2022-11-08 Version 1.12.0

* Added functions for fast Moebius and Hadamard transforms.

* README.md now included


2022-06-08  Version 1.11.0

* Added various functions, including schur() and supersetmatch()

* Modified and sped up various others, including conditionTable()


2014-09-20  Version 1.10

* added C built function patternRepeat0() 

* added rowMins() and rowMaxs().

2014-04-22  Version 1.9

* sped up patternRepeat()

* added functions marginTable() and propTable() for faster versions
        of base functions margin.table() and prop.table()

* renamed condition.table() to conditionTable() etc.

* added assignment function versions of subtable()


2014-02-23  Version 1.8

* fixed bug in armijo()

* added functions marginMatrix(), conditionMatrix(), interventionMatrix().


2014-02-12  Version 1.7

* added function printCount()

* improved efficiency of printPercentage()

* fixed bug in armijo()


2013-06-29  Version 1.6

* added functions armijo() and coarseLine()

* added function cubeHelix()

* restored compatibility with R >=2.0.0.

2013-05-15  Version 1.4

* added function arrayInd() and indexBox()

* added fast AND and OR comparisons and0() and or0()

* added fsapply() for slightly faster but dangerous version of sapply().

* sped up patternRepeat()


2013-03-15  Version 1.3

* added function quickSort(), and comparisons functions greaterThan() and subsetOrder()

* Updated condition.table() to allow calculation of full conditional distribution.

* Added condition.table2().

* Added intervention.table().

2012-01-06  Version 1.2

* Added a NAMESPACE file to avoid pre and post R v2.14.0 dependency problems