## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- library(bslib) knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----controlbar-basis-code, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------- # library(shiny) # library(shinydashboard) # library(shinydashboardPlus) # shinyApp( # ui = dashboardPage( # header = dashboardHeader(), # sidebar = dashboardSidebar(), # body = dashboardBody(), # controlbar = dashboardControlbar(collapsed = FALSE), # title = "DashboardPage" # ), # server = function(input, output) { } # ) ## ----controlbarMenu-code, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # menu <- controlbarMenu( # id = "controlbarMenu", # controlbarItem( # "Tab 1", # "Welcome to tab 1" # ), # controlbarItem( # "Tab 2", # numericInput("num", "Observations:", 200, min = 1, max = 1000, step = 100) # ) # ) # # shinyApp( # ui = dashboardPage( # header = dashboardHeader(), # sidebar = dashboardSidebar(), # body = dashboardBody(), # controlbar = dashboardControlbar( # skin = "dark", # menu # ), # title = "Right Sidebar" # ), # server = function(input, output) { } # ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # sidebarMenu( # id = "sidebarMenu", # lapply(1:3, function(i) { # menuItem( # sprintf("Menu %s", i), # tabName = sprintf("menu_%s", i), # icon = icon("circle") # ) # }) # ) ## ----eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- card( shiny::tags$iframe( class = "html-fill-item", src = "https://shinylive.io/r/app/#h=0&code=NobwRAdghgtgpmAXGKAHVA6ASmANGAYwHsIAXOMpMAGwEsAjAJykYE8AKAZwAtaJWAlAB0IdJiw48+rACZQe9IixnDRDZmy69+chUsYyACtQCunVSPgQTAAgA8AWhvEyjItXosAshRPsRNja0MjYAvDZChCSkbh7evpG4Ac7RsZ6MAJLkMP4QgYGRACpQ9DYAjInJBWAA6nDUxPA2pETNJeWRyQJJeSmu7ulZcDlVEWDFpQBMlb2B1vCMtAQZEKgmpP6QJjCJYwDy9JxwjABuUKS0JJyIu5MADHe4NjB8YeVPMFAAHm9lD482TjkVC-B6qQKqCwQKT8ACC6FygRMtDeum4imUhigAHM4Ij8tw4FAZMdUfJ0foZAAJIkkxjsbqjTjBODpMl6ZQAZRZ6Xx+WefFoADNaHAQuFClgAKoAUSeo0CxGo1DQR3FNklsp6-MCzJJ6R81j5OuCb0ietZ8WsMx1+RV6GoHDKiAAzE8hSYIAQLiR2LQBDYQAqdVYTEMRrNbflOKhFmQhZtDbYAKScXb++WRqNtegAOVgcDeMbjpATkVDAH1U+nuhEs1GliQ3o2IJsCLRGARqHBIuDszY+7aAL6D-KjxmRxQyVjsinKABCRGnxsCpBK4c4K-ya-o4fYO-zTXC5d8FYqeDGAGFohRSB0wLXg6v19kt-yDwWzWBK9M8E-8ooXxvjqFykN2X6wtQADuUCsJwzSEoCn6oNQRCkAAhDa-aKu49rMvQ4EStKcp1thgQoWhezrGsGyRDItBAsYaG9tqZEWmy4SAdy+osMBtqmseYBcTyLBYWRNieAQADW2JuJ66qRAAxAAHHcqmqWJbF0HSKw0XxUaREQhy7P+2aRLm2z0KSRBCjYRlHKc5yXNCNx-vW2EvHk4SPKZUafD84R-A8mbifyZymIW4QAKwPL5-KjtmCU6klELBuOrE4f0cSMLOGIGNeWW8sGAljC4MQDKJbm2qGowTu+tBgZFYwACLknlRg4j2YBdKxDknKS4Qel6PqtnwNFPEQ1HrE8RycMyJABkGkaTaQNEACT0YxqF3o4NiMBQdJMRsS22rwQLsIwEBEIwORjesa32QIo4jqMik2JyUENQQ3B9OV2XPL4EnyGKdl5OxLBBNkNjhSYcAYDYXjXXARD9Ywr1BLZpCIeDOWhpDwxBPBkxPFjhZlWkENEKgFBpsthzHP1Mr9WQfqrPdONJk8J0mjIPy7UCjAxnQGx3aQa0c748pgBWvbAMAZQALoK8AkwK8Vtl+rzYThJMi3-iYqByOQBV-UVUSFZVSVDsGBtG3AJsU4wSZtqkFVOwkF5HN23og+EwRfM9o7o5edDSXw2KgwhhZHC4ITk27+MwM8UBSXA8GkxJRA-DjdnUxAoz2QzcBM7erPrfH2Wc4G6s2GX90VwagOhIJEw2L+Aa2+ccCLl83GWvSkTCTxaMPqML2RgX9OnMXzMi2zYvzFzNuG13nLaccunrFwafzRAUv2bsMNNaLa3zM9Ty0NiV37SsDVvJqMpB701sQAIYBDgrQA", height = "800", width = "100%", style = "border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.175); border-radius: .375rem;", allowfullscreen = "", allow = "autoplay", `data-external` = "1" ), full_screen = TRUE, style = "margin: 0 auto; float: none;" ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # shinyApp( # ui = dashboardPage( # header = dashboardHeader(), # sidebar = dashboardSidebar( # minified = TRUE, # collapsed = TRUE, # sidebarMenu( # id = "sidebarMenu", # lapply(1:3, function(i) { # menuItem( # sprintf("Menu %s", i), # tabName = sprintf("menu_%s", i), # icon = icon("circle") # ) # }) # ) # ), # body = dashboardBody( # tabItems( # tabItem(tabName = "menu_1", "Content 1"), # tabItem( # tabName = "menu_2", # box( # title = "Always the same plot!", # collapsible = TRUE, # plotOutput("distPlot"), # sidebar = boxSidebar( # id = "boxSidebar", # background = "#808080", # width = "50%", # sliderInput( # "obs", # "Number of observations:", # min = 0, # max = 1000, # value = 500 # ) # ) # ) # ) # ) # ), # controlbar = dashboardControlbar( # id = "controlbar", # menu # ), # title = "DashboardPage" # ), # server = function(input, output, session) { # output$distPlot <- renderPlot({ # hist(rnorm(input$obs)) # }) # # Switch controlbar menu based on sidebar item value. Moreover # # if the sidebar menu item is 2, the controlbar opens # observeEvent(input$sidebarMenu, { # idx <- strsplit(input$sidebarMenu, "_")[[1]][2] # if (idx == 2) { # updateControlbar("controlbar") # } # updateControlbarMenu("controlbarMenu", selected = idx) # }) # # # Clicking on the second controlbar item makes the box sidebar open # observeEvent(input$controlbarMenu, { # if (input$controlbarMenu == "Tab 2") updateBoxSidebar("boxSidebar") # }) # # observeEvent(input$num, { # updateSliderInput(session, "obs", value = input$num) # }, ignoreInit = TRUE) # # } # ) ## ----footer-code, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # shinyApp( # ui = dashboardPage( # header = dashboardHeader(), # sidebar = dashboardSidebar(), # body = dashboardBody(), # footer = dashboardFooter(left = "Left content", right = "Right content"), # title = "DashboardPage" # ), # server = function(input, output) { } # )