Version 1.0.17-18 BUG FIXES * Fix for ucrt on arm64 (#102) * Fix Rd documentation syntax issues * Remove trailing slash from README link for CRAN Version 1.0.17-17 BUG FIXES * fix compiler warnings that CRAN is no longer tolerating from SWIG (#100) * fix NOTE "Found if() conditions comparing class() to string" (#100) * fix Roxygen2 roclet build issues (#100) * Fix various spelling words that were flagged (#100) * Fix URLs that were reported as moved (#100) Version 1.0.17-16 BUG FIXES * Resolved package compile warnings (e.g. "-Wpointer-sign") (#96) Version 1.0.17-15 BUG FIXES * Resolved UCRT build issues for Windows builds under Rtools42 (#93) Version 1.0.17-14 BUG FIXES * Resolved CRAN check errors during config on macOS for 1.0.17-13 (#91) Version 1.0.17-13 BUG FIXES * Resolved CRAN check errors for 1.0.17-12 submission (#89) Version 1.0.17-12 BUG FIXES * Update 'configure' for OS portability (#82) NEW FEATURES * Update tests for compatibility with testthat 3e (#125) Version 1.0.17-11 BUG FIXES * Removed deprecated function warnings during package build. (#79) * Fix memory protection problems reported by 'rchk'. (#78) * Deprecate the function getNextResult(), which is superceded by getResults(). (#79) Version 1.0.17-10 BUG FIXES * The function 'statement()' now accepts an RDF language tag for literal nodes (#64) NEW FEATURES * Ability to retrieve all query results at once. (#58) * New function getNodeValue() (#65) * New function getResults() (#58) * New function writeResults() (#58) Version 1.0.17-9 BUG FIXES * Vignettes now build with R 3.4.0 and are now updated to the ./doc directory by package installation. * Added an installation cleanup script Version 1.0.17-8 NEW FEATURES * For Mac OS X, binary installations no longer require Redland system libraries to be installed, as these libraries are now statically linked into the redland package shared library ''. BUG FIXES * Fixed an unresolved symbol problem with Windows 32 bit builds under R 3.3.0 (and gcc 4.9.3 tool chain) Version 1.0.17-7 BUG FIXES * Unit tests have been updated to be compatible with the changes in the 'testthat' package that were made in development version testthat_0.11.0.9000, and will be released to CRAN on 4/4/2016. The updated unit tests pass with both the current version of testthat (0.11.0) and the new version ( Version 1.0.17 -------------- NEW FEATURES * Initial version (see help topic for 'redland', e.g. "?redland") * Includes API wrappers for corresponding Redland 1.0.17 C library NEW S4 CLASSES * Classes Node, Statement, and Model for representing RDF * Classes Storage and World for managing collections of statements * Classes Parser and Serializer for for loading and saving models * classes Query and QueryResults for searching models using SPARQL