## ----setup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE----------------------------------------- library(bslib) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # library(shiny) # library(shinyMobile) # # shinyApp( # ui = f7Page( # options = list(dark = FALSE), # title = "My app", # f7SingleLayout( # navbar = f7Navbar( # title = "Custom disconnected screen", # hairline = FALSE # ), # f7List( # inset = TRUE, # dividers = FALSE, # strong = TRUE, # f7Text( # inputId = "text", # label = "Text input", # value = "Some text", # placeholder = "Your text here" # ), # f7Select( # inputId = "select", # label = "Make a choice", # choices = 1:3, # selected = 1 # ) # ), # f7Block( # f7Button(inputId = "disconnect", # label = "Disconnect me") # ), # f7Block( # verbatimTextOutput("mytext"), # verbatimTextOutput("myselect") # ) # ) # ), # server = function(input, output) { # # set ignoreInit to avoid the observer being triggered after reconnect # # this happens because of restoring the app's state # observeEvent(input$disconnect, ignoreInit = TRUE, { # print(input$disconnect) # stop("Oops, I disconnected you!") # }) # # output$mytext <- renderText({ # input$text # }) # # output$myselect <- renderText({ # input$select # }) # } # )