bugs in sampling cases and variables without replacement.

* Added the rfNews() function to display the NEWS file.  Advertised in
  the start up banner.

* (Not user-visible.)  Translated regression tree building code from
  Fortran to C.  One perhaps noticeable change is less memory usage.

Changes in 4.3-0:

* Thanks to Adele Cutler, there's now casewise variable importance
  measures in classification.  Similar feature is also added for
  regression.  Use the new localImp option in randomForest().

* The `importance' component of randomForest object has been changed:
  The permutation-based measures are not divided by their `standard
  errors'.  Instead, the `standard errors' are stored in the
  `importanceSD' component.  One should use the importance() extractor
  function rather than something like rf.obj$importance for extracting
  the importance measures.

* The importance() extractor function has been updated:  If the
  permutation-based measures are available, calling importance()
  with only a randomForest object returns the matrix of variable
  importance measures.  There is the `scale' argument, which defaults
  to TRUE.

* In predict.randomForest, there is a new argument `nodes' (default to
  FALSE).  For classification, if nodes=TRUE, the returned object has an
  attribute `nodes', which is an n by ntree matrix of terminal node
  indicators.  This is ignored for regression.

Changes in 4.2-1:

* There is now a package name space.  Only generics are exported.

* Some function names have been changed:
    partial.plot -> partialPlot
    var.imp.plot -> varImpPlot
    var.used     -> varUsed

* There is a new option `replace' in randomForest() (default to TRUE)
  indicating whether the sampling of cases is with or without

* In randomForest(), the `sampsize' option now works for both
  classification and regression, and indicate the number of cases to be
  drawn to grow each tree.  For classification, if sampsize is a vector of
  length the number of classes, then sampling is stratified by class.

* With the formula interface for randomForest(), the default na.action,
  na.fail, is effective.  I.e., an error is given if there are NAs present
  in the data.  If na.omit is desired, it must be given explicitly.

* For classification, the err.rate component of the randomForest object
  (and the corresponding one for test set) now is a ntree by (nclass + 1)
  matrix, the first column of which contains the overall error rate, and
  the remaining columns the class error rates.  The running output now
  also prints class error rates.  The plot method for randomForest will
  plot the class error rates as well.

* The predict() method now checks whether the variable names in newdata
  match those from the training data (if the randomForest object is not
  created from the formula interface).

* partialPlot() and varImpPlot() now have optional arguments xlab, ylab
  and main for more flexible labelling.  Also, if a factor is given as
  the variable, a real bar plot is produced.

* partialPlot() will now remove rows with NAs from the data frame given.

* For regression, if proximity=FALSE, an n by n array of integers is
  erroneously allocated but not used (it's only used for proximity
  calculation, so not needed otherwise).

* Updated combine() to conform to the new randomForest object.

* na.roughfix() was not working correctly for matrices, which in turns
  causes problem in rfImpute().

Changes in 4.1-0:

* In randomForest(), if sampsize is given, the sampling is now done
  without replacement, in addition to stratified by class.  Therefore
  sampsize can not be larger than the class frequencies.

* In classification randomForest, checks are added to avoid trees with
  only the root node.

* Fixed a bug in the Fortran code for classification that caused segfault
  on some system when encountering a tree with only root node.

* The help page for predict.randomForest() now states the fact that when
  newdata is not specified, the OOB predictions from the randomForest
  object is returned.

* plot.randomForest() and print.randomForest() were not checking for
  existence of performance (err.rate or mse) on test data correctly.